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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. Quote: N601RX There is someone on barnstormers advertising mooney transition training in his F model. I think The ground and 8 hrs dual was around $1300 with extra hrs available
  2. You need all of your cylinders to peak so that they can all be lean of peak. Then you base your degrees LOP on the last cylinder to peak (you want them all a safe distance on the lean side, so it makes sense to judge based on the one that's closest to peak when they've all peaked). With you IO-360, they should peak pretty close together. Make sure you don't have any big induction leaks, etc. Hope that makes sense - I was probably a bit wordy in that description.
  3. Quote: jbs007 Thanks for the info, Parker Unfortunately, my plane is far away and I will not have the time to spend a week there getting dual time. And seeing as I currently have no Mooney time, insurance aside, I'd feel safer having done it before. I'll take what I can get!
  4. Quote: allsmiles Stay away from brokers. They are not much different than used car salespeople. They don't care about your interests as the buyer. Pay your own Mooney mechanic to work for your own interests.
  5. Also, most pleasure & business insurance policies do not allow for the renting of the aircraft to others and especially do not allow providing instruction to anyone not named on the policy. So you'd have to find someone with a conforming insurance policy if they wanted their interests covered.
  6. Ok, so it's got more engine time than you wish. And the airframe time is over 3000 (does that really matter if it's been well-maintained and you get a good pre-purchase inspection?). And the broker is in Willmar, MN. Less than $100K here. http://strategicaircraft.com/1982-mooney-m20-j-201-n1151v/
  7. The cost of getting those hours will entirely eclipse the extra amount, if any, that you'll pay on insurance. Your insurance co will likely require DUAL received from a CFI in an M20E anyway. So there's really no sense in doing what you say unless you can also log the time as dual received. Just wait and get that time in your plane. Have a CFI lined up when you pick your bird up.
  8. Looks like a plane worth investigating to me...
  9. Anything not FIKI is just not going to work for this mission. You need a safe altitude above the mountains regardless of the season. In the summer, you're still facing freezing temps at altitude. My predicament with a non-FIKI turbocharged airplane is a bit different in that my typical Florida-Texas round trip can be accomplished at low altitude where freezing temps are generally not an issue. Do not consider anything without FIKI. Even if you don't plan to fly in forecast ice, the last thing you want to do is be stuck in, or on top of an ice layer. Or worse, have to worry about climbing thru such a layer to clear terrain...while laden with ice...and the family on board, etc
  10. Logout then log in. It's a bug
  11. Quote: jetdriven Carefully conside the hourly cost of operation as well Turbocharging, 6-cylinder engines, deice, oxygen, autopilots, King gyros all add substantially to the hourly cost and if they break, its a grand per chunk until its fixed. This board is full of owners who spend plenty the first year getting it up to snuff.
  12. Hi Dave, I just responded to your PM and I was asking if you were intercooled or not. Testwest - I went with yours and a couple others' good reviews and am putting the Tempest Fine Wires on my M20K. Really excited to fly it on Sunday. I like to sit right around 74-78% power LOP.
  13. Looking at that route, above (didn't see the pic last night), I want a turbo. I'd also consider a Cessna P210 in addition to Mooneys M20K, M, TN since you have a kid. Operating budget would have to be able to support that, though. I've gone to O2 altitudes more than once with myself and friends on cannulas, but everyone is different - also we're in our 20s and a young kid with cannula might not be too agreeable (and wives sometimes feel the same way)
  14. Also, you can add 230 lbs to your max takeoff weight with an Encore Conversion. Have a Mooney Service Center that talks to the factory regularly do the work as the factory took 3 months for some of my parts.
  15. cruise figures that I've seen in flight: 14,000' - 173 KTAS on 10.8-11 GPH peak/barely LOP (pre-GAMI) 14,000' - 178 KTAS on 12.0 GPH LOP 16,000' (typical westbound long range cruise altitude) - 182-185 KTAS on 12.0-12.2 GPH LOP' 17,000' - 187-190 KTAS on 12.0-12.2 GPH LOP FL190 - 188-190 KTAS on 12 GPH LOP I'm planning on spending some time at FL210 next week between Dallas and Richmond, VA (hopefully nonstop) and will get some data there with my new Tempest Fine Wire Plugs
  16. Good info - thanks
  17. Now let's say the M20TN weighs 2400 lbs empty. Max takeoff weight is 3368 lbs. Now you load up 100 gallons of usable fuel (600 lbs of fuel). So the airplane just went from 2400 lbs to 3000 lbs. You can now carry only 368 lbs of people. That works for me and one other person. Unfortunatley, many M20TNs weight more than 2400lbs and that's where this dismal useful load comes into play
  18. Quote: mrjones30 Parker, Good to hear from you, when you look at an airplanes stats "useful load" does that count full fuel or is the fuel already included? Fuel is about as "Useful" as it gets :-)
  19. Yup. Don't plan on being able to take 4 people that far in an M20TN. You might get 1 or 2 pax that far on a good day. Otherwise, you're too heavy. That said, we don't know how far a Cirrus Jet will *really* be able to go with a full pax load... The good news is the Acclaim is actually an available airplane at this point in time...
  20. Willmar also has a new process that's working really well, but they're up in MN.
  21. Any shot that probe could come from somewhere other than Mooney for less coin? (if you are forced to replace)
  22. Quote: N4352H Would it have helped in the case of this accident? Likely not.
  23. For a good discussion, start with post #18 http://forums.aopa.org/showthread.php?t=81457
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