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About pinerunner

  • Birthday 05/03/1956

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  1. I'm working on my ticket and not the most experienced here (if fact maybe the least). I think the best response would have been to read back her clearance as you hope she meant it. Some like "turn lift to intercept, then direct FAF, maintain 3000 until established." This is the stuff that scares me about IFR.
  2. I think the regulations clearly make "buzzing" people illegal and that's what they were intended to do. Landing is clearly made legal and anything closely associated with landing and taking off is easy to make the case. If you have a good reason I figure you're probably OK. The instructor at our airport likes to have students do an approach to landing and then hold it over the centerline for a bit followed by a go-around at one of the longer nearby airports (with tower approval). Makes sense to me. Fly-by's requested by representatives of ATC? Gee they shouldn't be leading you astray should they? Luckily I haven't had that problem. I've always figured that if I went cactus buzzing out in the unoccupied desert I'd be legal (though dumb) UNTIL I surprised some hiker and got within 500' of them. Flying just off the wavetops would be exciting and legal until I got to close to some canoe. If you need adrenaline therapy the skydiving group at our airport 2B7 offers it.
  3. Keep in mind that at an uncontrolled airport there's no requirement to have and use a radio. Of course you should and should learn to do it as professionally as possible but you still need to be vigilant and on the lookout for the user who shows up without a radio or just doesn't know how to use it. We don't have a moral high ground over the Piper Cub. Entering the pattern behind you and then turning an early base to cut you off does earn him an even stronger epiphet than jerk in my book though.
  4. I'm a sole owner and I think there's a lot to be said for club membership. It can be hard for a sole owner to fly the plane as much as it ought to be flown. It can be easier to get into and out of a club. The other members can give you feedback, be safety pilot for your IFR training, etc. My son started flying too so now we're kind of a family club.
  5. https://generalaviationnews.com/2013/03/20/how-to-prevent-cam-and-lifter-wear/ This article made some sense. It makes me think that maybe oil temperature is a more important parameter than I had thought before. It would be relatively easy to implement.
  6. Could you do a video showing the 15 minuet screen change?
  7. I asked them about this and here is what they told me. " Will it be able to display glideslope information? What about down the road? I am looking at the Garmin GPS 175 and like that the AV-30 could fit into my existing panel. Do you have to be on their approved list to be used as the CDI for their instrument? Hi David, When we certify the APA-10 adapter, glideslope will become available if your nav radio has Arinc 429 capability. The initial cert is more stand-alone however. Normally, there is no requirement to be on an approved list if they are following an industry standard interface. Jeff Jeff Bethel Founder AeroVonics LLC 12306 Menaul Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 270-0004 (Cell) Jeff.Bethel@AeroVonics.com " So I think the answer is that they will if the 175/375 has Arcint 429 capability. I couldn't figure out how to get that information out of the Garmin site. Seems like the big companies like to steer you away from making your own decisions. At least Garmin is noticing us as a worthwhile market to pursue.
  8. Gee, I used the search function too.
  9. I was looking through the Aircraft Spruce website and found EXACTLY what I have wanted for the last three years. A WAAS GPS unit that will replace the defunct Loran in my currant panel, fitting into the same space. The GPS 175 an GNX 375 are both 2" tall and are priced only a little more expensive than the non WAAS used units I was considering. The cheaper unit is just WAAS GPS. The GNX 375 puts the same WAAS GPS capability and ADS-B together in the same unit (How slick is that if you don't already have your ADS-B solution). I plan on combining it with the AV-30 in HSI mode for the readout. We'll see how that goes. I like how the AV-30 fits in a classic panel. I've believed for years that this sort of thing was very doable for the avionics industry. You can call Garmin the elephant in the china shop but they're the only one delivering the logical product that I've been wanting. 2" tall. I won't have to rip out all my avionics after all. Cheap _____s rejoice.
  10. I wish you could get credit for that 220 hp. Then I could log high performance time.
  11. At speed, in cruise, and with the nose down getting good cooling you don't need it as rich as during takeoff and in a steep climb where the cooling isn't as good. If I want to go for speed (with my M20E) I level off, keep full throttle and max RPM, and lean from 18 gph down to 17 gph. I keep my eye on the CHT's (especially cylinder number 3 which is the first to go lean as determined at lower power settings) and watch the indicated airspeed go up. The experts say 100 ROP is ideal for maximum power but I don't want to spend time near peak (in the RED box) at maximum power. I'm more interested in not being overly rich and fouling plugs than I am in actually achieving maximum speed. I've only done this sort of thing lately in the colder weather so my CHT's went from about (all this from memory) 270 degrees to just over 300 degrees. If I remember I'll be back with better numbers. I've noticed that downdrafts (you trade a little speed to fight them) and updrafts (give you a boost) affect the speed too. I bet there are a few inflated numbers resulting from that.
  12. I grew up around C180's (on floats) and now fly an M20E. Since you're in Alaska I wonder what kind of flying you're planning on. I love my Mooney but stay away from rutty airports. I flew it into one of the places in Maine where I had trained and really felt every seam in the runway(stiff suspension). The Mooney's prop clearance is less than most other airplanes and there have been stories where getting the nosewheel into a rut resulting in a prop strike and a major engine job. The Mooney's are very efficient airport planes. You can fly them off well maintained grass strips. I'd stay away from gravel because I'd be concerned about picking up stones and chewing up the prop. I plan on going into a grass strip eventually but will be picky about it and check the place out first. If I were flying a plane that sits up higher just go right in. I'm probably showing a prejudice against Alaska but I think of it as bush flying territory. There are places you could take the 182 where a Mooney might suffer an expensive mishap. I'd find my mechanic before I buy the plane.
  13. I got my first complex experience in a 180 hp Comanche. It was OK; certainly more airplane than the 172 that I was spending most of my time in. Although there's 3 decades between the two experiences I'm sure it couldn't keep up with my E model Mooney. I don't recall feeling the pleasure in flying it that I do with the Mooney. The Comanches jump up to a lot more horsepower to be an interesting plane to fly, something like 250 hp (not sure) and I think I've even heard of 400 hp in one. Sounds insane. So many will count the 180 hp version as under-powered. Although to give it due credit Max Conrad did some amazing flights with both 180 hp and 250 hp. Vintage Mooneys are great deals and I can't imagine anyone familiar with both choosing a Comanche over a Mooney.
  14. I've had such good results using the Novus plastic polish that I got from a Harley dealer that I never expect to need to replace a window due to crazing. I even used it on our truck's headlight lens that had taken a lot of abuse from sand on the road in winter. That took a long time and made me wish I had purchased the coarsest grade, but it worked in the end. I've also seen it for sale at the Rockler woodworker's store for getting really fine finishes on carpentry projects as well. I was having a bit of trouble seeing through when the sun was low and a couple hours polishing cleared it up. Just saying.
  15. I've come to take it as SOP that you do the best preflight possible after any maintenance. To take it for granted that they will hand it back to you with no small issue is not quite reasonable even with very good mechanics. That is especially true if you're hanging around asking questions which can be distracting. Preflights really matter.
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