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Everything posted by fantom

  1. I think it appears antiquated and unrefined to passengers. However, those of us who know...know better!
  2. I'm at 18.5 to 19 GPH at SL on takeoff....DA usually 1,000 to 1,500.
  3. Quote: Skywarrior It's hard to be humble. More like impossible, when you're flying a Mooney
  4. My hard wired Aera 510 used to do the same thing. I put new batteries in it, and now make a point of manually turing it off when I shut down, and I haven't had that message in a year.
  5. That 1st one (304MA) is interesting Parker. I looked at it when Muncie Aviation had it for sale, brand new, in January 1998. It was off the production line in June, 1997 They were asking for MMC invoice, $334K. It's list price was $397K. I've since noticed it on the market several times and for long periods of time. Don't know why, but as always, CAVEAT EMPTOR!
  6. Quote: DaV8or This board has really gotten turbo fever lately and that's all good, but consider that your C is probably the most economical of all Mooneys
  7. Matt....welcome again to MooneySpace! Really no need to SHOUT at us, or to post the same question on 3 or 4 threads to get our attention. You're receiving good suggestions, but it's very distracting for us, and probably a pain for you to track. Parker is giving you experienced advise; just remember he changes planes more often than most of us change underwear. Good luck with the purchase.
  8. Keep your C, but trade-in your CFII.....
  9. Excellent first impressions, and thanks for the picture, Jim
  10. Welcome aboard, Jim, BUT
  11. Quote: JimR The fact that yours is coming with bladders is a bonus. I had to add them to mine. Fine to buy a high time Mooney after a good PPI, if it has bladders OK, but adding them rather than fixing leaks is questionable, at best. ")">
  12. Quote: crxcte 68 M20F
  13. That is what I call GREAT use of your Mooney.....fair skies to you!
  14. I can remember some hotdogs who while at full power in the takeoff roll, but before liftoff, would retract the gear. Quite impressive to watch, but an accident waiting to happen.
  15. Is there any great benefit for loading FF 4.1, if we're not planning on a Canada trip?
  16. Subject boat anchor is probably about 3 lbs, but we neither know the model in question, or what the OP means by "finicky". Is it working, now? With your 430W and Aera 510, a suspect RA is not only overkill, it's an unnecessary distraction...both in the cockpit and for your budget planning. If you need another "nice wake when you hit IMC minimums" then IMHO your investment should be with a CFII, not in fixing your "finicky" RA. Take it out, if it's in working order sell the thing, and if you are worried about your budget, put a blank in the hole until something better comes along, which it surely will. Good luck!
  17. Quote: danb35
  18. Pull out that boat anchor, and save both weight and $. The radar altimeter was cool in the 80's, but not now. Maybe put an ADF into the hole so you can listen to sports, or a backup electric AI for safey.
  19. Quote: Piloto Wonder what could have been the cause. It appears to be power loss on take off.
  20. In my USAF time, my plane had two seats and two engines. Many times I could hear the WSO snoring into his oxygen mask. Occasionally however he was worth his weight in JP-4 and saved my bacon. Night strike mission planning to Route Pack 6 during Linebacker II took ~ 2 hours. Nobody snored through them.
  21. Quote: N4352H I am a militantly satisfied customer of Falcon and their brokerage of AIG. I have worked with P's cohert Cliff Barthoff for a number of years. These guys know insurance and GA better (sadly) than Avemco and AOPA.
  22. Just came from a KFLL Partnership Meeting at the airport, and just in case anyone of us thinks we're immune, we're not! The attached was discussed as a problem with planes taxiing on Taxiway C, and takeoffs on Taxiway B vs. Runway 9L. There is an ILS hold bar [offset from 9L and a runway hold bar that might be one of the causes]. Over the past 13 months there have been 5 aircraft that have started to takeoff on Taxiway B !!! They were all corporate jets, 4 of them being of foreign registry, 1 U.S. All were at night, so situational awareness was key. These takeoff attempts were all caught by Air Traffic Control/Tower within 5-6 seconds and aborted. The last one was an U.S. registry corporate jet that within 5-6 seconds reached a speed of 90 kts and went through a barricade down Taxiway B before it could come to a stop. Luckily the backhoe that would have normally been there was not that day. Otherwise disaster for the 7 occupants would have been the result. Anyone flying into FLL needs to be aware, there are many changes being made as a result of these problems. Markings on the taxiways are now being made. LED centerline taxiway [green] lights are going to be installed. This isn't the first time, so reminders of continual vigilance are always a good thing to do for safety. KPBI had the same problem on 10R when they made a taxiway between 10R and 10L Also, there was a 767 that landed on a taxiway at Atlanta Hartsfield airport. And the list of silly pilot tricks keeps going on. Learning from the mistakes of others is a "key" to being safe out there.
  23. Has anyone tried this stuff for sunspots?
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