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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Quote: tomcullen Does anyone have LOP experience without the constant speed prop we Mooney pilots take for granted? -dan
  2. jlunseth, Just a note - even in something like a Cessna 172, there is generally no reason to leave full backpressure on the yoke all the way to the point of liftoff at a soft field. As soon as the nosewheel comes off the ground, it's a slow progression of releasing some of the backpressure on the yoke. Your "modified" technique is actually pretty close to standard soft field technique. It really doesn't require "pulling" the plane into ground effect.
  3. Although I do not have a personal buying or selling experience with Jimmy, he has sent me a couple emails with some soon-to-be-listed aircraft when he knew I was looking for a new plane. They were very relevant to the type of plane I was looking for (I needed a capable, turbocharged, Texas-to-Florida travel machine) - I just ended up with a plane that wasn't in his possession or under contract with him. While it's clear he was doing the best to further his business, him sending those emails with specs and pics to me was much appreciated.
  4. Can't move mine...all the control surfaces are off and it's stripped for paint.
  5. Coming out of annual in April the coupler broke. Then last month the #1 alternator ate itself alive internally.
  6. One of the most important parts of a go-around is the change in pitch that results. Anyone that's done a go-around in a Lake LA4-250 will know that if you're not ready for the downward pitch change, you'll likely finish the flight upside down and wet. Always important to feel out the pitch change of adding full power while at a comfortable altitude.
  7. Jack, Have you checked with Don Maxwell? He always seems to have good answers on this stuff. You and me both facing alternator and charging related issues.
  8. Quote: marks We did not clamp the rudder pedals or the yokes but took a quick look while two mechanics checked to see the yokes were level.
  9. cool plane!
  10. Quote: jwilkins If you continue to have trouble with the Kelly / Hartzell alternators give Dan at Lasar a call. He has a local shop near Lasar which has been rebuilding alternators for them for many years with good results. It may not be 'off the shelf' but when I needed an alternator for the 231 Dan had one rebuilt and drop shipped to Arizona Air Craftsman in about three days. Both the shop and I thought it was worth the three days to avoid using the available Hartzell rebuilt which may have been a Kelly rebuild.
  11. Quote: Hank Oh, the joys of being single. Fix up the J; add Aspens; trade the J for a K; do an Encore conversion; repaint . . . Do I remember correctly that you reserved an N-number but are now not painting it on the plane? Kept the same tail number. One of the stripes goes thru N252BH much better than any other suitable tail number. Hoping it'll be ready 2nd-3rd week of sept.
  12. Quote: Hank Let's run some numbers using an average of 5 minutes longer in the climb. Five minutes = 1/12 hours [easy number!]. At 190 KTAS, you'll go 15.8 nm; at 145 KTAS, you'll only go 12.1 nm, so you'll be 3.75 nm "behind" by climbing LOP. At your slow top of climb speed, it will take you 1:33 longer to make up that distance, or only 1:11 longer at cruise speed. Rounding the fuel difference down from 2.33 gal to 2.0 gallons, at $5.50/gal, is $11.00 fuel savings, or $425.81 per hour at 145 KTAS [which becomes $557.75/hr at 190 KTAS]. No, $11 per flight won't break the bank, but do it thirty times per year and you'll earn yourself a free fill up. Almost two tanks for my little plane. Or does the extra minute-and-a-half really make a difference in arrival time? Sorry, sometimes my engineering background shows up. To an optimist, the glass is half full; to a pessimist, the glass is half empty. To an engineer, the glass is too big.
  13. 2 days at $200/day isn't a bad rate at all. A lot goes into these trips..but you need to make sure you're hiring someone who is competent in Mooneys (and meets your insurance requirements as either a Named Pilot or falls under the Open Pilot Warranty).
  14. Cooper's BBQ at AQO of course. The gas isn't cheap, but you could fly to KERV and take the crew car to Mamacita's for some good Mexican food.
  15. Here's the Three View from a generic POH
  16. The 252 should be the same. 25'5" length 8'4" high from the ground to the top of the tail. 36'1" wingspan.
  17. Quote: jetdriven I am a diehard LOP operator but ROP target EGT climb is the only safe way to do it. LOP climb can be done, but the fuel savings are less than a half gallon a flight. Not nearly worth the trouble
  18. Would definitely enjoy getting to know you and Byron, but Texas isn't in the cards this time around. Let me know if yall make it out here sometime.
  19. Quote: M016576 TKS might be a better option for you
  20. Quote: KSMooniac Ick. You might try to find some way to run it on a bench first and make sure it doesn't shell out on you immediately and put your coupler/engine at risk.
  21. On the Hartzell/Kelly subject, I just got a brand "new" alternator. It's a Kelly unit that was made about a year or 2 ago. :-/
  22. Don Maxwell, especially if you're in Louisiana - he's a short flight away in far northeast TX.
  23. Quote: 182flyer Thanks for the welcome, I live in Lynchburg Va. Do the seats have adjustments for up and down? From what I have read the leg room is plenty so now I worry about the head room.
  24. Generally not a problem. You sit a lot lower to the floor than a Cessna 182. Where do you live? Someone on this board will happily let you sit and/or go for a flight in one...
  25. Quote: rbridges It's sitting at VDF and they begin work tomorrow. Keeping my same tail number. The silver stripe flows thru it perfectly and all my other options left too much white space on the design I chose.
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