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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. One silly question, my M20C (S/N 700006) has not cowl flaps, somebody knows why, and would it be possible to install them?
  2. Both are great planes. When I was looking for an airplane to upgrade from my PA 160, I considered a G model... but then my M20C crossed my path. True the G is a bit slower, but then you have more space...
  3. Let me echo Hank's comments. Go flying... My N9341v has been in maintance since about 2 months (upgrading panel, installing ASPEN, WX 500. second 430 etc...). So I have been looking through the window desperate to get in the air.
  4. Congratulations, gettting the IFR ticket is a big step forward and our mooneys are really a wonderful IFR Platform.
  5. Looks really great. Congratulations.
  6. Looking forward to reading your paper.
  7. Another most likely silly question of somebody who wants to improve its beloved Mooney (my wife always complains that I like to spend more time with N9341V than with her...). I have a LASAR ignition system installed in my M20C (O360A). From my previous Piper PA28 I know that the powerflow exhaust system really makes a difference in terms of performance... So I was wondering if somebody had both systems installed and if so what your results are... Thank you very much for yoru advice. Oscar
  8. When I flew to guatemala I had to install a 406 Oscar
  9. I just upgraded my 700 to an 730. I asked the same question and the answer was that only the 930 was approved as primary instrument. I received US$ 1000 for my 700, in exchange for the 730. Hope it helps. Oscar M20C N9341V
  10. Really great. Thanks for sharing the information about the 337. Oscar
  11. Happens also to my M20C. But it varies from tank to tank...
  12. Thank you for asking about my technique. To be frank, until about three month ago I was a low land flyier, Washington DC area... So 4000 and 6000 feet were my normal cruising altitudes... Now I moved to Guatemala City, were the airport is at 5000 feet, with a 9800 feef long runway. Thus I have to consider many other aspect much more seriously than I did before. For example density altitude, leaning before take off... etc. So whatever recommendation somebody on the list may have for me to get used to this new universe will be more than welcomed... (short of selling N9341V...) Oscaar
  13. Thank you for all your valuable comments and suggestions... unfortunately at this point upgrade to an M 20 E or J is not an option... Oscar
  14. I have been looking at installing Vortex Generators on my M 20 C. My field is at 5000 feet altitude. I read that while these improve climb and take off performance, they also may have an impact on cruise speed. I was wondering if somebody had had experience with this mod and if it is something worth doing. Thanks Oscar
  15. Nice Sandel 3308 and dimmer switch for sale. "As removed" condition, but working when removed. Email me with your phone number or questions and I will be happy to get back to you. $2900 or best offer.
  16. I would be interested in your Garmin 327... How much are you asking for it? Oscar
  17. Quote: mrjones30 I saw this you tube video of a couple that flew over the North Atlantic in a Mooney. What is the furthest you have ever flown in a Mooney, (With or without multiple stops).
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