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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Glad to see you joined us, Don. That is one beautiful Rocket/252. The best GS I've ever seen in my J, was years ago, at 11,000 ft, over the Gulf, headed to Ft. Lauderale. 235 kts. There were four planes coming back from New Orleans, and a 231 at 17,000 ft was "only" getting 240 kts.
  2. Our last event was much bigger than expected. We had 24 arrive to eat at the River Bend Golf Cafe at the Ormond Beach Airport (OMN). Most flew in 13 Mooneys and a couple drove in. The service was slow, but no one left hungry, and we all were accommodated at one large table. Our next event is this Saturday, May 8, at the Airside Bar and Grill at the Bartow Airport (BOW). Future Events are all on the Second Saturday of the Month May 8, Bartow (BOW), Airside Bar & Grill June 12, Flagler (XFL) Hi Jackers July 10, St. Augustine (SGJ) August 14, Winter Haven (GIF) September 11, Sebring (SEF) All events start at 11:30. I really appreciate it if you can e-mail me by Thursday night of the week of the event and let me know if you are going to try to make it, so I can call the restaurant on Friday with a head count. No one is obligated to come if they told me they are coming and can't make it for mechanical, weather, health or other reasons. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth DaveanRuth@aol.com
  3. Below is my post on the 390 from last year, just after MAPA. I confirmed all the"facts" with Lycoming at Sun & Fun last month. For most of us, with the new prop, the governor work, recalibrating some of the gauges, reworked baffling, hoses and mounts and who knows what else, the conversion will cost north of $50,000 out the door, for several knots and a higher fuel burn. The several 177's and one M20J with the conversion were Lycoming test cases, had other mods done at the same time, and results are anything but scientific. Unless Lycoming reduces the cost dramatically, it's a loser, IMHO. Hope, of course springs eternal. Posted Sep 22, 2009 12:25 PM Lycoming was at MAPA and gave us an update on the IO-390 A3A6 STC for the J model. It should be ready next month and the E and F, I believe, will following shortly thereafter. The conversion however, will require a Hartzell 2-blade or 3-blade propeller, work on the governor, new hoses, new motor mounts, and maybe some other re-configuration work. Cost of the engine alone will be around $36K, and given a new prop, the other work, and installation, it sounds like a $50K+ job. Ouch!! For that you"ll get roller tappets, angled valves, Slick mags, tuned induction, 10 more HP, another 4 knots, about a .5 GPH increase, and a 2 year warranty on labor, parts, and accessories. Your exchange core must be in operable condition. Email your questions and comments to wgierke@lycoming.textron.com As reported by the Cezzzzna Pilot's Association (CAP), Lycoming's Mike Kraft was quoted as saying "You *can* run your Lycoming engine lean of peak. And Lycoming wants to help teach you how!" Lycoming plans both an updated Service Instruction 1094 on leaning, as well as an interactive online training course in the near future. Until then, their "don't do it unless you know what you're doing!" admonition stands. But their progress on this issue is heartening. Incidentally, the new iE2 series of electronically controlled Lycoming engines will run lean of peak. Will wonders never cease?
  4. That flush mounting is very nice Even if that isn't a flush mount, on second viewing.
  5. ...but no MAPA, and attendance was as poor as last year. Not good signs.
  6. Quote: Jeff_S I dream about them on my pre-MSE J but for the most part have realized I don't need them.
  7. Sierra Hotel, George....can you bring your family? Sell the Mooney. You won't have time for it, anyway.
  8. How do you recognize a Navy pilot at a nudist camp? Large watch and small.....
  9. Welcome back to earth, Alan!
  10. Guys, does the JPI 700 really offer oil pressure? I know it has oil temp.
  11. I've had a mill smooth on a '94 MSE for many years, and with 4,000+ hours, and $165K hull, pay just over $2K.
  12. Given the current pressures on revenue increases in Washington, do ya think that just maybe you rich airplane owners might get a second or third IRS look and possible audit? At 5% or 25% business use, IMHO, the advantage is negative....there be drageons there, sorta like a home office, only worse.
  13. "Pull back to go up.....pull back more to go down."
  14. Anyone making a deposit on a new Mooney, had better put it in a third party escrow...just in case. We are all rooting for Mooney, but don't do anything dumb!
  15. Quote: Piloto ...If you want real gross weight increase with increased performance you need to do the Missile conversion http://www.rocketengineering.com/missile/conversion.html. ...In aviation power is everything. At about $100 grand it was a little more than $800 for the 2,900 lb. upgrade if and when you use it. Missiles have their own list of issues. If I heeded the extra 15 or 20 kts, I'd spring for an Ovation. Yes, YMMV, especially depending on what Mooney you now own. Power you need, and can afford is important, but safety is everything.
  16. I'll be there Friday....just love flying in :-(
  17. One of the biggest mistakes, IMO, that the Mooney bosses have made, is charging out the wazoo for any and all retrofits. In this economy, and moreover, with their lack of business, it makes no sense.
  18. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, Our last meeting was held on a very windy day, but 9 Mooneys brought 17 people out to Vero Beach for a very nice lunch. The food, service, and visiting were all good. Our next event will be this Saturday at Ormond Beach (OMN) at 11:30. We will be eating at the River Bend Golf Cafe which is a very short walk past the FBO. Apparently one of our members wanted to attend this great event so much that he went last Saturday, hopefully he will return this Saturday and join us. They usually have fairly cheap gas at their self service pump, and looking at AirNav just now it was listed as $3.67, but who knows what Saturday will bring. Future Events are all on the Second Saturday of the Month April 10, Ormond Beach (OMN), River Bend Golf Cafe May 8, Bartow (BOW), Airside Bar & Grill June 12, Flagler (XFL) Hi Jackers All events start at 11:30. I really appreciate it if you can e-mail me by Thursday night of the week of the event and let me know if you are going to try to make it, so I can call the restaurant on Friday with a head count. No one is obligated to come if they told me they are coming and can't make it for mechanical, weather, health or other reasons. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth DaveanRuth@aol.com
  19. Dave....did your circuit breaker pop when your fuse went bad?
  20. Welcome again, Brad. You've done a good deal of research already. Long range tanks aren't needed for your profile on any of the models discussed. Buy the newest, best equipped plane you can afford, while keeping at least a 15% reserve for first year surprises, even after a good PPI. You will not be sorry if you can swing an M20J, I assure you. Best of luck on your quest.
  21. I'm willing to bet all you need is a screw adjustment to the shaft nut as Jose suggests. Replace the small o-ring while you're all it.
  22. Glad to have you with us, Ward!
  23. Around $110K is good, and + or - $5K will make less of a difference than a VERY clear partnership agreement. Think prenup, and ALL contingencies possible.....knowing they could never really happen, because you never know what the future may hold. And do it in writhing. I think AOPA has a draft partnership agreement available, as a starting point. Good luck!
  24. Question for your Sky-Tec M20J guys: Do you have the the 149 NL 9.4 lb unit that spins very fast, is good for 60 seconds, and has a 12v motor that also converts to 24v, or... Do you have the newer (?) 149 NL-ec starter, 8.5 lbs, Super Duty unit that's only a 24V motor, not as fast spinning, but can outlast the battery; up to 6 minutes? Interesting comparison, if and when the ol' Prestolite gives up the ghost.
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