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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. I'm sure the negotiating rules vary from company to company, so I can't comment on that. I'm sure it's very situational.
  2. Over-insuring, as I believe Don Muncy stated above, gives your insurance company a lot of range to repair an aircraft before it becomes a total loss. An insurance company won't pay more than what your plane's agreed value is to fix it. And they don't want the risk of going over your plane's value to fix it. Let's use an example where an M20J that could be replaced with one of like kind and quality for $70,000 is insured for $120,000. This M20J crashes after takeoff causing substantial damage to the aircraft. Insured for $70,000: This M20J that has $55,000 of damage and is worth $20,000 on a salvage will likely be totaled if it was insured for $70,000. Insured for $120,000: This M20J that has $55,000 of damage and is worth $20,000 in salvage will likely get repaired. They don't want to write a check for $120K. Do you still want your Mooney after a $55,000 substantial repair? Most people don't.
  3. When I was an insurance agent, I would recommend my clients insure their aircraft so that they could replace it with one of like kind and quality. Sometimes you can buy one that is of like kind and quality. Sometimes you'd have to buy one then upgrade it to achieve like kind and quality.
  4. Thanks
  5. Why does your MT need overhaul?
  6. I stopped in to see them in my company's C182 last Thursday. It'll be great for the local airport to have them there.
  7. It's not a small number anymore... Lots of competition... Rates are cheap...
  8. I fly with Don every now and then and agree with everything noted. Night and day difference on climb performance. Also, one of the best benefits is the weight savings and CG improvement.
  9. believe so...I can pull what i've got out of the bag tonight and send pics to you.
  10. I've got an extra set of brake pedals
  11. Gila Bend is a decent airport. Nice smooth runway to practice landings with your student while waiting for the weather westbound to clear.
  12. What you want for 4 people is on this board:
  13. Your policy may include coverage for an increase in value due to recent improvements, but there is a time limitation placed on this (you have to report the increased value to the insurance company within X days). You can talk to your adjuster about buying back the aircraft salvage...but you need to be really confident in the repair estimates. I'd personally take the check and go airplane shopping if it is deemed a total loss by your insurance company.
  14. @KLRDMD is the guy you want to talk to. 9-10 gph while LOP won't hurt anything.
  15. Any difference will be negligible. Insurance rates are very low right now. Insurance is such a small expense ($) in aircraft ownership at this point. That said, an instrument rating will be the best thing to lower your rates, followed by having good RG time and maybe 500 hours. No, it's not worth it ($-wise) to find a Mooney to rent for 10-20 hours if the sole goal is to lower your insurance rates.
  16. His indicated airspeed could be accurate. In that case, he needs to calculate TAS. 19 gallons sounds like too much for a 1.5 hour flight...But I don't know the overall profile of your flight...
  17. This looks like a great bird and an excellent useful load.
  18. my primary concern in a Mooney related to Touch and Goes is a trim stall, especially in M20K and later models. I do stop-and-goes and land/taxi-back only when with students or flying by myself.
  19. Paul, I was able to run higher power settings safely LOP when I got the Tempest Fine Wire spark plugs. I ended up finding a happy home at 11.2 - 11.6 GPH LOP when I was in a hurry to be somewhere. Ken's numbers work in any TSIO-360 and are a great rule of thumb for that engine. Towards the latter part of my M20K ownership I really had that engine dialed in and happy. One cylinder (#2, IIRC) was always the hot one and never quite settled in as well as the others. That one was started losing ground on the compressions. my speeds were comparable to KLRDMD's mine would get 174 KTAS no problem at 11.5 GPH at 10K. same fuel flow would get me 183-185 KTAS at 15,000
  20. I can possibly help. Depends on the dates. Will send you a message.
  21. Get to an appropriate speed first. The Best Glide Speeds in our Mooneys are generally up around 90 KIAS. Getting to 70-75 KIAS will result in a better angle of descent to get on glide path. Taking a greater nose-down attitude pushing 90 KIAS or more will only leave for a greater rush to bleed of speed and you will glide farther.
  22. In looking at the other pictures, it seems this was a reasonable total loss. In that case, yes, the Insurance Company doesn't want a product liability exposure from a poor rebuild. This would take far more than a week to repair, as the original post implies. There would be an engine tear down, a new prop, some pretty significant teardown of the wing, and it appears almost all of the control surfaces would have to be replaced. This example is a far cry from having a simple wing skin or control surface get damaged. In that case, it would be fixed. The last position you want to be in is that of an insurance company that let a total loss aircraft get poorly repaired. Imagine a jury on that one... Based on the description, here's on that will fly again, with properly disclosed damage history: https://www.usau.com/caf_claims_salvage_detail.php?SA_Id=158
  23. Got busy being married in September and such. Doing a little more flying these days, but not yet back into plane ownership. Sooner rather than later, hopefully.
  24. 230 lbs.
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