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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. I think this is what I remembered from the full narrative. "he did not back taxi to the end to utilize the entire runway" To me that sound like the last few hundred feet, not midfield "After dinner, the group returned to 70N for the return flight to FRG. The pilot was aware of the hill at the departure end of runway 23, since they had seen it in daylight hours during their arrival at 70N. After ground operations, the pilot taxied the airplane to runway 23. He lined up for takeoff at the intersection of the taxiway and runway 23; he did not back taxi to the end to utilize the entire runway. The pilot advanced the throttle to begin the takeoff roll."
  2. I don't think it was midfield. I remember something either on here originally or in the prelim about not using the 1st few hundred feet.
  3. You can also get a new PCU 5000 governor for just a little more after you consider the core value of the old one. It saves a couple of pound, works better and has a 7 year warranty. No surprise charges with an overhaul either.
  4. I also remember him stating that his plane did not have the climb performance of other J's. I think I remember saying that him and another member had went up and done some comparison test.
  5. Check with the guys up at Roosterville (0N0), Just north of KC. The IA there owns a Mooney and could probably help. He owns the airport and lives beside it. I have a friend who keeps his plane there and have been there several times with him while working there on business. Its a family owned/ran airport who are down to earth people who will either help or point you in the correct direction. Been in business close to 50 years I believe he told me.
  6. There is a pretty large sump area under the pickup. I would have thought that it would take at least a gallon or more to cover the pickup.
  7. Taking a lady flying would get most wives interested in flying.
  8. I've also had a problem with mine dripping after pushing it back down. After taking it apart and getting the dried gunk off it seals fine now.
  9. I have to pull pretty hard on mine. If mine is all the way up it gives a stream. If not all the way up is just drips a few drops. Assuming the fuel selector is on.
  10. I did not put shuttle valves in mine and had no trouble getting them to bleed.
  11. I've always been worried about leaving the tow bar connected. I have made a point about never laying it down when I pull the plane with it. When I get the plane where I want it I remove the tow bar and go put it in the luggage compartment.
  12. I went back and dug out the old e-mail that Bruce has sent me about 2.5 years ago. He quoted the side panel kit at $2500 and had a option of getting a shop he used to recover the seats in leather for $1060 each. There were also a few options such as map pockets that would have brought the total up to around $8K. His prices have either went up considerably, or there may have been some confusion on what was included in the original post. On a sad note he thought he was within a month of getting the STC approved. Looks like he is still working on it over 2 years later.
  13. I think he may be ligit. He has been a member for almost a year and has other post. What he is asking about is not completely unreasonable as long as he is dealing with a reputable seller or broker on this end and gets a plane of known quality with a very complete pre buy. One other consideration, are you moving back to the US at the end of the year? Otherwise the plane will be here and you will be overseas and the plane will just be sitting developing problems. I have a friend who is overseas right now and gets us take his plane up for a couple of filghts every 6 months when he is home. If this is the case it makes no sense. If your moving back at the end of the year anyway and are just moving up the purchase a few months to save on taxes it makes sense.
  14. -3db is half power. If using RG 400 coax the loss will be less than 1 db in the com frequencies. The biggest loss is going to be from the horizontal antenna. Line of site is often more critical than power, so unless you are trying to talk to some one very for away it will work fine. We have some very expenisve software at work and 5 full time people who figure out our reciever spacing.
  15. I talked to him about 2 years ago about it. At theat time he was saying $2K and was waiting on the STC to be approved. It is just for the bottom of the window down. He reuses the window trim.
  16. I saw something similiar at the St. Andrews boat ramp a few years ago. Someone had a brand new Tocama and was trying to pull a 25 ft or so boat up the ramp. It would only move 4 or 5 inches and stop. He cursed the truck and said he should have kept the Chevy. He finally ask someone with a 1980 Ford Bronco if he would help tow the truck/boat up the ramp. A tow strap was attached and it still didn't move. He then asked the Bronco Driver to give him a Snatch. On the second snatch there was a horrible sound and the boat came up the ramp, minus the outdrive. He had forgot to trim the outprive up and it was catching on the end of the cement ramp. The Tocoma transmission was ruined as well as the outdrive/transom of the boat. No he did not seem to be intoxicated.
  17. It is a modified AN fitting that Mooney makes. They take a 90deg AN fitting and machine out the inside and place a ball in it with a pin to hold it in. Lycoming also makes a straight version of it. It screws directly into the bottom of the engine. If it sticks open the engine will lope and run rough, Picture is here http://www.donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/External_Hoses/FITTING6.JPG
  18. I think when you get in the $130K plus range with a plane the pool of potential buyers is extremely small. It would be interesting to see some graphs of sell time vs price range.
  19. Keep him cool, cold air in his face. Keep him occupied so he doesn't think about it (Let him fly). Phenergan and Zofran both work well, but requires a perscription and makes some people drowzey.
  20. I don't see a problem with selling simple parts like this from a flooded plane. They can be easily inspected for damage. However the original seller on barnstormers was also selling some parts that could not be easily inspected and was not disclosing their history. I was interested in the throttle cable until I realized the plane it was from. https://plus.google.com/photos/112000888456398950165/albums/5885386392718497921?authkey=CMKVmaWoj4jYNA
  21. When I worked for Lockheed, I saw pictures of a C130 or similar that was pressure tested as part of an inspection. The pop off valves were plugged off due to some other paint work that was being done. The worker apparently took extended break and the plane exploded at some point. The pictures looked real to me and not something that had been doctored up. I'll see if I still have the picture
  22. In the case of a DPE giving a PPL checkride is the DPE not the PIC? Otherwise he is a passenger and students are not allowed to take passengers. He is just making sure the plane is legal. The local DPE has told me that he has had students show up in planes out of annual, AD's not complied with, expired transponder checks, missing registration card, ect.
  23. The DPE here also goes through the logs before a checkride. He has canceled checkrides before because of it.
  24. This looks like a very expensive screwup. http://www.today.com/video/today/52202822/#52202822
  25. I've never been to the mooney factory, but from the pictures I've saw the automation level is very low. I did visit the Zenith experimental aircraft factory a few years ago. They had CNC router tables that could pretty much cut and predrill every part. No jigs were necessary for assembling the parts, just align the predrilled parts and insert rivets. You can buy a CNC router table that will hold a 4x12 sheet of aluminum for less than a year of an employees salary.
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