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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. You get depressed when you see the 30-40 knot tailwind likely for this weekend up around 17,000 ft... 220 knot average groundspeed would give me sub-4 hours from Austin to Lakeland, even going via Tallahassee (TLH) and not risking the over-water crossing. EDC - TLH - LAL
  2. Nuthin. Tried it 3 times. I went out to the airport and it's sitting at the same PSI it was yesterday at 2pm. 1250. I'm trying to figure out if with the temp and pressure changes between the bottles it could have settled out at 300 PSI difference.
  3. I've done a fair amount of troubleshooting for my leaking O2 bottle and it appears my regulator is leaking. Last night I was down to about 1250 PSI from 1600 or 1700 PSI that was there on Friday. I guess I'll be slogging along to Texas and back on Friday at non-O2 altitudes. I haven't had to do this before and I hear it's quite expensive. Does anyone have any shop recommendations? Other than this nagging problem, I'm happy to say my plane is squawk free.
  4. Aaron Dabney in Waco (ACT) can get you squared away, if you don't mind flying a quick cross country up to see him. You can reach him at... Waco Flying Service 254-752-4100 I'm also in Austin next weekend at EDC, but unsure on my schedule at this point. Many IPCs I give last longer than one day, so I would prefer not to commit to anything.
  5. Sounds like a fine plane to me.
  6. I like your thinking. In the absence time to work on projects right now, I ended up ordering a Robotow. In some spare time (and next year's budget allowing) I might try to acquire an old ATV or something and rig something up.
  7. Any experience with one of these? A lot more affordable...and one guy next door has one for his C182. http://www.minimaxtugs.com/Mooney_Tug_p/010mooney.htm
  8. Good news is I now have a hangar at Sun 'n Fun. The bad news is it's an uphill push and literally impossible for me to move the airplane on my own on the slick surface & incline. Now I see why just about every airplane in this hangar has one of these tugs sitting next to it. If you or anyone you know is anyone trying to get rid of one, let me know. Also, if anyone has experience with one of these, I'd be interested to hear a review. http://www.minimaxtugs.com/Mooney_Tug_p/010mooney.htm
  9. Really impressed with the work that Joe at Hawk Aircraft Painting did. They are located at VDF in Tampa, FL. Black Velvet metallic Cumulus Gray Metallic Silver http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33244-/ http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33245-/ http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33246-/
  10. The transition is not that big a deal. I'd personally fly Cessna. It's better for the grass strips and I *personally* feel that Cessna has a higher quality product, in general.
  11. Probably 40-80 degrees cooler. I don't remember off the top of my head. Let's just say I can fly 32", 2525 RPM, and TIT sits right about 1580dF at FL210. At any power setting, i never saw a peak above 1625, that's for sure!
  12. Nit picking, but also the Eagle (M20S)
  13. Try the Tempest Fine Wires. I'm getting a lower TIT with them.
  14. Yup. Always say "J Model" or "K Model".
  15. If ATC asks what type of Mooney I am, I say.. "252BH is a Mooney M20K, but that'll be Mike Twenty Tango in your system." That line seems to keep them from asking further questions.
  16. $600/month all said and done is a tough bill to fit an any airplane over about 110 horsepower, if you want to fly more than about 5 hours per month / 60 hours per year. Somewhere, you will have a big expense that'll knock you well over $600/mo. City/State where you live would also help in determining local conditions.
  17. That's what I'm guessing as well. My M20K doesn't record below a certain number, either. My tach does not have a time attached to it directly; it's tied into the hobbs meter. My M20K is within a couple years, so I figure that could be the issue here. My M20J was a 1990 AT variant, and it had a tach that recorded time...only it had been replaced about 2 or 3 times over its 6900 hours prior to my purchase.
  18. What model year M20J? Is it factory original? Do you also have tach time available? Some are designed to tick on only above a certain RPM so it's more indicative of flight time, and Mooney may have installed it that way, depending on your model year (especially likely if you don't have a tach time).
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