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John Pleisse

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John Pleisse last won the day on January 30 2015

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  1. Good for you....great ownership!!!!!
  2. Don't go to Fed Ex, Staples or UPS store. They'll assert copyrights and not allow you. Went through this. It was actually cheaper to leave the original POH in a bag and order a new one from Mooney for $240.00.
  3. OK....that doesn't seem like clear coat on the wing surface, but corrosion. Strip the wings and repaint.
  4. No big deal. Your IA will sign off as airworthy. Start looking for a good used control surface now and plan on replacement prior to painting or selling. There is no real repair other than bending out and filling with bondo. This sucks. Sorry to see it. Good luck.
  5. Vacuum filters?? Easy fix????
  6. The proprietor who managed and sold PC wing leveler parts, etc. passed away and I heard the business is now closed. Anybody know if the business was assumed by someone else? Looking for PC wing leveler parts and knowledge. Muchos....... Thanks.
  7. Unless there is a front, I always used to transition off shore during the day and over ground at night.
  8. That's right.......wasn't it listed on sec charts as 2200-2400 at one time? Great video....
  9. I have many landings at 2W2. For people unfamiliar and perhaps Ross did not mention, the drome sits on a plateau with pretty hefty slopes on both approach ends.....especially 32. It's only 2800 usable and you always seems to get an updraft or the bottom falls out. Great video Ross.....nice squeaker on landing. Dying to meet my favorite "F". John
  10. Oddly enough..I bought my A20's, not from an aviation vendor, but came across them at a local Bose outlet (of all places)....and $75 cheaper than our ever beloved Sporty's (who has plucked my last nerve, along with Rieff Heaters for not taking American Express). I think, at one time, the Bose product was very unique and sought after by many grossly under paid commercial pilots and CFI's. Now there are 10 very good headset manufacturers, who offer competitive products in the $500-$650 range, putting Bose in a position to no longer offer that deal. Just my take. Here's what I find tough about Bose. While rugged, the headsets can develop problems. Bose only offers a flat repair rate of $175.00. Anybody had any experience with this?
  11. Don't waste your time attempting approaches until you can fly a full 15 minute circuit (Hank-above) zero wind, end up where you started. Swiggling like a snake down an ILS course is not how to learn. Have absolute full control of the aircraft and know your numbers cold. I like knocking out the written too, because you'll have to revisit all that info a second time as you move to latter practical training phases. What's wrong with MS Flight SIM while studying for the written? Cheap and effective. You'll fly every damn day at Embry. You'll want to be competent in that very competitive environment when you get there.
  12. Oooooops.
  13. I was there and did not know about this.....I have a hangar at ESN. I hope you guys went to "Buns" and somebody was brave enough to eat a "Crabzilla"!!!
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