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Everything posted by fantom

  1. I've had them since day one, and really like them. First they look cool, and second, they come in handly when your three miles out at a 150 kts.
  2. fantom


    Mooneys ARE hard to land.....
  3. Sweet install. Can't wait for your PiREP.
  4. DLK has earned a very good reputation, and is a service center for Piper, Cessna, Mooney, Cirrus, Beech and Grumman. What in my mind sets Don Maxwell apart is his is the only MSC that I know of that works on Mooneys only. He flys them, owns them, has been at it for 30 years, and is expert on everything Mooney. For my money, there is NO substitute.
  5. Quote: hansel .....the wingtips are easily damaged in a crash (or hangar fire!).
  6. Quote: KSMooniac .....FYI, I've seen fixed-gear trainers with a fake gear switch, just to get students in the habit of lowering the gear, even if it is a ruse in a 152 or 172! You might put one in whatever plane you learn in just to get in the habit. (just taped/velcroed to the panel)
  7. Terrible material loss, thankfully covered by insurance. Lots of fine Mooneys on the market. Ther is a good reason we ground our planes when refueling. Please take the excellent advise Lgnelson offers.
  8. Quote: Jeff_S Aerostar is a great plane from what I've heard, but can be somewhat tricky to fly....
  9. MAPA membership is required, and the book covering your plane is worth the price of admission by itself.
  10. Quote: fantom Email dropped
  11. Quote: durrance I know one in Sarasota area. If you need addnl info, drop me an email: durrance8@gmail.com
  12. Your plane looks great.....seems like half the planes on the forum have either been painted in the last year, or are planned to get a paint job soon.
  13. Parker.....please, no more pictures of that beautiful installation.
  14. Quote: JimR ....The legs on mine fold up so that it doesn't take up much space when it is not in use.
  15. Quote: JimR The off airport gear up would concern me more than anything. I would want to see who did the repairs and verify that they were done properly. 4000 hours on a 33 year old airplane is hardly excessive, though, in my opinion.
  16. Those wing root fairings are also a very nice touch.
  17. Quote: skyking If you are truly a Mooney lover put that 'ol TAT right in the middle of your forehead. As a matter of fact i will pay a grand to the first person who has the guts to get a PERMANENT mooney tattoo on their forehead! ( and it has to be at least 2" X 2") ready ...set...go!
  18. Asking 92K for a '77 with almost 4,000 hours on the airframe, gear up history, 3 blade prop, Century A/P, less desirable bladders, bad windows....... No wonder the For Sale sign is turning yellow.
  19. Is that a $100 cherrypicker, like Scott mentioned? Harbor Freight doesn't have them, not that I'd trust their cheap equipment. I'll check with PepBoys and Sears. Storing it in my T-hanger may be problematic if I buy one.
  20. If there were any shorter landings, the gear was probably still up!
  21. Not nearly as sick as some tats I've seen. Heck, go for the new, more colorful, logo!
  22. Does anyone know of one? I think one, own owns a Mooney, posted here recently. I have several referrals for him.
  23. Concorde RG-35AXC for about 4 years, with never an issue...knock wood.
  24. Wouldn't elevator shoes accomplish the same goal?
  25. Quote: mooniac58 Thanks for making this site even more than I envisioned. I look forward to the day when I can sit down and work out some of the existing kinks as well as add cool, new features (complete with new kinks!) Happy aviating!
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