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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. Thanks Tim! Learn something new everyday.
  2. I'll second Bob's comments about the cost. When you begin seeing the breakdown of costs, you realize quickly that labor is a large component of the overall upgrade. This goes to my earlier comment about how these units are much more likely to be integrated. The second thing you need to consider is what you expect to be the longer term future of the plane. I plan on holding on to mine for the long haul. If you look at this plane as transitory in nature, saving a few thousand now will mean you will not lose it later if you decide to sell. So going with the last gen products makes sense. My only concern with Garmin products is that they have a history of ending support on older consumer products. I can't say this will or won't happen with their panel mounted aviation hardware, but I think the 430/530 is something to watch. Granted they are still selling the 430, but at the same time, if the article in Mooney Flyer is correct, they ran out of comm boards already for the 28V version. I believe their legal obligation (lawyers please correct me if I am wrong), is to only support the products they sell new for the warranty period. Beyond that, they can say, "sorry, we can't support it anymore". If there is no strong viable competitor for you to consider, what are you going to do?
  3. I haven't tried my GoPro inside the plane yet. I know that in areas with less light, it doesn't do too well. I have a Canon handheld that works really well. When it gets warm around here, I will run some videos of my panel. Here is one I like on YouTube. In a Mooney of course: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6SiSC9wTeNM
  4. Before you cut, are your ailerons and elevators available? Got hail damage and if they fit, I would be interested in both.
  5. Thanks. Sounds like going the bottle exchange route you avoid the delays. I don't use O2 that frequently but would like to have a filled bottle handy when I do. I was always under the impression that oxygen bottles for human consumption had to be filled by medical supply people. I remember something about moisture content being a concern. Or am I following another old tale that isn't true?
  6. Another beautiful video! Nicely done. You got to show more of that panel of yours! Got a two second sneak peek...
  7. I hear crow is better with hot sauce We all have been where you were at one time or another. My crow came in the form of a gear switch. I kept popping the gear breaker after I got my plane and was convinced it was the gear switch. I had the IA replace it and now I have a spare. Yummy crow...
  8. If shadow man needs any input on the upgrades, let us know. A number of us have gone through the process recently and can help fill in the gaps. There are a lot of things different with today's stuff than when you had just Nav/Coms available. The interactions of the hardware with each other is one thing that has increased the number of variables to contend with. It can be a bit confusing.
  9. I remember buying mine (hard copy) through a Mooney MSC. I would be surprised if they are not copyright protected.
  10. Back in the early 90s I bought a portable Aerox system. I was doing some higher altitude flights and night flights back then and found the oxygen helped out. I dug out the cylinder and I know that these cylinders need to be tested periodically. Anyone know the specifics? Like who can do the testing, how much does it costs and any age concerns that they won't do it? Back when I was using it regularly, I had a local medical supply company fill it. It has since gone out of business. Any recommendations on how to fill them today?
  11. I saw it. I know there was a thread we had going on long term support for glass panels and the Garmin 430/530 support came up. Not a good situation if they are already running out of parts after, what 2 years after the release of the GTN series?
  12. I've never seen that much oil after any flight. All coming from the breather?
  13. As was mentioned above also consider an engine analyzer if you don't have one. I had an exhaust stud break in flight that allowed the whole stack to work free (the other stud's nut vibrated off) and fall into the cowling. I knew something was up by seeing the exhaust temps for that cylinder fluctuate a few minutes before it completely came off. Was over IMC conditions and made it to an airport.
  14. Tim -- you were piloting it? If so, wow! 5 on board and all not injured. Nice job!
  15. As you know, that will require medication! And then you got some explaining to do...
  16. What you are experiencing is normal. When you are taking off with a crosswind, especially one that is gusty, it is a different sensation than when there are light winds or a headwind. The sensation of a crosswind, especially one with gusts, will require you to keep the ailerons adjusted correctly to compensate while making sure you hit the correct rotate speed. What I find that works is keeping the plane on the runway longer. If you begin to gain lift in a cross wind, the plane will want to both rotate into the wind and drift even though you are still on your wheels. It just doesn't feel right. What I try to do is keep the plane on the runway until I get that wheel barrow feel and then cleanly and briskly lift off.
  17. You're too fast for me Crusier!
  18. Cris -- EI sells a voice annunciation unit that mounts under the panel. It connects to the audio panel. There should be a small unit on the panel that allows you to acknowledge the voice messages. There may be other manufacturers similar to this unit. Here is the EI manual: http://www.buy-ei.com/Information/OI%20&%20II%20AV-17.pdf If you have this installed, it is possible that whomever installed it buried the annunciation panel in a spot that you haven't found.
  19. Cris - of the hardware you listed, only the Garmin has any kind of voice annunciation. There are some add-on units that can be bought, most of the ones I have seen are linked to radar altimeters. You are getting airplane annunciations. I will dig around and see if I can find anything.
  20. I remember speaking to Bill Wheat (Mooney test pilot) about the "demonstrated crosswind component" and how it was determined. Basically, it was the calculated crosswind the day the test was done. Nothing more. I have flown my F on a direct 90 degree 25 knot crosswind (sustained). I was starting to lose rudder authority and had to angle off the runway heading a few degrees to offset this. My guess is the crosswind capability for my plane is in the 22 to 24 knot range. I should also point out it is not an operation limitation. The criteria for crosswind from the FAA i believe states something along the lines an "average" pilot can handle. I suspect some manufacturers set it lower due to concerns over the definition of "average"
  21. I want whatever you are drinking or smoking. Nicely stated Hank!
  22. You're missing my point Mike. No rules could have stopped this pilot from doing this flight. He made a conscious decision to fly it. My question is if he was one of those brazen pilots, who was going to stop him? His conscious? Obviously not, he took 3 with him. Like I said earlier, I didn't know this pilot. He may have made a bad decision and paid for it with his life and those with him. Bad decision and not one he could live and learn from. Was he a brazen pilot who took risks? Don't know. But if he was, he took the ultimate risk that killed him and his passengers. My point on this topic is that if he was a risk taker, the only people who could have stopped him was himself or others who saw how he managed risks. If you are an unsafe pilot, I'm going to let you know that. And I would expect you to the same for me. If he was a risk taker, did those who knew him ever say anything to him? You can't regulate stupidity... But you can certainly point it out!
  23. And that in part is the problem. Some of these folks don't have that fear gene...
  24. That's EXACTLY what he is saying Hank! That lightning fast Mooney is just way too much airplane for you big guy!
  25. Or buying a sports car that they can't handle (Pelle Lindbergh, Tim Horton, Jerome Brown to name a few). Unlike those sports figures, he should have had both a complex checkout and most likely an insurance requirement for experience that needed to be met. He got by those, didn't he?
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