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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. The take off and slip restrictions on the Bonanza have to do with unporting the fuel system , If you have ever been close up to a V tail it is HUGE , I don't even know if it is possible to shadow it enough to stall it.... Also the Mooneys have a very narrow airfoil on the tails , which may contribute to the possibility of stalling the tail in a slip.......Just an observation , no real engineering data to back it up....
  2. So Skyjunkie , by now you must realize that this question was an exercise in futility.......
  3. It is a new Concoction , Ed Kollin and TCM are testing it getting ready for certification.....
  4. It was Peter Garmin..... I saw him do it !!!!
  5. The case repairs are not always long lasting , Superior is now making new cases , not sure of the cost....
  6. Did power on stall training in an E a few years ago..... I will NEVER do power on stalls in a Mooney EVER ... There is nothing conventional about recovering from an inverted spin...... Just my two cents.....Even cleaning the brown stain from my skivvies was "unconventional"
  7. I have one from a C and an E
  8. Looks like your Mooney has tits on its back!!!
  9. Heres the deal on the KG102A , as far as install with the Sandel , it uses 7 wires as compared to the KCS55a system , it is a breeze to install , as long as it does not have a gold gyro can , it can be serviced.....If it is post serial # 34951 , it is a Mod 7 power supply and will probably last forever...... The Sandel units will backup the gyro by averaging the flux info into a simulated gyro presentation , hence if you lose the gyro , you are still good .... The problem with the Sandel install in the panel is that when you pull back the yokeshaft it raises about an inch in an upward arc near the bottom of the lowest hole (The HSI hole) , I compensated for this by shimming the lower mounting holes with flat washers between the panel and the instrument.....this tilted the back of the instrument upward and cleared the yokeshaft , BUT it caused clearance issues between the HSI and the horizon....Its doable , but challenging , And if you have ever flown with a Sandel , It is FANTASTIC!!!!!
  10. I had a SN3308 in the SWTA panel in the bottom slot above the yokeshaft , it wont fit without the bend on the old style as the yokeshaft will interfere with it , also Keep in ,mind that connectors for the 3500 are rigid type and will add an extra 2 inches beyond the depth of the instrument...
  11. If anyone needs a 525A system , I sell -07 mod 7 systems for 2K ........
  12. I have done the SWTA panel mod , They eyeball for the yokeshafts gets cut out so the structure will be different , and may not accommodate the older style anymore.....Dave Matthieson of Airmods in Robbinsville NJ is trying to sell a set of articulating seats , they have been on barnstormers a few times, you may want to check it out,,,,
  13. Probably a blessing in disguise , running it a minute after the oil pumped out didn't put metal in the filter , or damage the internals....
  14. I was being sarcastic Lance....
  15. The adapter from stratus is dual voltage 24/14 .....
  16. Hey Pete , the dog ate my homework.........
  17. Guys , the parts I was referring to were used parts....as far as maintenance is concerned the Bo's are not parts whores....The only part that I had to buy from beech in 4 years was an uplock cable for the gear , and it was 150.00 .. Any other parts I needed were generic ... Perhaps I have been lucky....
  18. The Bonanzas are 4 seat aircraft (in reality) , the CG issues are from the V tail models , not the Straight tails.... I think the sweet spot for the A-36 would be the early to late 70s models...... The best part of owning a Bonanza is the fact that there are a million mods and stc's for these aircraft , also there is continuity of parts from the 60s on up..... If you need a part , it is available second hand and everybody has one , driving the cost down....They have barn doors for passengers , and emergency exit windows , which can be opened up on the ground.....(you wont bake waiting for a clearance in the summer).... They can be stretched out to 4000 lbs gross...(although you would need LOTS of runway to get off in heat) ... As far as ownership , you cant beat em....Also very nimble on the controls and can be flown very aggressively and very forgiving , (Ask Marauder about my approach when I dropped him off last year) , If your only mission is speed , Than the Mooney is a great aircraft , if not , the Beech is probably the best piston Single out there....... Or maybe the Cirrus ,
  19. So , just curious what procedures and approaches does the GTN do that the GNS does not?? And also . if you cant figure out which airway you are on , you might want to stay home.......
  20. I wonder how much drag a fixed tail uses over an articulating tail.....Either way , the tail has to "fly" ....Its not a weather vane.....
  21. I had no Idea that Mooney was producing J's when they shut down......
  22. The G430 has over 10,000 units in service , Garmin has no intent to stop providing support for these , that being said , when Garmin stopped support for the MX20 , they gave a 4000 dollar trade allowance for a new GMX200 , if you push , they will give a 2500 dollar trade for an MX20 against a GMX200.... They did stop support for the GX series, but I don't think they had the number of units out in the fleet , also the GX series was an Apollo product that predates the Garmin name....As far as a GTN upgrade you are looking at a 5000 upgrade over the 430 , GTN = 10,500 G430W = 5500 ..... The 94 is a good legacy unit , the two problems being 1) screens are no longer available, 2) No rs232 output for GPSS ......The 94 is worth about 1500 on the open market , The SL40 about 1100 , I would sit on the 94 and wait for an all in one box for ADSB out.....There will be a 3000.00 all in one box within the next two years..... Trig , and Appareo are in the loop to be certified..... Everybody talks about the 650 being such great tech , the only thing it does that the 430 does not , is touch screen.........P.S. the screen on the 94 will last forever as long as nobody tries to use it like a touch screen......When they push on the screen , that's what kills em....
  23. Chris I don't argue that the master will work , but it is not what I would consider the first on the list ...
  24. Mike , this was mentioned in the other site ,the problem being in actual on approach or lift off , you don't want to shutoff all the nav equipment ..Also it was mentioned when you hold the A/P disconnect , it will disable the trim (until you release it) ..
  25. We lost an experienced pilot at Beechtalk and the consensus is that was a trim issue......Just curious about those with electric trim if you have your trim breaker identified and have gone over procedures for this.......It sounds like pretty scary stuff , as for now , I am going to leave the trim off and manually trim for now.....
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