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Ned Gravel

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Everything posted by Ned Gravel

  1. Do those things actually work on plexiglas? Sent from my iPad
  2. Is this where we shut up and let the adults talk? ;-) Sent from my iPad
  3. Malawi? In October or November? Sent from my iPad
  4. +1for the Halos. Sent from my iPad
  5. I have both an 810 and a Mk 12D. I have replaced both sets of displays over the 9 years I have owned my Mooney. They wear out and go from working to getting really dim, to finally losing some of the digits over the space of a few months. I understand there are still lots of spare displays out there and some shops specialize in them. I once made the mistake of trying to replace the one in my 810. I may have been a Signals Officer, but there is a reason why my technicians did not want me to touch anything in the repair shops. I just do not have the knack for it. I paid for that display twice and the second one was put in by a much more competent radio technician.
  6. I think this is the scale replica of a P51 (called a "T51"?) that I saw in Oshkosh once. I am not sure it ever had a four-blade prop on that engine, but I could be wrong. I agree it looks a little strange, but an aeronautics engineer could probably explain way better than I why six blades fit for what this engine delivers.
  7. How about NPHNX? "From the ashes.........."
  8. This from a guy that flies one? Sent from my iPad
  9. I remember that one from my old Piper Arrow. Sometimes wish I had one in the Mooney - but dependable. Sent from my iPad
  10. Ah, yes. I remember this hanger from last year. Good work Brian.
  11. When you take them up on a fly day, and you have gone through all the BORING safety briefing with them and you are clear of the pattern headed in whatever direction is assigned for that 10 minutes out and back and you look over at the little one and you ask: "Do you want to fly?" and you watch the look on their faces change. Priceless.
  12. I don't fly with them, but that is a great commercial.
  13. I had 160 or so hours before I bought mine. Most of that was in 172's and Cherokees. Transition was pretty easy because I made a point of listening very carefully to my Mooney-savvy instructor. 600 or so hours later now. Still good. But life is keeping me from enjoying it as much as I would like.
  14. I don't think Clarence is going to be all that keen on going above 13,000', but I too am interested to see what he says when he reads this. Imagine guy who is a Mooney guru, owned two or three of them, tricked them all out to go faster, finally sells his last "family" one (he still has the Mite to work on), buys eight cylinders of speed to put the whole family in it and go faster, only to find out that there is more to do...... Would that I were there to hear that..........
  15. For real? Sorry guys, but I do not fit the profile to offer comment, useful or otherwise on this. And frankly, there is no one in the neighbourhood I would trust to do so otherwise. Not a lot of real aviation going on here. Last year I visited a local flying club to see if I could keep flying during my deployments. Then I saw the state of the aircraft. Not me. Sorry Yves. Sent from my iPad
  16. +1 for both of these. Used DuPage for work in the south and Executive for work in the North.
  17. Clarence: You can go to the document download section of the site at http://mooneyspace.com/files/ and then upload the file as a word .doc. You can see from the picture I am attaching that .doc files are acceptable. Your second choice may be to print it to pdf and then upload that.
  18. I had TWinter's problem. Working. Not being on the continent does not help either.
  19. I am in Shanghai as I read this, on my way to Honolulu and I was hoping to tell someone here that I am a Mooney Driver and show them pictures of my aircraft (also an E model), but it never came up. I was thinking that they might invite me to talk about it and demonstrate the operation of the Johnson bar and then ........ ..... OK, maybe not. But there can't be any harm in thinking about it, can there?
  20. +1 for using Clarence. Competent and honest. He has looked after my Mooney for 9 years. Sent from my iPad
  21. I would stick with TKS if I had an Ovation with all the goodies too. But like Aaron and John, I dream of possibilities. When Ute and I were in Quakertown, PA, last year, Brian was hosting us at a little BBQ and his friend (and CEO of Lancair) came back from Reno in this. It has all the bells and whistles, probably sucks up 30 gph to fly at 30,000' and also probably has heavy duty de-icing kit of some type or other. A very capable aircraft, but out of my price range, as is a TKS equipped long body Mooney.
  22. I use the My E6B app. It has a day/night soft switch on the main panel and has all of the standard E6B bits and pieces. Very easy to use.
  23. Brian: Doesn't GAMI have a "supplenator" kit one can install in place of the vacuum pump when the last of the steam gauges come out? Don't know its generating specs, but I wonder if that would be good enough.
  24. Releew: My Mooney still has its original paint job. When I was part owner of an Arrow it had a white over blue scheme like Lance Casper's shown in his avatar but with a set of silver stripes between them instead of gold. I have always liked that paint scheme but when I see yours (from your avatar) I like the boldness of the red. Probably easier to spot too if I end up off airport in Northern Canada. So..... all this to ask if you can post a pic or two of the exterior of your new-to-you Mooney. I want to start gathering comparison schemes.
  25. My first question too.
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