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Everything posted by mooneyman

  1. Quote: N4352H Looks fast, not even spinning. Any appreciable speed gains?
  2. New Top Prop conversion is complete! My first impression is that it is quieter with less vibration than old prop. Here are some pics:
  3. Quote: jetdriven Rocky Mountain Propeller has the Hartzell top prop for 7500$. Then Hartzell charges like 300$ to crate and ship it to you. Maybe you could buy it through Rocky and take delivery of it in Ohio.
  4. Quote: aerobat95 When are you planning to have your prop put on? Also did they quote you a price? -Ray
  5. Going with the 2 blade Hartzell Top Prop kit for my 74'F. Having install and dynamic balance done at Hartzell in Piqua, Ohio. Will post a pirep!
  6. Yes- challenging, but best decision I ever made.
  7. Bought my M20F 5 years ago at age 36!
  8. Sole owner! I like the freedom of sole ownership. Operating costs for the M20F are within my budget. I will likely step up to something that goes higher, faster, and farther in the next few years. I would not be opposed to partnership at that time if the right situation presented itself.
  9. Quote: jlunseth My tanks were leaking badly a few years ago. I chose to have full strip and polyurethane reseal at Midwest M20. No leaking since the reseal. Had plane painted summer 2010. Glad I did it in that order. Would not have wanted fuel leaking on new paint.
  10. Will end up around 95 hours for the year. Most were in my Mooney. Also did some aerobatic training in an Extra 300L and Pitts 2c. Looking forward to flying more in 2012!
  11. Flying to Nemacolin Woodlands for New Year's weekend! Great fly in resort!
  12. Congrats! Since getting my IFR cert a year ago, I have completed numerous trips that never would have been possible VFR. Enjoy and be safe!
  13. Turns out it was a loose connection to the alarm horn of my digital clock. LOL! Cheapest fix of all possible scenarios!
  14. Ann Arbor, Mi to visit Zingerman's Deli! http://www.zingermansdeli.com/?utm_source=mailorder&utm_medium=zinglink&utm_campaign=zcobbar
  15. Quote: takair Gear horn? Do you have manual gear? Gear lights indicate down and locked when you turn on power?
  16. Thanks! I am going to check it out tomorrow.
  17. When I got in my 74' F today and flipped the master switch there was a high pitch piercing sound that lasted for about 2 minutes. I flew a 100 mile trip without problems. Ammeter showed good voltage. All instruments worked fine. When I flipped master for trip home, high pitch piercing noise again for about 30 seconds. Never heard that before. Any ideas? Thanks
  18. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2011/09/16/us/AP-US-Air-Show-Crash.html?_r=1&hp Thoughts and prayers to all involved!
  19. Had a great weekend in Toronto! Approach to CYTZ was great! No problems with CBP or US Customs. Canadian flight service was very helpful. We can't wait to go back.
  20. Quote: jetdriven Foreflight 4.0 has Canada plates and charts already but if you upgrade to Foreflight 4.1 they are blocked out and says "subscription required".
  21. Quote: rob I have had a set of the Halos for about 3 years now and I agree, they're great. I don't use them much anymore as I switched to a JH Audio in-ear with a custom mold, but I still have pax who use the Halos and like them. And I definitely agree that the owner is a nice guy, but didn't know he had a Mooney - thought he was flying a Cub.
  22. Quote: edgargravel Patrick: Pearson is a whole lot of hassle and landing fees you do not need. Buttonville is good and cheaper to park than City Centre, but if you are staying in Yorkville, City Centre (Toronto Island) is your best bet. Good approaches and scenic. Sort of like Meigs used to be for Chicago.
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