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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. What do you think would happen to the seat release handle when you encounter some negative G's? The spring may not be strong enough to keep the lever down.
  2. The fuel pump being on has nothing to do with how much fuel is in the engine. It is just there in case the engine pump fails. It also fills the carburetor bowl for easier cranking. The float in the carburetor keeps the carburetor full and the jets, idle circuit and accelerator pump supply and regulate fuel up to the engine.
  3. I didn't read it that close since it didn't apply to me, but I think it probably has to do with the top prop spinner problems a few years ago.
  4. My IA forwarded this to me a few minutes ago. It was released this morning. I think most people swapped them out a couple of years ago. NE-13-32.pdf
  5. Spruce has them also. It seems like there was a limit on how many of these you are allowed to use adjacent to each other.
  6. If your still needing something to drive your autopilot with look at a used kln 89B. You can get them for under $500 on ebay. A vfr install isn't much, just a power and ground wire, coax and a pair to the autopilot.
  7. The only reason I see to use a panel mounted GPS if your VFR only, is to drive a autopilot. Otherwise a portable is a fraction of the cost and has better features
  8. The cat whiskers type have a VSWR of about 1/2 what the blade type and towel bar ones have. Lower is better. Then again the blades have less drag. In reality your going to have line of sight and probably not going to see any noticeable RF advantage between the 3.
  9. Make the measurement and adjustment over several tank of fuel keeping track of how much you add each time and any filling errors will be negligible. Flowmeter accuracy varies over flow, so the low flow calibration may not be that accurate.
  10. On my F model there is a coax bulkhead connector at the hinge joint of the tail. They should be able to just replace it from there inward or outward depending on which side it is cut on.
  11. How old were your tubes? Could you tell if it had a wrinkle in it that eventually turned into a crack?
  12. I have not saw one that did not have at least some free play. For those who think yours don't you may not be picking up hard enough. Below is a quote from Maxell about free play and how he measures it . Empennage free play is not a big concern. We tie the tail down and lift at the trailing egde of the rudder near the tail nav lite. We measure from the ground to the bottom screw that holds the nav lite lens on. 3/16" is our number. Bill Wheat in his certification flights flew a Mooney with no bushings installed in the tail. It would move around several inches in every direction, he then did an FAA witnessed, from afar, dive test to 250 mph and recovered with only a minor brown spot in the pilot seat. I asked him how they came by the limits in the SM and he said , "they, the feds, wanted a number, we gave them some". I once flew a C model that was pitchy in rough air. On inspection , someone had installed a 1/4 inch bolt instead of a 5/16 in the trim link. Forward movement at the tip is common and is usually remedied by retorquing the two top attach bolts. Don
  13. N601RX

    After work fun

    Its a old cell phone. This was about 10 years ago when I had the flying go-kart as my wife called it. I had some parachute jumpers tell me I was crazy, but they usually got pretty quite when I told them that it would not leave the ground unless the parachute was open and reminded them that when they jump out of a plane they were just hoping their parachute would open. Actually its pretty safe, It only goes 30mph and can land almost anywhere. I flew it for about 300 hrs and never had any problems. The funniest thing that ever happened was that someone called the police department and told them that a plane had crashed and the occupants had parachuted out and were caught in a updraft and being blown away by the wind. The dispatcher knew me and ask the person to describe what it looked like and then told them that everything was ok. I had several people follow me for several miles back to my house just to ask for a ride.
  14. Is the mixture pulled out? If so that's what would be normal.
  15. N601RX

    After work fun

    Here is my 1st venture at flying several years ago. Nothing like getting home from work and taking off from the backyard. Kind of wish I still had it. For some reason I never seemed to have any gas for the lawnmower when it came time to cut the grass. You may need to install quicktime to see the videos. Takeoff 11-3-02 HQ.mov 2Touch&Go Smooth 11-30-02 HQ.mov
  16. Rotax uses a rubber drive disk to isolate the gearbox from the engine. I had a Rotax 512 on my powered parachute and never had a problem with it. Some of them also put a clutch between the engine and gearbox so it can idle without the prop spinning. Here is a Pic, I'll try to dig out some video and post it.
  17. Check with an appliance store.
  18. I saw this M22 for sale on barnstormers. http://www.barnstormers.com/ad_detail.php?ID=772570
  19. I removed these and no longer need them. The Scott thermometer reads 32 deg when placed in a icewater bath and appears to be correct at room temp also. Face is clear. The cooling vent does not have any cracks. Thermometer $45 Cooling Vent $20
  20. I routed mine up above the rocker covers and attached them to the baffling. This keeps the away from the exhaust, oil and noise that comes from the spark plugs.
  21. I was disappointed at their showroom. The show room is small and only has a few of the more common things. Everything is back in the back and you have to wait for some one to pull it after you order. I get my oil from the local oil distributor. They keep several cases in stock and are cheaper than Spruce. Spruce does have a spring fly-in that is pretty good. They put up several large tents outside and have some good deals.
  22. You can get a new motor or have yours repaired a Globe Motors in Dothan, Al. Ask for the FAA repair station.
  23. There is another STC'd HID lighting option for some Mooneys. Floats Alaska has them, but currently they do not have Mooneys on their AML, but they have a DER who is authorized to add models to the AML easily as long as the plane meets some installed criteria. I took some pictures and measurements off my F model and sent to them. One of the criteria is that the bulb and reflector must be at least 4" away from the nearest exhaust pipe. The F model is only 3.5 inches and can't be easily added. The J might be ok as the cowl goes forward more. I also think the dual light models like Seth has would have the necessary clearance. Their prices are $550 and $650 for the PAR 36 and PAR 46. http://www.aerohilights.com/pricing.html
  24. Plane power also has a nice solid state regulator that is cheaper than the Zeftronics. Read the STC and AML closely, it is not approved for all models. It is approved for models that had the previously installed interav alternator STC that was popular in the 80's and 90's. It also gives you a path to move toward a plane power alternator when the interav one needs replacing.
  25. Have you saw this post of someone wanting to sell one? http://mooneyspace.com/topic/8602-scimitar-top-prop-for-sale/
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