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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: KSMooniac There is such a thing as a no-comm GNS-400 .... Hardly anyone buys them, though. I'd rather have the integrated box to reduce the number of installed boxes, and to save weight/panel space. Exactly. If you really want to stay with the old radios, here it is: http://www.sarasotaavionics.com/product.aspx?id=722 Whatever, and whenever, an upgraded box is available, it will cost more, the me-first lines will be long, and you should really look at the type of flying you expect to be doing, before you start waiting for an unknown. The 430W is an exceptionally capable box.
  2. Quote: CoachTom Not to sound obtuse, but how do you "overhaul" sensors? I thought they either "worked" or "didn't work"... I have a sensor on my JPI 700 that keeps sending a jumping response to the JPI where it seems to jump 50 degrees in temp; up and down.
  3. Quote: KSMooniac It looks like upgrade fever has spread to FL!
  4. IMO, a single Aspen has enough on it, and traffic and weather should be viewed elsewhere. BTW, what are you guys seeing as an installed price for an Aspen 1000 Pro? Down here it seems to run about $10.5K, less trade-ins and rebates. The trade in for my HSI is about $1.5K, and the current Aspen rebate is $1K, I believe. Flush mounting costs another $700.
  5. Quote: jlunseth Yes, sure, wilco. We put quite a bit of thought into where everything should be located.
  6. Quote: glbtrottr Dude - with all of the unemployed people at *mooney*????
  7. Bob is correct....the dash wasn't lowered until the 04/05 DX. You don't need to measure it...if the wiskey compass is sitting on top of the glareshield, it's the higher dash, with what some believe is an odd sight line.
  8. I just flew in a DX and the dash is at least 2" lower, and the upgraded Hartzell 3 blade prop cuts TO distance by at least a third, dramatically improves climb speed, and supposedly doesn't reduce cruise speed.
  9. Over the Biltmore in Ashville NC several weeks ago was this beautiful floral carpet: http://www.timberwolfcreek.com/biltmorecarpet.jpg'>
  10. I added a JPI oil temp probe after my JPI-700 was installed, and it didn't have to go back to JPI. Just purchase an oil probe and have your friendly A&P install it.
  11. I added a JPI oil temp probe after my JPI-700 was installed, and it didn't have to go back to JPI. Just purchase an oil probe and have your friendly A&P install it.
  12. Most quick drains DO leak a very small amount, and completely removing a quick drain isn't part of an annual, so you can't fault the A&P. Good story, that 930 and a bit of luck came in very handy, and the more you know about what's under your cowling the better off you'll be. Glad it worked out for you.
  13. If you have decent vision, believe in "see and avoid", and doen't want to spend a bundle modifying your panel, an Aera 510 or 560 is an excellent choice.
  14. Give Bill at Sarasota Avionics 888-289-0997 x104 a call to get a good idea of the current market. http://www.sarasotaavionics.com/product.aspx?id=34 Tell him hello from me and I'll get a commission
  15. Quote: rob
  16. Quote: mooneygirl Scott, Wonderful! You are truly engaged. That is awesome. I wish more folks had your passion.
  17. Quote: mooneygirl ....Savvy businessmen? A bit sexist. Perhaps we need another female CEO at Mooney.
  18. You can pick up a relatively new 201 in excellent condition, keep some $ in reserve for upgrades or maintenace, save a bundle on future expenses to a model you don't need for your mission profile, and enjoy the J ride.
  19. Quote: glbtrottr With Mooney selling all the lead molds to Mexico on so many of our parts, forgetting the core values of the company, and 50 of these lads in life support, I just don't think things look good. So sad, and too true. Great people working there, but carpet bagger owners have screwed over the fine people of Kerrville too many times. Drum beating, flag waving, and hoping for the best won't do it. Smart, aviation savy, businessmen owners willing to invest and take some risk will. A more ecomonic minded and business supportive government is also needed.
  20. Quote: danb35 ......my experience with Temptest in general has been good FWIW.
  21. I too, believe you made the correct choice, David. All of us a rooting for Mooney, but handing over funds that far in advance, to a company having cash flow problems is neither wise nor realistic. As I've said before, the behind the scenes Mooney money people need to polish their tactical business plan if they want to survive. Talent for building fast planes isn't the same as building a business around doing annuals. I've had work done at the factory, both in and out of warranty, and it was OK, nothing more. If you want a trip to Kerrville, think Dugosh, or Longview, think Maxwell. Annuals are their stock and trade. Executive management at Mooney, based on their pricing, payment terms, and "transparancy" haven't made up their minds where their future lies, IMHO.
  22. Good try, Jason. I had the same result years ago when I was trying to help Jerry hold a clinic down here. Didn't want to say anything earlier for fear of taking some wind out of your sails. A shame!
  23. You guys fly LOP, with resultant high EGT's melting your current system, should purchase this and keep it in reserve. ;-)
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