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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: Jeff_S Shouldn't this thread go in the "Bug Reports" forum? Here I was all set to read something about the fuel injection system! ;-)
  2. Quote: Jeff_S Shouldn't this thread go in the "Bug Reports" forum? Here I was all set to read something about the fuel injection system! ;-)
  3. Yeah, me and KSMooniac went through the paint design planning together. He got the color on top, and I got the color on the bottom. I'm not to crazy about the ribbon type scheme myself. Hawk in Tampa, FL, is where I went, and I'm happy with the results. Say hello to The Don for me....he's the man!
  4. Jeff...as a new Mooney owner, if I lived in Atlanta I would sure consider driving to that class. Who is doing your annual? It would be a shame to miss out. BTW, if you're not signed up about 10 days ahead of time, that manual for your plane isn't available during the class IIRC.
  5. Wow....PPL and new Mooney in the same week. Congrats! Don't settle for a non Mooney specific instructor, and I agree, developing your own checklist based on your POH and avionics is an invaluable learning experience. Best of luck getting to know your new honey.
  6. The manual that Jerry makes up for each participant, specifically for your plane, is worth the price of admission by itself. It would be a terrible "investment" if you don't attend!
  7. Sorry to hear about the problem with the FBO. That's complete nonsense. Be sure to leave feedback about them on AirNav. That will get their attention.
  8. In the July, 2010 issue of Flying Magazine. I haven't found a site to get it...yet. For those of you considering the purchase of a 201, it's a good $5 investment. Some quibbles of course, but a very fair overall story about the "best" Mooney.
  9. Thanks, Dave. I gotta start checking in on the AOPA forums. My girlfriend used to fly with me all the time, took the pinch hitters course, and private ground school. Then we got married. Now she flies infrequently, and prefers the bathroom, A/C, peanuts and drinks on Delta. Go figure ;-)
  10. Great job....you'll be very glad you worked hard to cover the bases before finalizing the purchase. What is this "red board" you speak of, Dave?
  11. Very nice Mooney, Abe. Best of luck with her, and welcome to MooneySpace. I think we're setting some sort of record for new Mooney owners!
  12. Great...now your fun really begins. Hope you"re not making that long flight home, alone.
  13. Start with Maxwell's advise from link above. If it is your fuel gauges then http://www.airpartsoflockhaven.com/ can't be beat. Even Mr. Maxwell uses them.
  14. Rather than panic over every item Joey finds, as he finds it, wait till the inspection is complete. Then you'll have more data to evaluate. Also remember, the whoever does the PPI, the tendency is to overstate the issues, at least in my experiences. Ever hear of a house painter who doesn't think you need a new paint job....now?
  15. Sweet......finally!!!
  16. In my opinion, that plane looks like it's worth every cent of the $49.5K price, barring other MAJOR issues. You're already into it for a PPI, it's equipped very well, and you don't get perfection for under 50 grand. Jump on it before someone else does, and good luck.
  17. Quote: allsmiles Leave the J alone. It's a great airplane!
  18. Just before Mod Works was blown away by Hurricane Charlie, I viewed a really nice carbon fiber cowling they were trying the get FAA approval for. It (they) were flattened when the paint shop came crashing down.
  19. Quote: conom06d have any of you seen the new ADS-B antenna which can connect to an ipad or iphone? Supposedly the FAA is still passing the application and device but it should be a much cheaper and jsut as accurate solution by providing all of us an ads-b equipped aircraft. personally i have used ADS-B throughout my training when i was at Embry-Riddle. i loved being able to see the aircraft around me as well as wx and terrain. It saved me many a time by enabling me to know my surroundings better. It is definitely a great safety device and can definitely see how the FAA will require it for everyone, however, i still think it is very possible to fly without one. I do not have one in my plane now but i would like one if they ever lower the price
  20. Quote: N513ZM The gear in an Ovation is subject to SB M20-282 which requires replacement of the no-back clutch spring every 1000hrs. If the spring breaks you will be unable to lower the gear either electrically OR manually. You can review this service bulletin on the Mooney web site.
  21. If you can get one, the cost for a hanger in Ft. Lauderdale is about $550 a month! :-(
  22. We had a great time at our last event. Eleven Mooneys brought 22 people to lunch at Bartow (BOW). It was a great VFR day and we had a good time visiting, eating, and looking at each others airplanes. The last person didn't leave until almost 3 PM, as a few of us talked on the ramp and sat in the rocking chairs on the porch and visited after lunch. Our next event will be at Flagler's (XFL) Hi Jackers next Saturday, June 12. Future Events are all on the Second Saturday of the Month June 12, Flagler (XFL) Hi Jackers July 10, St. Augustine (SGJ) August 14, Winter Haven (GIF) September 11, Sebring (SEF) All events start at 11:30. I really appreciate it if you can e-mail me by Thursday night of the week of the event and let me know if you are going to try to make it, so I can call the restaurant on Friday with a head count. No one is obligated to come if they told me they are coming and can't make it for mechanical, weather, health or other reasons. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth DaveanRuth@aol.com
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