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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I am also looking forward to it...I am sure my kids and I will enjoy it.
  2. As Marauder said: Welcome to the real world of flying. Risks are part of our activity. you just have to balance out the risks and based on that balance decide what to do. Will you decision be bullet proof. Of course not. I think all of us have some war stories to tell...but as long as we know what we are doing and use the resources at hand to minimize the risk and respond to the challenges such as the one you described... But let me just say: you did a terrific job!
  3. Thes cessna has more space in the back...for sure... But the M20C is faster and more efficient.
  4. agree Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. I just use 1900 cycle mags and prop.
  6. Sorry to hear that. But it should not be a total loss...
  7. Very nice!!!!
  8. Really nice, congratulations.
  9. let's hope not. Question: who was ramp checked and how was the experience?
  10. Bryan My recommendation would be to climb out at 100 until you are about 1000 feet above field elevation and then get to 120. But look at the cowl flaps and try to open them. They are fixed, but it does not mean that you can not adjust them. This is particularly important when the climate is hot. Let us know how it went. Oscar
  11. I had the same problem. But first wonderful bird. Enjoy it! I have a M20C (1970)too with fixed cowl flaps and an O-360 with a JPI 830. I overhauled the engine and during my first flights after take off with a field elevation of 5000 feet and outside temp of 80 F my CHT went up to more than 475 in #3 and I got really scared. At that point I posted a similar question to this forum and I received tons of good suggestions. So let me go over some of them: a. Baffles and doghouse: Make sure that everything is nice and tide and well isolated. Even a small gap has an impact on the airflow around number 3. b Look at the position of the cowl flaps. Even if they are fixed you can open them . One thing that I did and it REALLY HELPED was to open (they are still fixed) them to ensure that the airflow increases. I really don't understand why Mooney decided to keep the cowl flaps fixed... c. Take off technique: After take off lower the nose to get to 120 mph. I also reduce RPM to 2600 during climb after I climb through 1000 AGL and if it is really hot I keep the mixture rich. I still get CHT in the low 400 on #3 at take off when it is really hot, but the situation is now much more better and as soon as I am in cruise my temps go down to 390. Keep me in the loop if these these suggestions help you. If you want send me a Private email so I can share with you some additional ideas. Enjoy your bird and this forum, It is really a great community! Oscar
  12. Indeed that is a great comment. Depending on who I talk to I sometimes do exactly that. Now of course , that my son likes to fly with me... no problem I show his picture with my Mooney... Interesting power consumption. With all the avionics I installed, I think this is a great argument to go full LED. However, I just like my boom beam too much to get rid of it.
  13. Also Check the baffles...
  14. Really excellent advice. I would just add fly by the numbers!
  15. I also apologize for not reading the whole thing...I would be interested too. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  16. Interesting any pictures and description of the concept? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  17. My TAS is around 150 at 12 K
  18. Let me share your soap box, It is great to have AOPA, with all their annoying calls and emails (I get the calls being abroad on my US cell... I always answer and try to be polite thinking that there T-Mobile is charging roaming rates...). I have been a member since 1993. I think that they provide a service and some good advice. I also agree that they have become a little bit too turbine for my taste... but I guess that is where the market is going.
  19. Beautiful reminds me that there is snow and that I miss it... How high were you? And how long did it take you to fly from NY to Aspen....
  20. Due to terrain I normally fly around 13 to 14k. The other day I had to go up to 17k. Not much left after getting there.
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