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Everything posted by jrwilson

  1. I can't find a picture of the one I remember on the internet at all...But it looked like this, only big enough for a plane... The front hinged up to get the plane in and out. Looked kind of flimsy but the ads claimed it could withstand a hurricane. Sporty's used to sell them.
  2. I remember what you're talking about, little hangar tents in the tie-down area. I saw one in person once in Fullterton I think. It didn't look very robust. I haven't seen those advertised for maybe the last 10 years.
  3. Just wanted to clarify… you mention you like the simplicity of the manual gear and flaps, but then mention the M20J or K would be a good fit. Just making sure you know the J and K both have electric gear, not the Johnson bar. For the manual gear you need an earlier C/E or F. Later models are all electric gear.
  4. For cheap (Like $35) you could get some new labels printed for the panel, that would clean it up a little bit and would be a quick interim solution. Then maybe an Ipad mount to go over the pilot's yoke would nicer. Overall, not a bad panel.
  5. Could you add me to the list? CFI in the Sacramento, ca area. I fly a 231 and have experience in 20C/E/J/K/S. thanks, John Wilson 916-505-2240
  6. 25 hours/4 months. 15w50 231
  7. I called UAvionix and confirmed the K isn't approved. They say it is because the K is certified to 28,000' and they're only allowed up to 25,000'. I discussed the difference in service ceilings of 231's and 252's. The tech support person I spoke to found the serial number differences between the 231 and 252 and said she would work on getting 231's by serial number approved on the next update, but said it would be a few months at least.
  8. This is frustrating. You're not an expert, but you make a blanket statement about "The 231 has a problem engine as far as I'm concerned." Do you mean early 231s with the -GB engine? If so, yes, there were early problems, which have been largely rectified with the -LB engines. Add an intercooler and Merlyn and it's a fantastic plane. A low time pilot can't be trained to safely operate one? Jeez, tell that to the military, which routinely teaches low time pilots to fly jets. Sure, it only has 10 more horsepower than the J, and it isn't "...all that much faster." But by that logic, your Ovation 3 has 100 more horsepower, and isn't that much faster than my 231...in fact, maybe a bit slower. Throughout the history of the 231, it has been discussed by armchair critics who've never actually flown them and just repeat what they've heard from early reviews of early model 231's. Maybe get some updated information on the 231 before making broad statements. Sorry for the rant...
  9. So I read the article on caveman and I’m confused... is it an active hotel? Do people actually stay there? Seems like there are hotel rooms and amenities but for a possible future venture?
  10. Just outboard of the pitot tube on the left, close to the front of the wing. Same spot on the right, just easier to find on the left with the pitot tube
  11. I got the Aspen Max upgrade and it came with a synthetic vision unlock card but I already had SV unlocked on my system. So I have an unused unlock card. I’m not sure which Aspen systems can use it or what is needed to install it. But if you need one I’d let it go for a good price.
  12. I don’t know what the hose was going to, just know they needed a longer one to get around the surefly.
  13. Surefly is installed. Needed an oil hose reroute (new hose) but other than that if fit fine. Starts faster and idles better. No real performance gains because of fixed timing
  14. Nope...that’s why I had 166 ktas ;). Autopilot was doing a slight correction. Picture right before was 165 and level
  15. 9,500'/28"/2500 RPM Full fuel but only two people on board so about 150 under gross. Sorry about the sideways pictures. Maybe I was in a steep turn?
  16. That seems really slow...like F speeds. What RPM? I’m using 2500. Maybe check rigging?
  17. Fullerton has a wash rack by the tower.
  18. Thanks for the info, all good advice! I'm getting the vaccum replaced and one mag overhauled, the other changed for a Surefly. The O2 bottle was replaced last year (Pricey!). I do need to get the hot prop looked at...
  19. Hi all, Getting ready for the annual and the plane will be at 500 hours SMOH. Going to put in a SureFly mag replacement and overhaul the other mag. looking through the service manual, looks like the vacuum pump and fuel selector valve need to be overhauled. Anything else need overhauling at 500 hours? is anything required for the alternator? I also have a cycling noise in the radio along with the amp gauge fluctuating. Wondering if something should be done with the alternator/regulator? thanks in advance!
  20. If you want to take a quick flight in a 231 and don't mind a drive I'm at Placerville and could take you up.
  21. So I would avoid a 206 or a 210 if you you care about efficiency/vs speed at all... I fly both for work and the fuel burn is terrifying and I’m always glad I don’t pay for the gas. The T-210 is relatively fast, but at 20 gph, it’s still slower than my 231. It can carry more though and is pretty comfy but sucks down the gas. 206 (300hp) is a big slow truck. Roomy but so so slow!
  22. Will there be a landing fee for LASAR customers at RIU? Currently they have a landing fee...
  23. The GB engine is considered to be hotter running than the LB engine.
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