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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. Welcome to flying Mooneys in NJ. We have an MSC here and they often rent Mooneys. We also have Mooney specific training available here when you are ready. Learn the search function quickly. There are so many topics initiated/covered by people asking similar questions that you may have. They may have started with the same experience that you currently have. Expect all answers to have a bias, but the recomendations are from the heart. Search for topics like where are you flying this weekend, or holiday travel. Look up the nj mooney web site, one of our members here hosts it. Welcome aboard. Best regards, -a-
  2. Alan, Thanks for sharing. Welcome aboard. Best regards, -a-
  3. There are M20Cs on barnstormers for <$38k low engine hours, newish paint, one with a newish prop... And 2000 hr TBO. Fly fast, save money...own a Mooney. Best regards, -a-
  4. Ward, I was impressed with it's skill. It collects data without any pilot's effort or distraction. It graphicly showed the point of departure from the ground. I was unable to do that with any accuracy with my own eyes. Of course, I was flying someone else's Screeming Eagle and was testing these exact performances as well...and comparing against the documented performance... The point I am also making is to make sure the 40 year old plane is abiding by the 40 year old chart in a few points. Do the testing in a safe manner, long open runways etc.... The bargain of the decade: find a run-out Eagle, upgrade to a factory reman 310 HP engine and 3 blade Hartzell prop. Prove out the new performance using something like CloudAhoy on something like an iPad... CloudAhoy also measured performance of flight maneuvers, time, speed, altitude control, and graphed them over the farms of NJ. If I were a student, I would use this flight recorder for each flight segment. One error I found that it started the take off run at 16kts. We taxied out and then accelerated. We did not tell it to begin measuring from a stand still. It claimed I was flying in the low 60kts. Not enough data to tell absolute accuracy. That's why I am sharing. Need to start a new thread I think... View point statement...I am a user, not an expert or flight instructor. YMMV. Best regards, -a-
  5. Then compare the written data to your own collected data using CloudAhoy app from the apple AppStore... Best regards, -a-
  6. Dave, It looks like a matched set. -a-
  7. That works nicely... The Cessna graph was interesting. They had several possible load schemes already graphed out, fom single pilot with low fuel to fully loaded.... And everything in between... And worked from my iPad, at least while connected to the Internet.... Best regards, -a-
  8. I clicked but picasa said no page found... -a-
  9. Greg, Sorry. I was trying to share my experience with some detail. It appears that I am short on cash. So I only have the iPad 1. WnB may work on other platforms, I just don't know. Other people still prefer paper. Whatever you choose is ok with me. Best regards, -a-
  10. I'm betting on the slipping belt solution. Any takers? It is a little more challenging to get right compared to current automotive technology. They don't squeal noticebly like slipping auto belts. Best regards, -a-
  11. Thanks HR. you have made the point very clearly. WnB = accurate + convenient for the apple gang. Best regards, -a-
  12. Unable to log in through tapatalk. It redirects me through Safari. Safari won't paste...
  13. I used excel, but the pc revolution is dead. WnB from the app store seams to work well. I tried to post a screen shot, but am unable... Best regards, -a-
  14. How fast and what order can you pull the power out? Red knob, blue knob, black knob? Or blue knob, red knob, black? Or pray first, then adjust knobs? Or it just doesn't matter. Fly whatever you have left to the ground. Or pray first, then go flying. I go with maintain what you have to the highest level possible, then recycle through the above list as many times as you have time on your hands... Who's idea was this one anyway? What's my chance of having an MI while flying? Or hitting a falling meteorite or Cessna 150? Best regards, -a-
  15. Visiting AAA is hazardous to your wallet.... Use caution. -a-
  16. Nice details Cody. Do you have any before and after numbers for an io550 or other six cyl engines with three blade props? Best regards, -a-
  17. Zeftronics also has some onboard LEDs to help with trouble shooting... Check your wires' continuity. Be careful when being near moving machine parts... Best regards, -a-
  18. Don't expect the downward trend in price of Mooneys to last unless the following occurs... (1) hours that get put on them. More engine hours = lower price. Restore the engine = restore the price. (2) price of gas increasing. Price of gas goes down = increase in the price of planes, boats, and corvettes. Even here Mooneys are better than the others... (3) they start making new ones. This only affects the newest of used planes. Cs aren't here (4) interest rates increase. This only works well for those with money already... Were you planning on buying to fly it or was it an investment? Buy a plane because renting doesn't work. If renting works for your situation, consider yourself lucky, and rent. M20Cs aren't going any lower. Nice ones are near $50k, completely worn out are near $20k. Similar investments are increasing in value as national employment numbers improves. Look globally. Even though an airplane can be moved around the world, it takes too much effort, fuel, money to make that happen legally. It costs too much money just to move it across the country. Why wait? How'd I do? This is not professional advice. It's worth what you paid for it. YMMV. etc.... For professional advice, speak with David at all American aircraft in Texas. Doesn't cost money to get educated there... Best regards, -a-
  19. First person on record to jump start a car from a plane... -a-
  20. Mike, You have a good thought process. Determine if the existing gage is required or not, a JPI would be better than the existing EGT. Have your mechanic back up your decision and document the installation. EGT out, CHT stays in, JPI covers both, mechanic makes it legal... Welcome to MooneySpace, -a-
  21. Upgrading from one Mooney to the next is perfectly acceptable as long as the improvement includes increased body length or turbo charger... Going from a J to an R or M is good....a TN would be better. J to K/ Encore kinda good. Better if flying in the mountains often. Gary, Flying around Florida probably won't see the value as much... Did the Encore have better avionics than the current ride? My thoughts anyway... -a-
  22. http://www.controller.com/list/list.aspx?pcid=17527&etid=1&dlr=1&setype=1 There is some still left, but the prices are a bit higher than last year... -a-
  23. Steve, Any replacements on the way? I'm always a glass half full kinda guy... Best regards, -a-
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