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Everything posted by N9201A

  1. Glad to hear the gentleman who was injured is recovered. I hope he gets back in the air soon!
  2. I am also curious for the rationale of pulling the prop back in climb. When I checked out in an Arrow the instructor insisted on this "to never operate over square." I asked him if he had read Deakin's Pelican's Perch articles on this and when I got a blank stare, I just complied. When I did my multi training my CFI-ME owned the 310 I used, so I complied with his instructions because it was his airplane. He at least read Deakin, but just disagreed. Certain big-engined Contis (B and C brands) have take-off power restrictions, and other prop/engine combos are inordinately loud, so I understand those reasons. But none of those apply to a J. I've left the prop firewalled in climb for 16+ years with no apparent adverse effects. I also "cruise climb" by flattening the deck angle and accepting more speed but less climb angle for more visibility and good cylinder cooling with less drag, but my prop setting is irrelevant to that as one can climb, cruise or descend at 2100 or at 2700 -- not that one would. I am always interested in why other pilots do what they do, because I am always interested in learning something new. Can anyone please articulate their rationale for pulling the prop to 2500/2400/2450 in climb?
  3. Have owned and flown a J for 16+ years in the West, with annual trips over the Rockies to OSH and back, and flying to Big Bear, Mammoth, etc. often. +1 on comments re knowing limitations, being patient, and ensuring that you are within limits. Mooneys fly better at altitude than fatter-winged Cherokees and Cessnas with the same power, but the wing needs more speed. Ensure you have adequate clearance for your expected angle of climb so you don't box yourself in at a mountain strip...but this is true even when operating turbine equipment! It's true that the K will outrun and out climb a J at higher altitudes, but if most of your flying is below 12,000' the added expense and complexity may not be worth it for you. Look at your missions. For me, there are a few times I wished I'd had a turbo but for me, those are outweighed by the many others when it made no difference or would have just been one more thing to monitor/break. But I have friends who really use their Ks for long trips, and cruising in the flight levels with O2 works for them. If that is your type of flying, get a turbo - our stock Lycs (along with any NA engine) really run out of steam much above 14-15k.
  4. There's some good input others have posted, especially about knowing the field before you go, keeping the yoke back all the way, watching your speeds carefully (something Mooneys encourage more than brands C and P anyway), and keeping the nosewheel light to maximize prop clearance. Message me n9201a-at-yahoo.com and I would be happy to connect you with my friend based on a grass strip, although many turf flyers have posted some good wisdom already. Since others have broken the shameless promotion line, I would encourage you to get to think about the Mooney Caravan (www.mooneycaravan.com). Although the Caravan's highlight is the annual flight into Oshkosh (featuring taxiing on grass to the North 40 camping area), Caravaners meet and fly together throughout the year all over North America. The emphasis is on flying and enjoying Mooneys safely.
  5. I found several pics of my plane including two from different OSH trips and one from an overnight enroute to OSH. I have heard of "plane spotting" and "trainspotting" but didn't think our piston singles merited that much attention!
  6. Welcome. I have been blessed with more than 16 years of 201 ownership and also upgraded from a Cherokee (PA28-151). There's never been a better time for this aircraft! I have a friend who bases his 252 on a grass strip and am glad to see another person who understands that, operated correctly, a Mooney is just fine on grass!
  7. Take a look at photos and article on Mooney by our friends Steve and Brandi Lewis of PhotoRecon.net: http://photorecon.net/mooney-rises/
  8. Hello fellow Mooniacs! Below are just some of the exciting Mooney events happening at and around Airventure 2014. Back in production, Mooney is show central this year with the first Acclaim off the production line landing on 36L in the lead element of the Mooney Caravan. Come see it land and in the Mooney display tent on the fairgrounds. In the North40? The Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney is not just hosting the annual BBQ Tuesday, but is also Mooney HQ in the North40 all week: From Monday's pancake breakfast to the afternoon Mooneyspacers meeting, to Wednesday's Continental Engines' presentation on how to best run your engine and "Ask the Experts" panel, this year is shaping up to be the most active Oshkosh for Mooniacs ever...And don't forget Monday's Mooney Owners Meeting at the EAA Forums. Have fun! THURSDAY 24 JULY – Sioux Falls SD 5:00 p.m. Pre-Caravan Kickoff BBQ FRIDAY JULY 25 – Madison WI 12:00 noon – Madison WI – Mass Arrival MSN by West Coast/Texas Wings SATURDAY 26 JULY – Madison WI 7:00 a.m. – Briefing for Dawn Patrol Mission 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Practice Sorties, Proficiency Flights – Caravan Operations 6:00 p.m. – Annual Pre-Caravan Dinner presented by Continental Engines – Pedro’s SUNDAY 27 JULY – Madison WI and Oshkosh WI 11:00 a.m. – The Mooney Caravan sponsored by Mooney arrives at OSH in style! With the first Acclaim off the production line in the lead element, come to show central and watch the Caravan land. Join the North40 post-flight festivities! 5:00 p.m. - North40 - Camp Cherokee - Mooney Caravaners invited Cherokees 2 Oshkosh Wine, Beer and Cheese Social Gathering TBD – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Royal and Ancient Secret and Sober Society of the Single Malt MONDAY 7/28/2014 - OSH 9:00 a.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Pancake Breakfast 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 AM - EAA Forum Pavilions - Forum Pavilion 8 Mooney Owners Forum. Join Mooney experts in the fields of aircraft operations, safety, aeromedical, maintenance, insurance, FARs. Hear from Mooney International. Learn about Mooney organizations that support you. 11:20 a.m. – EAA Fairgrounds - Mooney Display Tent Acclaim Auction. Back in production, Mooney returns! Watch the auction of the first Acclaim off the production! See and hear exciting Mooney developments! 4:00 p.m. - North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Educational Safety Foundation 2014 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooneyspace Forum Social Gathering TUESDAY 7/29/2014 OSH 4:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Annual BBQ / Prizes – Best dinner in the North40! WEDNESDAY 7/30/2014 5:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Continental Engines Presents “Operating and Maintaining Most Efficiently” 6:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Presents Pizza and "Ask The Experts" Panel - Mooney HQ Tent Bring your questions, our experts have all the answers…or so they told us! Sign up and receive FAASTeam WINGS credits for attending. Go online to www.faasafety.gov “seminars,” click state “WI” and pre-register.
  9. Hello fellow Mooniacs! Below are just some of the exciting Mooney events happening at and around Airventure 2014. Back in production, Mooney is show central this year with the first Acclaim off the production line landing on 36L in the lead element of the Mooney Caravan. Come see it land and in the Mooney display tent on the fairgrounds. In the North40? The Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney is not just hosting the annual BBQ Tuesday, but is also Mooney HQ in the North40 all week: From Monday's pancake breakfast to the afternoon Mooneyspacers meeting, to Wednesday's Continental Engines' presentation on how to best run your engine and "Ask the Experts" panel, this year is shaping up to be the most active Oshkosh for Mooniacs ever...And don't forget Monday's Mooney Owners Meeting at the EAA Forums. Have fun!
  10. Hello fellow Mooniacs! Below are just some of the exciting Mooney events happening at and around Airventure 2014. Back in production, Mooney is show central this year with the first Acclaim off the production line landing on 36L in the lead element of the Mooney Caravan. Come see it land and in the Mooney display tent on the fairgrounds. In the North40? The Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney is not just hosting the annual BBQ Tuesday, but is also Mooney HQ in the North40 all week: From Monday's pancake breakfast to the afternoon Mooneyspacers meeting, to Wednesday's Continental Engines' presentation on how to best run your engine and "Ask the Experts" panel, this year is shaping up to be the most active Oshkosh for Mooniacs ever...And don't forget Monday's Mooney Owners Meeting at the EAA Forums. Have fun! THURSDAY 24 JULY – Sioux Falls SD
  11. Hello fellow Mooniacs! Below are just some of the exciting Mooney events happening at and around Airventure 2014. Back in production, Mooney is show central this year with the first Acclaim off the production line landing on 36L in the lead element of the Mooney Caravan. Come see it land and in the Mooney display tent on the fairgrounds. In the North40? The Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney is not just hosting the annual BBQ Tuesday, but is also Mooney HQ in the North40 all week: From Monday's pancake breakfast to the afternoon Mooneyspacers meeting, to Wednesday's Continental Engines' presentation on how to best run your engine and "Ask the Experts" panel, this year is shaping up to be the most active Oshkosh for Mooniacs ever...And don't forget Monday's Mooney Owners Meeting at the EAA Forums. Have fun! THURSDAY 24 JULY – Sioux Falls SD 5:00 p.m. Pre-Caravan Kickoff BBQ FRIDAY JULY 25 – Madison WI 12:00 noon – Madison WI – Mass Arrival MSN by West Coast/Texas Wings SATURDAY 26 JULY – Madison WI 7:00 a.m. – Briefing for Dawn Patrol Mission 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Practice Sorties, Proficiency Flights – Caravan Operations 6:00 p.m. – Annual Pre-Caravan Dinner presented by Continental Engines – Pedro’s SUNDAY 27 JULY – Madison WI and Oshkosh WI 11:00 a.m. – The Mooney Caravan sponsored by Mooney arrives at OSH in style! With the first Acclaim off the production line in the lead element, come to show central and watch the Caravan land. Join the North40 post-flight festivities! 5:00 p.m. - North40 - Camp Cherokee - Mooney Caravaners invited Cherokees 2 Oshkosh Wine, Beer and Cheese Social Gathering TBD – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Royal and Ancient Secret and Sober Society of the Single Malt MONDAY 7/28/2014 - OSH 9:00 a.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Pancake Breakfast 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 AM - EAA Forum Pavilions - Forum Pavilion 8 Mooney Owners Forum. Join Mooney experts in the fields of aircraft operations, safety, aeromedical, maintenance, insurance, FARs. Hear from Mooney International. Learn about Mooney organizations that support you. 11:20 a.m. – EAA Fairgrounds - Mooney Display Tent Acclaim Auction. Back in production, Mooney returns! Watch the auction of the first Acclaim off the production! See and hear exciting Mooney developments! 4:00 p.m. - North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Educational Safety Foundation 2014 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooneyspace Forum Social Gathering TUESDAY 7/29/2014 OSH 4:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Annual BBQ / Prizes – Best dinner in the North40! WEDNESDAY 7/30/2014 5:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Continental Engines Presents “Operating and Maintaining Most Efficiently” 6:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Presents Pizza and "Ask The Experts" Panel - Mooney HQ Tent Bring your questions, our experts have all the answers…or so they told us! Sign up and receive FAASTeam WINGS credits for attending. Go online to www.faasafety.gov “seminars,” click state “WI” and pre-register.
  12. Hello fellow Mooniacs! Below are just some of the exciting Mooney events happening at and around Airventure 2014. Back in production, Mooney is show central this year with the first Acclaim off the production line landing on 36L in the lead element of the Mooney Caravan. Come see it land and in the Mooney display tent on the fairgrounds. In the North40? The Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney is not just hosting the annual BBQ Tuesday, but is also Mooney HQ in the North40 all week: From Monday's pancake breakfast to the afternoon Mooneyspacers meeting, to Wednesday's Continental Engines' presentation on how to best run your engine and "Ask the Experts" panel, this year is shaping up to be the most active Oshkosh for Mooniacs ever...And don't forget Monday's Mooney Owners Meeting at the EAA Forums. Have fun! THURSDAY 24 JULY – Sioux Falls SD 5:00 p.m. Pre-Caravan Kickoff BBQ FRIDAY JULY 25 – Madison WI 12:00 noon – Madison WI – Mass Arrival MSN by West Coast/Texas Wings SATURDAY 26 JULY – Madison WI 7:00 a.m. – Briefing for Dawn Patrol Mission 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Practice Sorties, Proficiency Flights – Caravan Operations 6:00 p.m. – Annual Pre-Caravan Dinner presented by Continental Engines – Pedro’s SUNDAY 27 JULY – Madison WI and Oshkosh WI 11:00 a.m. – The Mooney Caravan sponsored by Mooney arrives at OSH in style! With the first Acclaim off the production line in the lead element, come to show central and watch the Caravan land. Join the North40 post-flight festivities! 5:00 p.m. - North40 - Camp Cherokee - Mooney Caravaners invited Cherokees 2 Oshkosh Wine, Beer and Cheese Social Gathering TBD – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Royal and Ancient Secret and Sober Society of the Single Malt MONDAY 7/28/2014 - OSH 9:00 a.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Pancake Breakfast 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 AM - EAA Forum Pavilions - Forum Pavilion 8 Mooney Owners Forum. Join Mooney experts in the fields of aircraft operations, safety, aeromedical, maintenance, insurance, FARs. Hear from Mooney International. Learn about Mooney organizations that support you. 11:20 a.m. – EAA Fairgrounds - Mooney Display Tent Acclaim Auction. Back in production, Mooney returns! Watch the auction of the first Acclaim off the production! See and hear exciting Mooney developments! 4:00 p.m. - North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Educational Safety Foundation 2014 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooneyspace Forum Social Gathering TUESDAY 7/29/2014 OSH 4:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Annual BBQ / Prizes – Best dinner in the North40! WEDNESDAY 7/30/2014 5:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Continental Engines Presents “Operating and Maintaining Most Efficiently” 6:00 p.m. – North40 Mooney HQ Tent Sponsored by Mooney Mooney Caravan Presents Pizza and "Ask The Experts" Panel - Mooney HQ Tent Bring your questions, our experts have all the answers…or so they told us! Sign up and receive FAASTeam WINGS credits for attending. Go online to www.faasafety.gov “seminars,” click state “WI” and pre-register.
  13. Please see attached Information slide deck on Mooneys at Chino Airshow. KCNO2014Brief1.pdf
  14. Hey Lacee, nice "Mini-Me!"
  15. Mooney International has invited all Mooney owners to be their guests at the Planes of Fame Airshow in Chino, CA. May 2nd - May 4th. Free admission for Mooney owners (see below)! In addition, the Mooney Caravan and Mooney Ambassadors will be helping organize the Mooney presence at this event. If you are interested in seeing or participating in some formation demos, learning more about safely flying your Mooney, or displaying your aircraft during the Chino event, please contact Larry Brennan at n9201a_at_yahoo.com or 626.720.4419. [below and attached reprinted with permission from Mooney International.] Attention Mooney Owners – Be Our Guests! In celebration of the return of Mooney Aircraft, and to reward Mooney Owners for their continued loyalty and "Passion for Flight," we invite you to be our guest at the world famous Planes of Fame Airshow in Chino, CA. Mooney International and the Planes of Fame Air Museum are proud to present: *** "2014 Chino Airshow - A Salute to the Mighty Eighth" *** Friday, May 2nd through Sunday, May 4th, 2014 Featuring: USAF F-22 RAPTOR Demo & Heritage Team, BREMONT HORSEMEN Aerobatic Team, SEAN D. TUCKER & Team Oracle, and over 60 Vintage Warbirds and Historical Aircraft To receive your free tickets, simply follow these steps: • To register, click on the following link or visit www.eventbrite.com/e/11109766611. • Print out your ticket. • Present it, along with your Mooney aircraft registration, to the Will Call ticket booth. • Receive your wristband(s). • For those choosing to fly in, follow Ground Control’s directions to transient parking, and then present your ticket at the main airshow Entrance to receive your wristband(s). Conditions: • Must be a Mooney Aircraft Owner. • Limited to 4 adults (children under 12 - free). • All persons entering the airshow must be present to receive their wristband(s). • Gates open at 8am. • Access will be granted throughout the weekend. • Parking in the general admission parking lot is included. • Tickets have no face value, and can only be exchanged for wristbands with proper identification and aircraft registration. Visit www.PlanesOfFame.org or www.Mooney.com for more information about the Chino Airshow.
  16. This should be a great time...we are looking at as many as 20 Mooniacs in one place, all dedicated to flying our Mooneys!! OUTSTANDING!!
  17. I have a '78 J and verified before and after data in similar load/temperature/pressure conditions at various altitudes with a co-pilot over four directions at each altitude to cancel out wind. Without digging out the data, generally speaking I experienced an increase in climb rate that tapered off with altitude (as one would expect) and slight (<3-5 knots) in speed. Also as one would expect I had higher CHTs and fuel burn. And yes, my IA grumbles each annual. Your mileage may vary ...
  18. Is it possible to post the *.pdf? I would like any *.pdf'd manual as it will save me from scanning mine. My email is n9201a_at_yahoo.com. Thanks for any help!
  19. Lacee did you get info and contact re AZ? Next weekend at Copperstate ...
  20. CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you can make it out to AZ later this month.
  21. One of the great things about our birds is that wing, which loves thin air. Our NA engines run out of steam though, but I have climbed - patiently - to FL170 to take advantage of winds. But FL080-120 is obviously the sweet spot. For me the Powerflow exhaust made a noticeable difference, more in climb than cruise. I rarely fly at altitudes at which I have to throttle back to achieve 75% power, but we have mountains in and around SoCal. I am sure were I midwest or east-coast based that would be different.
  22. Yes I am planning on being in Arizona. Several of us are undergoing SARDOT's tutelage for our four-ship wing cards. These will permit formation flyin gin waivered airspace, so we can have Mooneys in the OSH showcase, like the Bonanzas have done. Lacee I hope your shakedown flights go well and you make it to AZ next month.
  23. Had my J's disks replaced in 1998 and again in 2012. In my case, the gear wobbled enough when retracting to permit the door to nick the wing fairing behind the mainwheel wells. This was confirmed when we swung the gear and could move the maingear legs because of insufficient tension in the disks.
  24. Lot of good thoughts here...obviously it is easier for a Bo driver to transition than a 172er, but our birds do have some quirks that are unique: Donuts - woe is he who drives it on or drops the nose. Laminar wing - more speed, worse low-speed handling (add a few thousand feet to your usual 172 stall practice altitude!!). Ground clearance - more care when taxiing/rolling. Momentum - our birds both accelerate and decelerate more slowly than others with bigger engines and fatter wings. I always enjoy hearing someone recite one of the usual anti-Mooney myths: "Don't fly below 80/90/100, don't fly in crosswinds, don't take off without flaps, don't taxi on grass, blah blah blah." I invite the "expert" up ... myth "busted." Want to be sloppy? Fly a Cessna...or get a Cirrus and "just pull the chute." Whatever we fly, as PICs we must learn to FLY it! DO those short/soft landings, practice no power landings, KNOW what our birds will do BEFORE there is a problem, because when one happens, we won't have time to think about it.
  25. Below is a fascinating example of how flying the airplane averted tragedy in urban Los Angeles: A Cessna 402 on final experiences fuel exhaustion -- in BOTH engines! The pilot glides to a harrowing, but controlled, forced landing on a busy city street. As he runs a red light at an intersection in his rollout at high speed, two school buses happen to be crossing his path, one from each side. The buses slam on the brakes, but the gap left is too narrow and each of the Cessna's tip tanks strike the bus on that tank's side, and the tanks are knocked off. Fortunately, they are bone dry! No one was injured. I recall a picture at the time with the plane just beyond and between the buses, with tanks on the ground. See: http://articles.latimes.com/1999/jun/25/local/me-49934
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