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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. What year? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Maybe it has been approved... http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/trimSwitches.php?clickkey=5126 OR they better update their website! It's almost March! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Time to buy was when they went public. They are actually not doing too well as compared to their recent past. Competition from other consumer based GPS vendors and the smart phones has begun eating away at their market shares. But they said Apple was dying at one time too... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Spot on Hank. Well said. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Well, the problem is solved. As a rehash, I was not able to get a free update of my obstacle, terrain, safe taxi and base maps on my GTN 650. After a number of attempts using flygarmin.com and reaching out to the Garmin technical staff, the root of the problem was discovered. When I setup my GTN 650 on the Garmin site, I entered the 13 digit System ID number incorrectly. Garmin went in, corrected it and refreshed the updates. I was able to load it successfully. Oscar -- not sure this helps your issue.
  6. I can't speak to the pre-1970 performance as my F is a 1975. I have the 201 windshield, flap/aileron gap seals, lower nose enclosure and step removed. I don't have my POH in front of me but I believe the POH suggests a TAS of something in the 145 to 148k range for the altitudes I fly at. I see actual TAS in the 152 to 156k range. I think the windshield probably has a big impact.
  7. It didn't happen unless we get pictures afterwards! Congratulations! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Great topic Mike. I live by the 3 Cs. Currency - the obvious legal requirement to be current for the flight I am taking on. Competency - Even though I may be legal based on currency, does that mean I am competent to do the trip? This is a self evaluation of my ability to handle what is tossed in front of me (first time in the mountains, expected IMC conditions lower than I have flown before). Confidence - Is my plane up to snuff? All the squaks taken care of? Is the weather I am taking on going to stay that way? Am I feeling good? I've lost friends because they pushed it, didn't keep their plane maintained or had an attitude that "it's going to happen to the other guy". I can't remember which women aviator said this, but I love the line: "I don't want it to be said I died doing what I loved doing". Me too! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Cruiser. My bad. For some reason I got AI in my head, not ASI. With the MFD with external battery you can remove the ASI and the altimeter. The AI needs to stay (for now anyways). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. How do you like the 3rd unit? And more importantly, what do you use it for? Can you load up the approach plates on it? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Oscar -- this was by far the hardest thing for me to transition from. I did cover them up until I got comfortable using them as the primary. Wth them uncovered, I still on occasion find myself looking at the ASI when landing just because of habit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Russ -- it can be a few things. My F did not have an avionics master when I bought it. I needed to shut off everything in the stack before turning on the master and starting up. In my case I have a standard rocker switch that switches a relay. It will not power the stack unless the master is on and then it is turned on. If you are setup this way, I would suspect a bad avionics switch. I would have hoped your avionics shop could have diagnosed something that simple. On the newer Mooneys, I am not sure how their avionics switch works. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. I agree since the 650/750 introductions, there is a lot of flexibility in the way you can go. For me, I like redundancy, so opting for the 650 with the MFD gave me full reversion capability including an AP switchover capability during reversion. Like I mentioned above, getting good consulting time with these shops should steering you down the path that is most important to you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. We actually beat poor old Acclaim up about this. It turned out to be an indicator issue. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. You will need to check with the installer on the compatibility of interfacing the autopilot. At a minimum you will need either a GAD 43 or GAD 43e. I would plan on spending some quality consulting time with the avionics shops to fully understand what will or won't interface. I looked hard at both the G500/600 and the Aspens before going with the Aspen PFD/MFD combo. The Garmin setup will require the panel to be modified (cut). When you start getting quotes, let us know what they are proposing. As I posted in other threads, I thought I did a good job of understanding the options, but the flexibility of these systems are pretty amazing. I think some of the shops either were lazy or did not know of all the interface options. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. With the external battery version of the MFD he can remove his AI. And it sounds like with all vacuum requiring hardware removed he can remove the vacuum pump and associated tubing.
  17. Bill -- do you use the tail hook to pull it in? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. My underwear drawer...
  19. Well Bob, being a briefs guy myself, let me weigh in. I own a set of the -13x, also own a Zulu and a Telex ANR. I think of headsets like underwear. Seem guys like the freedom of boxers and others like the equipment held snug. Headsets are the same way. I have a buddy who is a CFII and periodically flies with me to correct my acquired IFR bad habits. He hates my Telex and insists on wearing the Clark's. I personally find the Clark's like a pair of thongs. A bit too tight and putting pressure on the wrong places. I think it is all a matter of personal taste. I find the Zulus very comfortable. The Telex folks must have figured that more is better and have VERY large ear muffs on them. The Clark's are okay, but I find them uncomfortable after an hour or so in flight.
  20. Oscar -- It sounds like we went down similar paths but you opted for the 750. I was all set to move forward on a 750 but I really wanted to upgrade to an HSI instead of buying a CDI that was compatible with the Garmin. It was then I learned about the Aspen products. I decided to buy the 650 and put in a Aspen PFD. Not only did it give me the HSI but also GPSS and interfaced with my old NAV/Com. During the installation was when I found out about the additional capabilities of the MFD. Long story short, I bought the MFD. I'm really impressed with the Aspen MFD. I want redundancy and the MFD gives me that. I'm very rarely looking at the 650 once the flight plan is loaded. Which means I am getting almost everything I directly from what is front of me. At some point I will upgrade to ADS-B and the interface is already there. When that happens, I will have weather and traffic overlaid or in a separate window on the MFD. When I do the next phase of the upgrade, I will be do add the ADS-B and a Garmin 650 to replace my older Nav/Com. Sorry for the lousy photo:
  21. Nice! Aspen is fun isn't it?!
  22. Take it from someone who works for a global multinational company that won't allow me to use my private aircraft -- Greg's right! Getting through TSA at times would be easier if I arrived at the airport nude and got dressed afterwards. Even that may not stop them from a cavity search. And why is it I always get seated next to the fattest guy on the plane? Do they think we are twins? Before I gave up on pure financial reasons, I would look for every possible way to justify it.
  23. Bennett -- will you adopt me? I'm housebroken and promise I will never ask for the car keys (only the airplane ones). I love the stuff you have done to your planes!
  24. Uh, wish I were you????
  25. I kind of liked the memory trip down regulatory lane... Brought back memories of the 1973 "safety" bumper, Libby lights and the rest of them.
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