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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Tom Rouch at Top Gun Aviation in California has the same prop on his J, and he's been testing it for some time. Does this look like yours: http://topgunaviation.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/dsc00014.jpg.w560h420.jpg Drop him an email, and you'll get as good data on the best settings, as can be found. Here's the address: menace@topgunaviation.net Good luck and let us know what you find out.
  2. Can't give you exact numbers, but the guy in the hanger next to me has a beautiful 231. His annuals run double what mine do (use whatever number you want, but the one you have in your spread sheet is way too low, IMHO), his cowling is always off, and in general a turbo needs a sharper eye all the time, both mechanically, and while flying, and Amelia makes some fine points about the other upgrades you'll be wanting soon after purchase. If GA flying came down to real numbers on a spread sheet, we'd all be in trouble. It ain't about the cost, it's about the mission profile and the enjoyment. Being in CA that turbo will come in handy getting over the mountains. For my 2 cents, throw away the spread sheet (the actual costs aren't that different) and go with your gut.
  3. AOG is an excellent small shop, and Tejas is a superb shop that knows Mooney's well. Tough choice. It's very hard for me to grasp the 50% price difference between AOG and Tejas, however.
  4. ....aka Florida Mooney Flyers. Because of the generosity of Craig McGregor, who established this forum, we finally have our own, much discussed, Florida hang-out, to discuss Mooney topics specific to us and FL, read Dave and Ruth's travelogue adventures, find out about the host of Florida fly-in activities, and sign up for the latest Florida Mooney Lunch get together. Speaking of which, Wes Dale and Dave Taish have asked that I remind you that our next fly in is to Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (KFXE) on Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14th. Wes, and Premier Aviation, are hosting a free, Texas style BBQ, and technical round table discussion. I'm told Wes is getting some true Mooney experts, including Mike Miles longtime Mooney test pilot to answer any and all questions. The open house will be from 10 AM until 3 PM, with brisket by Wes, starting about 11:30. Anyone willing to help out should contact Wes directly. The folks attending the MAPA Safety Foundation Pilot Proficiency Program in Ft. Myers, which was scheduled the same weekend, have been invited to join us. Also, please mark your calendars for our April 11th, Florida Lunch, fly in, at Sebring (KSEF) when CarolAnn Garrett will give us a presentation about her second around the world flight in a Mooney, this time completed it in about eight days. Having been at two of her presentations about her first trip, I assure you it's a not to be missed event. Best regards, and fly safe out there,
  5. Hi guys....I started flying F-4s in the Air Force in 1969. I've owned my M20J since new in early 1994. My home base is Hollywood North Perry (KHWO) and I know our planes are the best! Hopefully a bunch of Florida Mooney pilots from Dave and Ruths' lunch group will be joining us shortly, so we all can get valuable, FL specific, flying tips.
  6. Here is a photo of the red TN: http://www.planeandpilotmag.com/images/stories/2006/aug/mooney_opener.jpg Scott, you could use a new cowling on that J
  7. That first Acclaim was bright red, and it looked great. BTW, the old saying is that a good Mooney factory paint job is the exception. I had the same issues as you in my first several years of ownership. Why not just get your wings repainted to the seam? Should do the job, will look fine, and cost well under two grand. Murmer is a top tier paint shop and enjoys a long standing excellent reputation. Good luck!
  8. Well, Arron it seems that I'm going to pick your gauges up today from 1725 East Commercial Blvd. and delivering them to 1725 West Commercial Blvd. as a favor to Don Maxwell, who is for your information as good and honest a guy as they come. If I ever need a leak repaired, it won't be done at WW, and I live in Ft. Lauderdale and have been active in the Mooney community for 14 years. It seems that Edison "doesn't have time" to get them himself, even though a Google website shows that incorrect address. Wet Wingologists 1725 E Commercial Blvd Oakland Park, FL 33334 954-938-9390 Good luck with the installation. All isn't always what it seems.
  9. Arron....mind sharing with us what Tejas is charging these days for a paint job. As far as quality, I don't think you'll find a better shop in the country......and I've looked extensively.
  10. That site is flat out wrong, Al. Your expectations are correct.
  11. I'm on my fifth Porsche, and have loved them all. The Porsche-Mooney however left much to be desired.
  12. Nobody, other than Craig from Scheme Designers, likes it either.
  13. Max range with IFR reserve is about 5.5 hours @ 158 kts. At 65% I've got 6.5 hours of fuel. I've also got a Tupperware bottle.
  14. Quick question about the HID installation on your '98 Allegro, Dave. You're not saying you have glass lens covers on your wing mounted taxi/landing lights are you? They are curved plastic, and do age. I recently replaced both sides on my '94 MSE, just because the old ones were starting to discolor and crack. I'm interested in HID landing lights, but I'm not sold on the pulsing option, although I have seen how slick they look. I just don't understand just what plastic was discoloring on your plane (probably your old Warrior) and if you did something to avoid the same problem on your Mooney. Thanks for any clarrification.....no pun intended.
  15. Great job on the interior, Craig. Did the package you got from AeroComfort include seat covers, side panels, headliner, baggage compartment panels, and carpeting? Anything else? Cost and approximate number of hours to install perhaps. Thanks...it looks fantastic!
  16. Hi All. I sure hope this site takes off. As a long time Mooney list and MAPA list participant, it would be great to have an updated and consolidated place for Moony discussions, without all the wasted time those two take. Hopefully all three can merge. It's interesting to read the arguments of "senior" aviators on those two lists describe their relative merits. And they wonder why there have been few airframe or engine improvements in decades. ;-) Anyway, good to be here.
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