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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: smccray I'll file that one away.... It also helps if she wants the get a bit amorous in the cockpit
  2. At 100 ROP and 2500 PRM, maybe 22 MP, and 8000 ft, I easily see at least 162 KTAS. At 20 LOP, with the same set up, I'm at about 154 KTAS.
  3. Several years ago I was shopping for lots either at Lake Norman Airpark, or very close by on Lake Norman. I'm certain I met the guy in his property investor role, but don't recall anything special about him. Sad ending to a good plane and a fine man.
  4. Quote: allsmiles PS Eng. says that they only do audio panels and somehow this is an advantage. But I don'rt really see it. My vote is with Garmin.
  5. Quote: N4352H You have to love the media. Absolute insult to his passing, reporting a previous gear-up in the same report as this final accident.
  6. Isn't Aspen supposed to have an engine monitor option released soon?
  7. I'm quite happy with the excellent PS Engineering 8000B, and one reason I went with them was because that's their core business. Garmin's core business is GPS. YMMV.
  8. Quote: Parker_Woodruff Back when I was in central Texas more, I'd fly the M20J low over the Colorado river. WOT, LOP, 2400-2500 RPM.
  9. As flying hours pile up, and years tick away, I observe a level of complacency and casualness about the serious business of flying easily sets in for most of us. I try to constantly remind myself of this fact....not always successfully. Fly safe out there!
  10. Would you go to a podiatrist to have a heart checkup? Listen to your wife!
  11. Quote: maropers Don't know what you drive....
  12. I've seen N777CV while I was up in NC, another sad ending.....see my previous post. RIP, Doc. I'm not a Hindi, don't want to be a woman, though I respect both the religion and the gender, flyboy.
  13. Chris was a long time Mooney owner, advocate, and a first class person. He will be missed :-(((
  14. No time to master flying this thing, look out the window, or hone my flying judgement. I'm spending all my time trying to master all the idiosyncrasies of my five different GPS's and the iPad on my lap. Wouldn't want to get lost, you know. These kind of sad accidents are caused poor/delayed maintenance, faulty judgement, eroded skills, head in the cockpit (playing with gizmos or fine tuning (?) engine settings) midair's near the airport, stupid pilot tricks, and occasionally just bad luck. Yet most of us will spend tens of thousands on a GPS because we fear being lost, but not a grand on good recurrency training. Sorry, but I guess I'm in a bad mood.
  15. That's why we love the Mooney over here.
  16. On my soap box....again. Wouldn't it be much more considerate for everybody if all of us included our location, and year/make of plane when posting, especially when asking a question????? Why people don't is mind boggling to me.
  17. ...or in this case, "Money talks and BS walks" without the plane.
  18. In 1993, they claimed it was about 3,800 hours. Hard to believe, but I had already bought the MSE, was at the factory, and was talking to manufacturing engineers, not marketing types.
  19. Quote: DaV8or Two canceled checks??!! I would have been done with this deal after the stop payment......I see no wrong doing by AAA.
  20. He did a dumb thing Alex. You be courageous and talk to him in a non-confrontational manner soon. Ratting him out to somebody else and expecting them to take action is unrealistic. Good luck!
  21. In all business dealings we've got a small percent of folks who can't be satisfied, no matter what. 'smiles has proved what he is on the forum, so I suggest that Jimmy do what 'smiles suggests but never does, and let it go, because it's not worth the time. At least AAA is first class!
  22. I've heard the same concerns from several people, and based on the history of fixtures and tooling disappearing, and the structure and control of Mooney ownership being, shall we say, less than stable, there is very good reason to be uncomfortable, IMO. Whatever the relationships are, they're ill defined.
  23. Hey....what's a fued? I log in as allsmiles all the time just to spice things up and argue with myself :-)))
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