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Everything posted by Schinderhannes

  1. The switching between GPS and VLOC is internally in the GNS430. Considering that the needle works in VLOC mode I would start with checking the GNS430. What did the internal CDI show?
  2. Occupancies rates in PS are actually up compared to pre Covid levels. However I agree you made the right choice, with the high wind speeds we had in the last few weeks it would have been impossible to hold on to your tin hat.
  3. A good friend of mine met Alain after the flight and he told him that he was totally aware of the consequences and expected to loose his license. My dad used to own a Morane 880b like the one used for the flight through the Arc de Triomphe. Still have very warm memories of him flying me to glider summer camp. I got stick time on the way to camp and soloed after 2 weeks in a Schleicher Ka-4 Rhönlerche. The Morane has exceptional slow flying qualities.
  4. Works perfect looks good. Much better option than repairing your old KX170/175 Includes tray and connector. $300 Frank 760 424 2058
  5. I am looking for a datacard for a Garmin GNC250XL / 150XL Frank 760 424 2058
  6. The KX165 will work in a KX155 installation. It has all features of the KX155 with identical pin assignments. In addition it has a converter built in if you want to connect it to an HSI, or Indicator requiring a radio with converter. Bonus feature of the KX165 is the digital RAD readout function. Frank 760 424 2058
  7. SOLD - Works great, clean faceplate, bright display includes tray and backplate.
  8. I have about 1,500 hours in gliders and used to fly a lot of competitions. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to do a lot of glider flighting in the last 20 years and I really miss it. Currently I am seriously considering trading the Mooney for a RF10, Taifun 17E, or Grob 109B. Anybody interested? The picture was one of my most memorable flights during a 2017 vacatio n in Chile. The mountain in the background is Aconcagua, with 22,837ft the highest mountain in the Americas.
  9. Works Perfect SOLD Frank 760 424 2058
  10. Removed for ASPEN / WAAS upgrade. Included tray, antenna, data cards, quick reference, and complete plug&play wiring harness. $4000 Frank 760 424 2058
  11. I have 2 new still in sealed package: MFG Date: 01/13/2021 MFG Date: 11/10/2020 Frank 760 424 2058
  12. The GX65 is for enroute and terminal use and I doubt that the majority of GX operators is paying $300-$500 annually to update the data bases in their radios anyway. On the other hand the COM section of the GX60/65 is identical with the SL40/SL30. IMHO one of the best com's ever made. For the same price as a used SL40 you get the GX65 with the additional benefit of a GPS function. The GX60 drives my Accutrac as well as the GNS430 and when I want to talk to ATC I prefer the GX over the GNS. From my experience the sound quality in the GX / SL radio is better than the GNS radio and on top of it I have the monitor function to listen to a second frequency. In my opinion the GX is a perfect number 1 com in a VFR airplane and a great #2 in an IFR airplane.
  13. Something similar was available a long time ago. Just before the GPS age began Peschges Variometer had an add on for their final glide computer VP3e using a Becker NR3301 VOR calculating the position utilizing cross bearings and giving you the distance to your destination. The basic version used heading and airspeed aided by manual wind correction factor input.
  14. The KNS81 requires input from a DME and KNS81 and DME take about the same space as the KNS80.
  15. SOLD Garmin AERA 796 with Yoke mount, remote antenna, power data cable for connection to GDL, Quick Reference Guide Garmin GDL39 3D with battery, 110AC charger, 12V Charger, Mount, Case Works Great! $1300 Frank 760 424 2058
  16. Very similar in our house, but my wife is the CFI in the family so I get to sit on the left side when it's my leg.
  17. https://aopa.de/ueber-uns/german-airspace/ I would consider replacing your altimeter with a unit that has hpa settings. A second recommendation would be to look into a FLARM receiver ( https://flarm.com/ ) . You will encounter a lot more gliders in Europe than in the US and many gliders, tow planes, planes are FLARM equipped.
  18. Nice AV80R ACE with sectional charts, IFR Charts, and Approach plates. Many of the accessories are still in original wrapper. Other than IPADs the AV8OR works at warm temperatures in direct sun light and doesn't overheat. $250 Frank 760 424 2058
  19. Hi Greg - ACAD files are on their way to your inbox.
  20. I have a ACAD drawing for my 1970 M20C should be the same as the 1971 m20e. IM me your email and I can send it to you. What i learned and would do different is the spacing of the cut outs. I should have spaced the instruments further apart. When I wanted to update a few things I couldn't because the cases of the new instruments were a little bit bigger and didn't fit (See For Sale section).
  21. I had planned to install during my panel upgrade but decided to go a different route. Compact 2-inch size saves panel space Precision replacement for older navigation indicators Ideal for applications where space is limited or as a backup for glass panel displays Rectilinear meter movements allow for more accurate readings LED backlighting provides increased reliability and longer life Built-in NAV, GPS and VLOC annunciators Rugged construction includes ball bearings in critical areas True course resolver output (1 volt, 30 Hz) Quality Mil-Spec connectors included FAA TSO certified for use with most GPS and VOR systems Designed and built in Wichita, Kansas, USA One-year limited warranty SOLD Frank 760 424 2058
  22. I had planned to replace my Mid Continent AI with this little beauty, but unfortunately the unit is a little bit wider and didn't fit in the panel. PITCH SYNC OPTION • 360 DEGREES OF PITCH AND ROLL • MULTI-VOLT OPERATION (9 TO 32 VOLTS) • INCREASED VIBRATION RESISTANCE • FITS STANDARD CUTOUT • TOTALLY SELF-CONTAINED • BRIGHT, HIGHLY VISIBLE LCD DISPLAY • ALL DIGITAL - NO MOVING PARTS • 2 INCH MODEL • ADJUSTABLE BRIGHTNESS • BLACK ANODIZED BEZEL • LIGHTWEIGHT 2”= 4.5oz. • FAA / EASA CERTIFIED SOLD Frank 760 424 2058
  23. Thank you Anthony - Accutrac and BI805 are still available
  24. On a different note how did you manage to install the ASPEN without a backup attitude indicator?
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