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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. I’d be embarrassed to fly that thing...too many “spermatozoon “ jokes
  2. I like the red Costco workmate door holder
  3. Amen C
  4. We r down that way this weekend...have to try them
  5. Ditto...I haven’t used it either
  6. More likely failure, accessory failure....my friends Baron had a high pressure fuel line to flow divider chaffing thru and blowing blue 100 LL out the top of the cowling.A and P owner pilot was 200 mi from home airport (KSAC) and after shutting down Engine ,elected to continue home on 1 Engine over flat valley terrain.He admitted later he had failed to secure fuel line at last annual.He didn’t seem too concerned about not landing at nearest airport...high risk tolerance.Other long term Baron owner enroute to Branson For thanksgiving last year.He iced up over the Rockies and hit power lines on emerg approach he couldn’t see due to windshield icing.His Baron had windshield alcohol deice but hadn’t been filled in years when he did his own annuals...more high risk tolerance.At his memorial service ,he and his wife were spoken of as highly skilled and experienced pilots.
  7. Hi there,my immediate thoughts after reading your situation ,was to avoid night flying and instead try some creative time management to at least take advantage of what weather and daylight provide you.At the very least ,for this time of year.This isn’t ,what you want to hear ,but with a young family dependent on you ,low time pilot (assuming less than 250 hrs required for commercial)Assuming no instrument or very low time in actual,flying older C model with average equipment,late fall into winter In Northern location,fatigue from long work day,young family etc,night time preflight increasing chance of missing something,airports with closed night time towers and weather reporting,ability to see and avoid ground fogs as the temp decreases,loss of situational awareness occurring for the best of pilots.All pushing the risk factors to JFK jr level.Notice ,I have not mentioned the the loss of an engine ....others have pointed out how peaceful flying over cities at night...LA basin is so well lit up ,an emergency landing is practically a daytime visual affair.Others didn’t mention the time of year,summer with partial daylight or twilight at 930 pm?Lastly,you dont mention why you are pursuing a Commercial in the first place.Job transition to flying job?At 250 hrs,the only jobs I can think of are CFI,glider towing,banner towing,photography,ag work (Maybe)seasonal air taxi...If is the long term aircarrier requiring an ATP...than what’s the rush?At that ,level ,you are embarked on a multi year mission so that imo the risk to reward ratio for running night time ops in fall/winter just to build time is not worth the risk.Either way you decide ,fly safe
  8. Sorry for the tread drift to high school cars...
  9. His car looked like this
  10. I helped him twice fish out the broken splined section out of the differential which was really tricky operation.Bonnet definitely was louvered ,not positive on wheel type (I might be thinking of my 64 mg I had in high school)His model might have been a TF
  11. I wonder if that was early calif nanny state reg?Now the big thing is to carefully remove the white background paint leaving only the letters ,exposing shiny aluminum on license plates.Something to do with confusing all the red light cameras
  12. My brother had a MGTD....cool louvered hood,wire wheels with KO s,convertible top with side curtains (leaky) and a t shaped starter handle .The main thing it was prone to breaking rear drive axles!,can you believe it....who would design a car with such an obvious defect....
  13. Racing stripes..so cool
  14. Or an occasional road wheel that suddenly departs because a knock off came loose while cornering a twisty mountain road.
  15. True,engineering very good,but for distracted California drivers,I like my 2019 Chev Silverado 1/2 ton.
  16. Jealous
  17. Actually ,I painted it and sold it to some unsuspecting car enthusiast and bought a ,gasp!,Volvo station wagon with fold down rear seats.Than I lived happily ever after!
  18. For a real glutton for punishment ,I had a triumph gt-6...what an adventure to drive not knowing when the distributor would suddenly fail.At night ,Lucas lighting was by way of flip the coin.I had poor success with women back than cause they hated the ride!!
  19. Now he can big bucks as “motivational “ speaker and pay back the restitution he was ordered by the court
  20. 30 min to half moon bay for crab sandwiches at ketch Joann at the harbor
  21. I think you got your money’s worth
  22. For me it depends if I’m on an IFR approach to a fogged in runway with gusty winds over terrain (Arcata or little River) to minimums ,Than I’m Typically no where near 1.3 Vso when I break out on short final.This situation 5000 feels comfortable and 4000 requires moderate braking.VFR ,my comfort level drops to 3000 ...I could always use refresher with Don Kaye,but fact is long trip fatigue sets in and I’m not as good as practicing in the pattern
  23. Every time I hear his story...I think miracle,plane basically landed itself like those ww2 “ghost”planes you read about.Also have a sensor and use it in my trailer when camping
  24. Terrible news!Hoping for closure for entire family.Peace
  25. I especially enjoyed meeting the “real person” behind all the posts.The unique bullit point posting,disclaimer “not a”,good humor etc makes him a truely valued member here.Hoping to see the next 25 k
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