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Everything posted by Schinderhannes

  1. I have a spare card for $100 Frank 760 424 2058
  2. Complete setup for ADS-B in. GARMIN GPSMAP 396 (2 batteries) Ram Mount for 396 Garmin GDL39 Powerdata Cable Garmin bag $500 Frank 760 424 2058
  3. The G5 / GAD29 has only ARINC / Serial inputs and you can't connect legacy radios. KX165's still have resale value and sooner or later you will run into display issues. If yo want to install a G5 it might be time to upgrade the NAVCOM. On the other hand Aspen works with legacy radios.
  4. Therefore my question for the 430w configuration software - ads600-b is legal with GNS430W GPS input.
  5. Does anybody know where to find copy of the latest NAVWORX Console (AVIONICS INSTALLER)? I found only an older version without the GNS4xxW option. Or do you know of anybody who can program the box. Thank you, Frank 7604242058
  6. Thank you Philip - "C" as Cirrus?
  7. Attitude, altitude, airspeed, slip, and vertical trend indication Heading via MD32 Magnetometer (optional) or aircraft system Five primary functions utilize modern solid-state MEMS gyro, accelerometer and pressure transducer technology Small 2.4” x 5.5” footprint Extremely lightweight — 1.6 lbs Self-contained, rechargeable, field-replaceable emergency battery Smooth, high-definition graphics Unique, two-screen display with wide viewing angles and a user-friendly menu structure Selectable orientation — horizontal and vertical Aircraft-specific, programmable airspeed range markings Configurable for static source error correction (SSEC) Simple user interface — one knob configures the display and provides menu control 10–32 VDC power input External, automatic and manual dimming control settings Software configurable lighting curves Field-upgradable software via standard USB port FAA TSO certified to C2d, C3e, C4c, C6e (incomplete), C10b, C106, C113a, C179a ANAC TSO certified to C2d, C3e, C4c, C10b, C106, C113a, C179a EASA ETSO certified to C2d, C3d (incomplete), C4c, C10b, C106, C113, C179a RTCA DO-178B and DO-254 Design Assurance Level (DAL) A RTCA DO-160 and RTCA DO-311 qualified Designed and built in Wichita, Kansas, USA Two-year or 2,000-hour warranty Unit is in great condition and works perfect - List Price is $9,773 MD302, Pilot Guide, & Installation Manual $2,250 Frank 760 424 2058
  8. I am not sure if I understand what "sharing plans" plans means. If it means that the SkyRadar can be connected to multiple devices the answer is yes.
  9. Let me put some savings on your radar - SKYRADAR DX has all the functions of the Astro for $275.
  10. iPad mini Panel Dock® (generation 4-5) $OLD Decided to install Garmin Aera instead of IPAD. New in Box, never installed. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pspages/airgizmo-ipadmini4-dock.php Frank 760 424 2058
  11. Airlines from all over the world temporary store aircraft in the Mojave - Victorville area because the climate is perfect for that purpose. Also the temperatures in the high desert are quit a bit lower than in the surrounding areas. September - November is a beautiful time to be in the Desert and you will be sorry that your bird is on the other side of the country.
  12. My money is on BK coming through with the message that the Autopilot project is cancelled :-) Remember the KSN770? https://www.bendixking.com/en/support/discontinued-products
  13. I see your point, but I have only 1 GNS480 and did not look further into this.
  14. The OP does not have a WAAS position source to send to the -330ES. Therefore I had recommended to use the GTX330ES / Freeflight 1201 combination. The 1201 is a legal WAAS GPS position source and they are available in the $600 range.
  15. Here are a few considerations before you decide to go one way or the other. Is your transponder a KT76 or KT76a. The two are not interchangeable and it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find a good working replacement for one of these 1/2 century old units. You live on borrowed time and sooner or later you will have to replace it. If you have a KT76a it is a very different story the newer models are easy to come by at a low cost point and work well with the Sky beacon etc. Does your GNS480 have software version 2.4? Older versions don't provide the ADSB+ GPS signal. You can update the units and I have seen the newer software version on eBay for $100. Are you able to assist your IA in the installation? The GNS480 - GTX33ES interconnect is actually fairly simple and requires "only" 3 connections. Do you use and IPAD - if so which software. Or do you have a GPS (Garmin 396, 496,660,796, 760)? My setup is a GNS480 with GTX33ES for out and GDL39 with Aera660 for in. If you use and IPAD with FlyQ, WingsX, etc. SkyRadar or similar units a good low cost options. If you have a KT76 and can assist with the install this would be my recommendation and I can recommend @Aerodon from my personal experience buying equipment from him. If you have a good working KT76A and fully depend on the help from avionic shops using the Skybeacon is probably the fastest low cost option. If you can do a lot of the install yourself and enjoy doing it a combination of a gtx32 or gtx33 with a NAVWORX ADS600 will be the solution for ADS-B out and ADS-B in on the GNS480 with the lowest impact to your checking account.
  16. A Garmin GTX330ES with a Freeflight 1201 would be one alternative and most likely less costly than Mod C transponder and 978MHZ UAT.
  17. I am looking for a 24pin Molex connector for King KT76a/c. KN75 uses the same connector. I am sure somebody has one in the hangar/workshop. Thank you, Frank
  18. Considering that you have a M20M an ES transponder might be the better option. Otherwise you are limited to 17999ft. A GTX330ES is about the same price range as a tail beacon. If you don't have a WAAS navigator you could install a Freeflight 1201 as an interim solution. These unit are available at very reasonable price and you can utilize the antenna in the future for you WAAS navigator.
  19. Which radio do you have? KI204&209 are used with KX155 and KN53. KI206 with KX165 and KNS80. Ki206 will also work with GNS,GTN, & IFD series. KNI520 is a good lower cost alternative to the KI206.
  20. Still looking for a GDL39 - might consider GDL50.
  21. I am looking for a perfect working GNS480 - preferable software version 2.4 or higher. Frank 760 424 2058
  22. I am looking for a Garmin GDL39. Frank 760 424 2058
  23. In Germany, where airfield are typically shorter, the halfway point is marked with a yellow "Dachreiter"
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