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Everything posted by N33GG

  1. I have been around many, many DE's, (CFII/MEI ATP with many check rides myself and my many students) and fortunately none of them have been jerks. All failures I have seen have been very much earned. The PTS allows wiggle room in some cases, and in other areas, not much if any wiggle room is allowed. It is a good idea to review the PTS before the check ride, and know where the wiggle room is provided. I am sure there are some out there that at very least have bad days, as do we all. And there may be some full time jerks lurking in the DE ranks, but I haven't met one. Your first job is to pass the attitude test. Then everything else gets a lot easier. Good luck, and may good attitude be with you! FWIW YMMV etc.
  2. As a previous post indicated, ADM is hot right now. Expect distracting questions or talk on take off or landing, and you should ask the examiner to please hold the thought while you concentrate on flying the aircraft safely. Other hot topic is runway incursions. Be ready for questions on signage, read back requirements, and permission required to cross any runway. FWIW... I just had a flight refresher clinic!
  3. Pick up the phone and talk to Don. Ask him specific questions. Pay attention to his answers. No need to try to guess what he means. Don is excellent. Not a hard person to deal with. Not a hard person to understand or get a straight answer from.
  4. If a drone takes down an airliner, do they still get 72 virgins?
  5. When I took my initial CFI oral I was READY FOR ANYTHING! After a while of questions and clearly I knew everything at that time, the examiner asked me to agree that as an instructor I needed to know Part 91 completely. I agreed. Then he asked me "WHAT IS THE FIRST WORD IN PART 91?" The answer is "EXCEPT". Leave it to the FAA to start with the exceptions! That was decades ago and I haven't forgotten either! And I haven't been asked since. I do however throw that question out when I get a super smart pilot on a flight review.
  6. All of the above are good. Here are a few things I frequently see asked: Be able to tell which antennas go with which system (comm, nav, xpdr, marker, etc) Be sure you can succinctly and correctly tell him when and where a transponder is required. Be ready for questions about visibility and cloud clearance in all types of airspace, and communications required. Review runway and taxiway signage and markings (runway incursions are a big emphasis right now.) Some of them like to throw in a tower light gun signal question. Make sure you don't have any expired charts on you or in the plane. Relax. They know you don't know everything. Most of the DE's I have worked with are really great and remember what it was like. They just want to make sure you will be safe, and give you your first license to really start learning. Good luck!
  7. VERY WELL STATED! I AGREE TOTALLY! But then again, I'm just not the guy who is fond of increasing the power of an already too large government. That's just not me.
  8. More laws? We already have too many laws. And do you think "that guy" who is wired to not give a damn is going to quit because we have more laws?
  9. Don't feel special, you're not the first to have leaking rivets. Very common problem. Some Mooney owners have been flying with them for years. Some owners want them fixed at the first sign. Which kind of owner are you?
  10. I wonder how many of them are operated by NSA or other government agencies. Do youthink they will fess up if one of their machines causes an accident? I have my bet.
  11. Very beautiful bride to go with that good looking Mooney. Congrats!
  12. +1 Concorde Period. Just my experience, YMMV
  13. When you get really confident and everything seems perfect, it will happen again. That's a promise!
  14. If sharing a six pack at the hanger becomes considered legal compensation, I am in BIG trouble! Can you imagine all the 1099's we would all have to file? That might overload and end the IRS right there...hmmmmmmm Lightbulb!
  15. For the life of me, I do not understand why Cruz has not already signed on. He should be all for the freedom angle of this legislation. I strongly suspect there is some dotted line there we don't know about. Watching politics is like watching sausage being made... not very pleasant or appetizing! My voice has, and continues to be heard on this issue.
  16. When those K models get older, they suffer from enlarged prostates and can't make it between oil changes. That's all it is.
  17. It would suck to be the mechanic. The insurance company might declare that there is no proof that this happened due to the landing. I would not let either the mechanic or insurance company jerk me around. But it is appropriate to give the insurance company the opportunity to make everything right first. If they don't, it would suck to be the insurance company. An insurance policy gives the insurance company the right to take care of you. Then, it gives you the right to sue them to make them take care of you. Nothing more, and nothing less.
  18. The 1s kind of remind me of a few Stephen King novels. A bit creepy...
  19. I have no use for a mechanic that would be in denial. Maybe the leak is coincidence, but there is every reason to believe the hard landing either caused or mightily contributed to the problem. I would have an attorney write a very stern letter to get his attention. And I would hate to be in his position on this situation.
  20. Glad to see recovery going on in Wimberly. Beautiful place that really got hammered. Very sad.
  21. I hate court and try to avoid it at all costs. In this case, I would lawyer up right now. FWIW
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