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Everything posted by N33GG

  1. CO2 feeds the trees in my plantations, which when harvested provide paper and wood products such as sawed lumber and OSB. Probably the most important product is toilet paper. And in return, my trees give off huge quantities of oxygen for us and animals to use. It's a wonderful thing!
  2. How do you spell VW? B U S T E D!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Congrats on the PPL!!!! For all the stories, about all the planes out there, I haven't met one yet that didn't respond to control inputs, and fly pretty darn well when properly controlled by a capable pilot. A lot of urban legend and aircraft envy at work IMHO. FWIW
  4. I'm getting the popcorn and a soft drink. This thread should be very entertaining!
  5. Very interesting. Thanks!
  6. Years ago, I came in late night from a long flight in a Piper Saratoga and taxied up to the FBO to get fuel and some oil added. Line man that serviced plane had been there and never made a mistake in decades. When he finished, I got in and taxied to my hangar... just a couple minutes max. He had left the dipstick in but not screwed in. In that short time, I had oil all over the plane. What a mess.
  7. You can cover an entire airplane with a teaspoon of oil. If you are seeing any oil on the prop, I would be very suspicious, regardless of how recent overhaul was and how unlikely it is. Clean the prop, and watch for more oil. It won't be much, but a little tiny bit leaking will easily show up on the windscreen. Next choice, as mentioned above, is front crankcase seal. If I were betting, and I never bet, my money would be on the prop. Good luck.
  8. Don't worry, it will only fail completely when it is most inconvenient!
  9. Do a Google search on ADS-B. It is a new traffic and ATC control capability that will be required starting in 2020 for all aircraft that fly where transponders are currently required (short description).
  10. Looks like it has had two gear up issues. Other than that, don't know. I always get extra attention paid to corrosion when a plane comes out of coastal California (or any other coastal area). That is a lot of aircraft for that price. Wow. Before long, people will be paying us to take a 252 off of their hands.
  11. RIP Russell! Russell did a pre-buy for me that saved me from buying a disaster of a Mooney. He also maintained my J Model for several years. Sorry he is gone.
  12. Very cool! Gordon was a really class act. I have read the book a few times. Incredible story and information. The hard part for me to read was the last years of Al's life. I wish he was still around so I could show him some serious appreciation.
  13. N33GG


    Sorry, that really sucks! If I were in the tank sealing business, I think I would advise customers to update anything else that could cause further leaking. And if they declined, I would have them sign an acknowledgement that they were aware of the future risk. Very annoying situation. Again, sorry you are dealing with leaks after having tanks sealed.
  14. It's not a bald head, it's a solar panel for a sex machine!
  15. Congrats, and may you have many more years of flying! I have over 40 years of flying behind me, and it is one of only a few things in life I have never gotten tired of or bored with. I enjoy every minute in the air today as much as I did when I was a private student. And it doesn't matter what the aircraft is, as long as I am in the air. But for traveling, Mooneys have always been one of my favorites! Again, congrats!
  16. Remember, the performance numbers in the POH were determined by a professional Mooney test pilot who flew a new airplane, made three tries and recorded the best of three.
  17. You have the rest of your life to fly. Don't cut it short!
  18. Absolutely beautiful!
  19. Plan on everything going wrong, and you will rarely be disappointed. Sounds like you are doing great to me. Keep the positive vibes going!
  20. That is a beautiful aircraft, and if I were buying it, I would definitely want Don's eyes on it before I did so. Good luck... looks awesome!
  21. Don Maxwell in Longview, TX is close enough, and worth the effort.
  22. Don Maxwell.
  23. That's a bummer man. This aggression shall not stand!
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