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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. In theory, yes. But in real life, they use cheap acid brushes from Harbor freight, they mixup the sealant and use it as it’s setting up before they get the pieces put together, or they do not mix it properly. I’ve been to the factory, and the same woman who was doing tanks in 1979 is still doing them in 2005, and they leak five years later.
  2. the 33 is still faster. More gas, but 172 KTAS.
  3. IDK about your plane, but ours is painfuly loud with no headset. Like 97dB loud.
  4. KGAI
  5. If it’s parked on grass and hasn’t flown for a while, you already know the answer.
  6. These air craft are quite different. An A36 is more of a station wagon than a Mooney. For example you can put a dinette set and four chairs in the back of an A36. You can also fit 3 kids in one besides Mom and Pop.. Two large dogs back there and lay on the floor. With tip tanks and turbos its a 190-200kt airplane that can go 1400nm or more. I have often lusted after one, but really the mission we have doesn’t call for one. Unless you count Oshkosh, it would come in very handy.
  7. Used powertow EZ35 for sale. I bought a sidewinder I do not need this thing, it has new arms, a new tire, and the engine is from a newer unit. it is a Briggs & Stratton quantum. Runs good. Just trying to get my money back out of it. Based at GAI. 400$.
  8. I think people like my J model too, but when you explain to them that newest airplane cost six times as much, the inside really is not really any bigger, it only carries 3 people with 3 hours of gas, it burns nearly twice the gas too, and it’s a lot harder to land and It drags the ground Like a pregnant guppy, Interest wanes. But I have sold 4 M20Js so far so far so there’s that.
  9. The traction motors also serve as a clutch, you can’t move 20,000,000 pounds from a dead stop with any kind of clutch or torque converter that exists. Perhaps they could invent that now, but not in the 1930s when this technology was invented.
  10. Yes, if you can guarantee that the airplane has never sat more than three days since it was overhauled, you’re probably right. But we all know that real life gets in the way, and airplanes sit for two weeks or three weeks at a time, and often. Just a few episodes of this is enough to start the corrosion process on the lifter faces which leads to pitting and then spalling, and then camshaft destruction. And then the engine has to be redone. It’s happened almost every person I know with an IO360. Roller lifters fix this problem. I think the new DCL coated diamond lifters from Lycoming look like they will too. But a plain set of iron lifters, especially the reground ones? They’re good for 1000 hours. I mean it’s a $30,000 engine and it just lasts 1000 hours instead of twice that. “fly it often” doesn't work anymore. Relic from a bygone time. Go look at the tools in your hangar toolbox, rust all over those. What makes you think the inside of the engine isnt doing that too?
  11. Just use a section of 2.5” PVC pipe.
  12. I’ll have it for you in a couple days
  13. Neither prevents lifter face corosion and spalling, which is the real problem here
  14. It’s only 210hP for 5 minutes. Then it’s limited to 200HP continuous. So it’s only 7.5HP at 75% power.
  15. Powerflow is expensive, over 4500$ and slim to no documented performance gains on fuel injected Mooney’s
  16. Any data on that? I’ve heard they tend to crack after 6-8k hours, but two TBO cycles were ok.
  17. On the R model? It’s the filtered air intake for the engine.
  18. Piston pitting is indicative of preignition. This is also manifested in CHT rising 2-3 degrees a second. There have been a few Incidents documented by Mike bush. One was a Bonanza with a bad plug that caused preignirion. CHT off the scale and then a holed piston. The other was a cirrus. Mag problem it was firing way too early. Both trashed a complete engine.
  19. Their product isn’t selling. They aren’t really improving it to make it sell. Marketing only goes so far. I asked Barry Hodkin, the CFO at the time, back in 2011 this. What’s the improvement plan? He said pray for an investor. I asked what if one doesn’t come? Pray harder. Hope is not a business model.
  20. I didn’t mention parachute in this discussion. But the vast majority of buyers bought that plane instead of this. And it’s not marketing of an inferior product and it’s not that they are stupid and like to flash the wingtip lights From 20’’ away. Mooney is closed down now and it’s beucase they didn’t sell enough product into a market that clearly was big enough. Let’s discuss why.
  21. Umm, no.
  22. Again it’s 300-+ sales a year vs 14
  23. Perhaps an analysis of why Cirrus aircraft outsell Mooney 50:1 is in order. SE piston buyers seem to know something we don’t.
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