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Everything posted by N33GG

  1. That may all be true, but if the aircraft was in fact 300 pounds overweight, the FAA will likely not give that factor a pass, even if it is determined not to be the primary cause of the accident. It will be duly noted in the accident report, and not in a good way.
  2. It will all be on the pilot and co-pilot. Time to look for a new career.
  3. Every plane I have owned has been Jane, as in Sweet Jane...tribute to the late great Lou Reed.
  4. Ditto, big time. Most doctors don't want to sign anything that is not a routine matter of their business. Wait until the first crash and lawsuit that brings in a doctor.
  5. With the requirement for a doctor to issue a statement, I think every 4 years, to keep in your logbook, may become a problem. I can imagine a lot of MDs not wanting any kind of liability. Especially after the first crash and resulting lawsuits, even though not related to medical condition. I am afraid it will be loaded down by the time if gets all the way through the process. We'll see......
  6. These darn physiological intertwined systems in our bodies are complex and not always predictable. Just because disorientation hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it won't.
  7. Flying VMC is fine. Flying IMC is fine. In between can be a problem, even for the most experienced pilots. When you are at the transition, or popping in and out, stick to your instruments. Fly ground reference only when VMC is solid and ongoing. FWIW
  8. Lots of good Bonanzas out there, and that is a very fine aircraft (not knocking Mooneys either). I have been noticing the Bonanza market is on the same dramatic slide down, just like other aircraft. There are some incredible deals out there... a true buyers market, including Bonanzas. Unbelievable.
  9. I don't think the defense is over the hump yet either. Auburn is by far preferred to Alabama. Alabama has become the new TU for me. Wheels came off of the Aggies? No, the wheels, wings, prop and tail came off, and unfortunately, they didn't have a steel cage like the Mooney. Ugly!!!
  10. No problem. I understand you were speaking in lay terms for the Mooney Masses. Congrats to Hank and all Auburn Alumni, and all Alabama Alumni, and for that matter, any Alumni from any other teams A&M plays for the rest of this season. George, Class '78, Former Student
  11. An electric fire behind the panel, such as a bundle of wires shorting out and burning, can really fill a cockpit with more smoke than you want to deal with. I know this for a fact.
  12. Hmmm... There are no Ex-Aggies, only Former Students. Once an Aggie, always an Aggie.
  13. For all the CB's out there... The big clear, or semi-clear bags that you cook a turkey in, make a pretty good smoke hood. Cheap enough to have on board, and you can even practice without worrying about wasting a real smoke hood. Try to put on retaining plenty of air in the hood to breath while you get the plane down...not a tight fit! This was recommended in a FIRC many years ago. I carry a couple in my flight bag for whatever I am flying. FWIW
  14. Those Middle East meteorites are really bad.
  15. Air/oil separators have been a mixed bag for me. Good experience on one airplane, not so good on another. I now tend to avoid them, and will only try them, and cautiously at that, as a last resort. Very interesting information. Thanks for the post. Also a good reminder, try not to be the unhappy customer until you have all the facts. And even then, try not to be that guy, ever.
  16. Shouldn't be, but could be the case. In real estate, the laws are clear and not something you want to violate. In simple terms, Broker should represent one side or the other, put client's interests ahead of his own, and the side he/she does not represent should receive fair and honest treatment. Real estate Brokers are required to disclose any material defects to all parties including the side not represented. I am not aware of any laws that relate to aircraft Brokers though. Have low expectations, the Broker is probably not going to help you at all, unless he/she is selling your aircraft or has been retained to represent you in a purchase, keep your guard up, don't tell the Broker anything that could be used against you (eg. I would really pay up to $100k but let's offer them $80k), take nothing at face value and question everything presented. Consider getting a professional to represent you, including negotiating deal. I negotiate every day for a living, and I do have an advantage due to my practice, regardless of what is being negotiated. Just don't expect much from any Broker that is not representing you, and you will do better in negotiation, and you will rarely be disappointed. If you have problems with a Broker that is representing you, that is another discussion.
  17. I've seen many variants from the '68 family of Mooneys. I don't think configuration control or management was on their list, and certainly not ISO 9000 compliance.
  18. You need to remember the Broker is representing the Seller, and not you. Thus endeth the sermon.
  19. Now that's an engine! Very interesting.
  20. Wow. Very impressive! Looks a lot like the inside of F-16 tanks....
  21. One of my biggest peeves! Super sizing patterns and flying a looooooooooooong final is rediculous. Really, don't be that guy! Flying magazine or AOPA Pilot should print this thread as a list of things not to do!
  22. And don't be the jet that parks in front of the avgas pump that sits while waiting for the pax, and having pleasant greetings and visit when they arrive, while the Mooney is waiting 30 plus minutes to fuel up and depart.
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