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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I ordered one too and I hope to receive it next week. Will report back once it is installed...
  2. Same here Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. I am just updating the Garmin databases on the GTN 750 with a Jepp subscription. But I am also wondering about what is going on with the ASPEN...
  4. Thank you. I was wondering if they had done something wrong during the installation. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. Let me just agree with you, in particular the second part.
  6. Look guys and Mooney friends, I am not a US citizen, but I have lived some time in the US and my older kids are citizens. Currently I am posted abroad, but if there is something I respect and miss now that I am out of the country, is your freedom to say what you would like to say, while everybody else listens and respects your opinion. Don't take it for granted I can assure you it is not.
  7. I would tend to agree with Maurader's post. if you were to go with the 750 only (and don't take me wrong I LOVE THE 750) instead of an ASPEN you would get short changed (specially if you still have a 430), With the ASPEN you also get a moving map and a GPS back up, in addition to the glass cockpit set up. IMHO I would go for the ASPEN and wait for a 750 or 650, Another option for a later stage, could be to get a 796 which can provide you with weather and traffic if you connect it to a ZAON at a much cheaper price than a 750. However, as a first step I would go with the ASPEN.
  8. I did not remove mine, but I opened them and it made a difference in my M20C with fixed cowlflaps.
  9. I agree with this statement. It really does not help...we have to be more careful and responsible, otherwise our privileges are going to erode.
  10. I like it. It took me a while to get used to it. In particular the AI. however, the speed tape I am still having a hard time getting used it. it is just easier to look at the Airspeed indicator and see where the needle is. But in the area I am flying now (Mountains, no VFR charts (I fly by a highway map or IFR...) and LOTS OF HAZE with poor ATC radar coverage) ESV provides you with a good indication if you are about to run into a granit wall. This is very useful and gives you a nice piece of mind (and lowers your blood pressure). Would I pay 2 AMU+ for it in the Washington DC area...? I don't know. For sure it would take me some time to convince my wife that it was money well spent. Overall, I love my panel. The GTN 750 is really nice and the 795 (connected to my PCAS) complements the system extremely well. The only major problem I am facing now are the fuel gages. Somehow I can not make them work well. They are erratic and their indications are simply not reliable.
  11. Jajajaja... you are more than welcome to check it out in person. Open invitation to all members and friends of this blog. The only problems are: earthquakes, hurricanes and crime...otherwise this is heaven on earth.
  12. Happy to hear that I am not the only one...
  13. Hi there. I had to let some time pass after the Oscars...to get over my blues that I my videos were not even mentioned outside this forum.... But some of you asked me to include some shots of my panel... so here goes another one...hope you enjoy. Oscar
  14. congratlations
  15. i used them and they do a nice job. for an extra fee they provide you with an analysis of your jpi data.
  16. A cheaper option would be a used Sandel....
  17. First question is your 430 WAAS. If not, then that would be a great first step. Then an ASPEN would be great. It gives you significant IFR capabilities once you get used to it. An autopilot (I have a STEC 30 with altitude hold) These would be my suggestions. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33744-my-panel-in-action/
  18. This is really NICE!!! They are so cute when they are that age...then they ask you for the airplane keys...
  19. Joe great recommendation. I downloaded logTen Pro it works really great.
  20. I have them too. It looks to me that they may help direct the air into the doghouse...Never thought of removing them...
  21. Byron, How could I do that?
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