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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: 201er I wonder how the FAA would feel about splitting pro rata share based on pro rata weight
  2. Plus, Aspen is the way to go if you don't own Garmin stock ;-)
  3. Quote: carusoam Or move to a more hangar friendly state. Money isn't everything http://x9b.xanga.com/96ee42f1d9132276152475/z214985961.jpg
  4. Wonderful photos....thanks, Don!
  5. $550 to $600 per month is the going hanger rate on the east coast of SoFL, and good luck finding one. A community hanger may cost you less. Building them is problematic at our public airports. The price for living and flying down here. IMO, if you can afford it, put the plane inside.
  6. Quote: orangemtl An older and much smarter colleague of mine once told me "people don't change after 7th grade. They just become more sophisticated at displaying immature behaviors." I suspect there's a bit of that on both sides of this fiasco. In case I forget, remind me not to run out and buy a Cirrus as a spare, won't you all?
  7. Yep...it the port of Miami, sans cruise ships on a Thursday evening.
  8. Quote: Parker_Woodruff A lot of the gauges are. My oil temp gauge in my M20J was one example, when compared to the temp indicated by the JPI 700
  9. Quote: aviatoreb Hey Rocketman - Good for you and welcome to the club! Funny your tagline since the week after I got my rocket back in April, my wife got me one of those Sportys hats with a little Mooney stiched into it, my tail number, and the line "rocketman" - so my wife thinks I'm rocketman! Ditto on the welcome, BUT....... ....are you sure about your wife's thinking, because just maybe Ron lives in NY Thanks to Socata being about 100 yards from my hanger, I've got some hours in the TBM 700 and 850. A truly wonderful, fast, pricey, airplane, that handles much like a Mooney and has about the same amount of room in the first row.
  10. Quote: JimR Darn fine looking machine you've got there, Fantom. Darn fine. Jim
  11. Quote: rainman I do love the way it looks too!!
  12. Quote: jetdriven I'm asking Bill wheat just how they got 201 MPH from a M20J back in 1976 at Kerrville.
  13. Quote: Mcstealth 50% off Wine over $100 Please guys, not on the day you're flying out David's Cowboy Steak House is first rate and easy to get to. Lots of folks will have cars. Enjoy the company, you lucky ba$tards
  14. David hosted about twenty of us at his steakhouse last year and it was superb!
  15. Quote: jetdriven No way we can get 22.5" of MP at 8000'. Maybe 21" at most
  16. Quote: ScubaMan I went to a Garmin sponsored seminar tonight at Executive AutoPilots and the Garmin representative discussed Synthetic Vision Technology on the Garmin products. My G1000 does not have this add on and I'd like to consider the upgrade. First.... Does anyone know what this upgrade costs? Second.... Are there any G1000 equipped Mooney drivers out there with it and do you like it? Thanks in advance for the feedback. Mike Johnson '07 Mooney Ovation 3
  17. Quote: 201er I agree it's helpful and not nosey. But I'd be a bit worried of him accusing me of breaking something by pushing on the wrong place.
  18. ...and I 3rd that suggestion. Getting the rigging right is no small task, and there is a bit of artwork to it. Webber does it RIGHT, so you should go the extra mile to have it done correctly, and that probably takes more than a day. Seems we always stand on line for the good stuff.
  19. Like a drug addiction, I can't cut loose of Moony Talk lists after about 14 years, although I have about 500 old digests I haven't read/deleted yet. I get the basic, tech and long body lists, and fly through the 90% of the BS as fast as possible. There is some good technical information at times, but you've got to kiss lots of frogs to get there. Mooneyspace is much better IMHO, especially for relatively new Mooney drivers. Like much on the Internet and in life, they have so many conflicting opinions, you just wind up confused many times. Those who talk most aren't always correct, opinions are stated as fact and arguments result, and there's even one ubiquitous dentist there. A handful of people live on those lists so much it's a wonder they have anytime to fly, but there are the 5 or 6 best shops in America contributing also.
  20. Quote: txbyker I had my second landing light go out in a period of 3 months. I could see a broken filiment.
  21. Quote: scottfromiowa If you want the best and you fly a lot Aviation Consumer 5/2004 gives nod to Goodyear Flight Custom III. If you are like me and you DON'T fly a lot the McCreary Airhawk outsells the Flight Custom III and is a good lower end tire. I replaced a set that was on my plane when I purchased. Still had good tread after 500 hours, but replaced with another set of Airhawks. They have performed great...for significantly less $. As stated REPLACE your tubes with the best you can get. Don't skimp on the tubes. I don't run the "Most Expensive" tire on my car either, but my tires perform great with 50,000 on the OEM set of Conti Pro Contacts... That was ScottfromIowa...Not Parker. I just logged in and confirmed it was me on top right...Weird.
  22. Quote: carusoam You may need to exercise longer words and some intentional misspelling to see it happen.....
  23. Is the spell check automatic or is there a button that I haven't noticed?
  24. Quote: panther1400 I just purcchased a FC III for my nose wheel is there going to be clearence issues? (on a 231) Should I have gotten a FC II?
  25. Quote: aviatoreb
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