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Everything posted by moodychief

  1. Smartest thing is saying "I'll buy it!!" after the test flight.
  2. Does anyone know if those who experienced the wrath had 406 ELTs or the old-style ELT?
  3. What FBO do you guys recommend at CPS? I am flying into CPS for the first time next weekend for a ball game.
  4. WOW!!! Is today April 1st?? Just checking.
  5. Robert, I am just south of Little Rock. If you would like to come over to SUZ on a VFR weekend I would be more than happy to sit down and share my weather knowledge and give you tips on how to get the best info to make your go/ no-go decisions.
  6. I have 500 hours flying my C model without an autopilot in some serious IFR. I flew a friends J model with all the bells and whistles for three hours without touching the controls (including the approach). It was nice but made me realize a person will get rusty real fast if they aren't hand-flying their plane on a regular basis.
  7. Maybe they were too fast and are outside the frame!
  8. Call Rob Scmidt at 501-912-3479 and he can give you an idea on prices for the different options.
  9. AAAE is meeting with the FAA in the next few days and this is one of the priority topics. They will be asking a lot of hard questions including why the FAA isn't following their own plan of meeting with the stakeholders (airports and airlines) and including them in the process. There are CWOs expected to close on May 1 and the airports have not even been contacted by the FAA.
  10. Skokie, Can you share with everyone the importance of your observations as it relates to aviation weather. I think some people think XM weather is all automated without any imput from humans. Please enlighten us.
  11. Don't confuse this with the Lockheed Martin briefers. These offices are the actual weather observers that don't talk to anyone. It is their weather observations that you see on DUATS and all other weather streams of information. These observers are usually the official reporting points that feed aviation information to the National Weather Service. Yesterday after a front pushed through, I was talking with our local observer. In less than an hour, he had to correct the automatic weather feed at least 10 times as it was not generating the complete picture of weather at our airport. The automated weather wanted to push special reports worse than what was actually observed. So you can see this can impact both VFR and IFR operations alike.
  12. Has anyone seen the slight of hand the FAA magicians are practicing? While everyone is up in arms about contract towers closing, the FAA is quietly behind the scenes executing a plan to close all of the contract weather offices. Theses are the folks that took over the weather from the old flight service stations 20+ years ago. Instead of having an obepserver with 15-20 years experience, the task is forced onto a LAWRS certified controller (16 hour course). No offense meant to controllers as I think you have a pretty full plate already. The CWO observers are the ones that ensure the information fed into the weather system computers is correct and the computerized equipment doesn't populate erroneous observations. This info eventually ends up on our devices in the form of METARs. It may be too late to save this but I encourage a quick call to action for everyone to contact their congressman. See link below for the list and deadlines. http://www.stuckmic.com/atc-chatter/23680-faa-memo-natca-cwo-closure-list.html
  13. http://www.donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/Shower%20of%20Sparks/Shower%20of%20Sparks.htm Good read!
  14. Glad to see my Mooney's little sister is still kickin'!!
  15. I think my mechanic said there is like 12 o-rings in the pump assembly (may be wrong on the number). While he had it apart he changed all of them. Good thing is it wouldn't hold pressure so the flaps failed in the up position.
  16. My flaps stopped working one day out of the blue. My mechanic replaced all the o-rings as a couple were old and cracked. No problems over the last four years. He charged me about 1 hour of labor.
  17. If I recall correctly it was made by Amsafe
  18. I bought a seat belt extension a couple years ago from either Spruce or Chief Supply. Can't remember which. There are two different types of connections so you need to ensure you order the correct one. The newer ones have a skinnier piece that fits in the buckle.
  19. It appears the left wingtip hit causing a violent turn to the left. The open door has a sizable bush against the interior side of the door indicating the door flung open and the mother was probably ejected due to the extreme side forces. With the sizeable boulders it wouldn't take much to fatally injure someone.
  20. Highest ground speed in my C model was 213 knots, 2400 rpms at 13,000 between Arkansas and Georgia a couple of years ago (can be verified on flightaware). Last Wednesday, 188 knots, 2500 rpms at 9,000 between Harrison and Saline Co. Arkansas (flightaware).
  21. What price range are you looking for? I hangar at Saline County just south of Little Rock and work at Adams Field. Hard surface, grass...any preference?
  22. Meridian, MS and Defuniak Springs have the best prices on fuel. At Meridian they also have complimentary hot dogs, waffles, nachos, soft serve ice cream, fruit and a Starbucks coffee machine.
  23. WingX has a search and rescue grid function for those that fly CAP or other rescue missions. Does Foreflight have that?
  24. Wing X has had that feature for almost a year!
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