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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. I have signed up and am looking forward to it. The folks at MillionAir were awesome, as was the whole event.
  2. Merry Christmas to you too. I am looking forward to Yuma formation clinic and OSH18.
  3. Today was a great day for me. Long post. Feel free to drink heavily as you read, or eat sugar cookies. It started off as a Pilots and Paws rescue flight for a one-eyed cat named Gio. Since I was headed up to the Bay Area, I thought I would contact my 96 year old pen pal/friend William Mason [Army Air Corps Flight Instructor at Rankin Field with my Dad, and brother to uber famous Sammy Mason] who flew out of Petaluma to see if we could meet up for a burger at the 29er Diner. I did all my flight planning with Foreflight, Skyvector, and the NOAA site for weather... severe clear except for smoke in vicinity of departure airport, Santa Maria, CA. I filed the flight plan online and got an email that it was received by flight service [she thinks "What a rock star I am for using all this wonderful technology"] When I left the house this morning it looked like dusk instead of dawn due to the smoke. I could see that San Luis Obispo was clear, so I thought, at most, I would be in the smoke [IFR] for a few minutes. Opening the hangar door I could see a fine layer of ash all over my Kennon cover. As I loaded up the plane I looked out and saw the tiniest of tiny suns trying to burn through the smoke. I got my taxi clearance and asked tower for my IFR clearance to Petaluma. The next bit of news was not so happy "6619U I have no IFR flight plan for you in the system." Drat! I mentioned that I had even gotten an email confirmation. Hmmm. I let the lovely tower folks [really they are, no sarcasm there] know when I was done taxiing I would figure it out. Figure it out I did. Guess who filed the plan for a WEEK from today? Me, yup me. Duh. Luckily I had the routing, so no worries, got it put into the system. Now on the the obstacle departure procedure and up to the Bay Area. The smoke was maybe 1000 above ground level... maybe. I was in the smoke, I mean in the smoke. Could not see anything, nothing. "Okay sister, this is what you are trained for, instrument scan, track the course, you can do this. Probably won't be but a minute or two." Yeah---no. Just under thirty minutes later I come out of the smoke right over the Paso Robles airport. I knew that my tracking was not the best while in the smoke. I was disappointed that I sort of got flustered. I was able to just regain my composure and soldier on. Hecky darn, that was stressful. I flew up the coast and the day was spectacular. ATC was super helpful and I was able to navigate well with my lowly 2-VORs, DME, Garmin 396 and Ipad mini. I asked for the Bay Tour [as did about a hundred others] and was grinning ear to ear flying over the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and the bay. I headed off to Petaluma and landed safely. The next few hours were spent with Bill and his daughter. We got to catch up, talk about aviation and some of his glory days. Bill owned a Stearman for many many years. When it was time to leave I made sure to check the date and time on my flight plan and hit "File"--- voila it went through. I did get vectored in a way from ATC that reminded me of an old high school cheer "lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight" On the way home I was at 9000, and got a beautiful and enduring view of the sunset off my right side. I knew that the smoke would be formidable on the approach into the Central Coast. I descended down from 9000 to 8000, then down to 5000. Under the smoke it was black as night. I requested a precision approach from ATC. I thought it best to fly the ILS approach I had practiced many times that took me right to runway 12. Between the black of night, and the ash build up on the windscreen, and the general haziness from the smoke, the approach was challenging. My needles were centered DEAD-ON the whole time. I did have a little bit of an optical illusion just above the aim point. It was hard for me to tell how high I was above the runway to begin the flare. I should have maybe looked out the left window, but I didn't. Landing was rock star-- which is so wonderful. All in all I had an hour of actual. I am grateful to have had wonderful instructors,and of course have the best airplane in the world. Merry Christmas everyone. I am snug as a bug, under my heated blanket with Mooney at my feet. Life is good.
  4. Such a hoot. I love that I have the formation flying skills now.
  5. It was a fun flight from Chandler AZ to KERV and back in the Ultra. WE had a great stop at White Sands, NM. Most of the way there was IMC. It was also quite the thrill of a lifetime to fly in Mooney Lead for the photo shoot. I was actually flying the Acclaim lead in the photo where Pia is directly over the Mooney Factory. Our brave photographer was in the baggage compartment with the door off. Fun times
  6. Good luck Ron. Let us know how you do.
  7. Gotta get that rating! I hope you enjoy my article about finally attaining the instrument ticket. 2018 will be my commercial and CFI. Happy Thanksgiving everyone https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2017/11/20/gotta-get-that-rating/
  8. Hi Mike Thank you! I have four hours of actual in my training. It was very valuable. I know I am a newbie, but I have a great education, the best airplane, and a healthy dose of caution.
  9. I used the AOPA template for minimums. Right now most every approach [in actual] is double the minimums. 4000 ft from freezing level/icing. Wind is dependent on whether it is down the runway or not. I flew 130 hours last year, VFR. This is going to be awesome sauce.
  10. Hey there, It is hard for me to say what the most fun was. I really like taking that hood off and the runway is right there. It was kind of fun to master the DME Arc. Mostly I really enjoyed learning more and more about aviation and safety. The formation training I did helped with my IFR. I tend to be a little OCD. I had two instructors and the examiner himself that said that if I was able to not try for perfection so much it would be better. I had no GPS, no autopilot. Just two VOR heads and a DME. My new to me 530W is going in with the new transponder soon. Dual Simulated Instrument Flight Simulator Instrument Dual Instrument Ground Totals 4.00 60.75 2.20 63.35 21
  11. I started the day as a VFR pilot and ended the day as an Instrument rated pilot. Today was IFR check ride day. I have to say that this journey has probably been one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am proud of myself, and yet keenly aware of missing my Mom and Dad who would have been beaming. I was raised with no limits. They taught me that I would do anything I put my mind to. I want to thank those of you who have taught me, supported me, challenged me and loved me through all this. I decided to take a sunset flight as a treat after the ride. Life is so good. #IFRMooneyGirl
  12. Hey there--- The first shipments to hip Mooney owners have been completed. We have sold about half our stock. So if you would like to jump in on ordering for the holidays, please do so. Mooney Girls V-neck sizes: small, large, XL and XXL [yes we are sold out of medium]. We also have small and large Tank tops that go with the combo package. We had a couple of hats go to the REAL Mooney Girls at the factory in Kerrville, TX. Look for photos soon. As usual, thank you for your support. Jan and Jolie
  13. Aww. Thanks Dan. As many know we are trying to have fun, promote the brand, encourage education and camaraderie. The combo packages are selling like hotcakes, so if anyone would like to order let me know. As usual, thanks for the support. J.
  14. Glad we are sparking some conversation. A bit of a double meaning. Mooneys are fast, and not easy to fly [necessarily]. Mooney Girls fly fast, but are complicated and not easy to understand. Just fun fun fun
  15. Thanks for the email, Kris. I haven't had a chance to update MooneyGirls.com
  16. News from Mooney Girls.... our new hats are in. If you would like to purchase one, just let me know. We have a special going on through the holidays. $50 gets our awesome v-neck ladies t-shirt, plus the MG hat, plus a lanyard or a bracelet. We can ship most anywhere, actual shipping will be applied. Their debut will be at AOPA in Tampa this weekend. Shoot me a PM or email: MooneyAmbassadors@charter.net I will be wearing mine on Saturday!!
  17. I love that it is the Vintage bird. That one is the best. Jolie
  18. Dan, Yes we will be teaching Right Seat Ready! on Friday as part of the Pilot Plus One seminar. Bob and Nancy Belville will be flying in from NC displaying their E model.
  19. Hi there Hoping to find a Mooney that is going to AOPA Regional Fly-In at Tampa. I have a spot for a display on show center. Mooney would need to be in place by noon on Friday, and stay in place until Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Do you plan on going? If so, please contact me ASAP. Jolie PS: please spread the word. Somehow AOPA doesn’t have my registration for a booth and they are full up in the exhibit hall.
  20. Hello Mooney Family Here is my latest installment of AOPA Opinion Leaders: https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2017/10/22/last-chance-to-dance-camaraderie-education-and-inspiration-during-the-close-of-the-flying-season/ There are some GREAT events coming up in this beautiful country of ours. Why not fly there and enjoy??
  21. Hoping to see some of my Mooney Family at Groton, CT this Friday and Saturday! #MooneyZoom
  22. Hello All, I wanted to let you know that I was able to sneak from CA to Kerrville to help celebrate the retirement of Mike Miles. Mike was a test pilot for most of his 41.5 years at Mooney. Bill Wheat was like a father to him. Mike is a quiet fellow but is wicked smart and can fly a Mooney like no one else. I first met him when the idea of the documentary was born. He said no to me quite a few times [which is rare in my experience] and finally agreed. I am so happy that he gave us so many stories about his work in the Skunk Works, and how he tested that air frame like crazy. Pia Bergqvist the Executive Editor of Flying Magazine was due to fly her Mooney ['74 C model] Manny to Chandler, AZ and pick up Richard Simile and the 2018 Mooney Ovation Ultra. I had been trying to figure out how to get to TX so I asked Pia if I could tag along. She said yes and we were off to Chandler in Manny. I happened to have my IFR visor in my bag, so Pia flew under the hood on the approach. We picked up Richard and the Ultra and were on our way to Alamogordo, NM. We made it through the VFR corridor between the restricted areas [White Sands Missile Range] and landed just in time to get a courtesy car [From Exile FBO] and head to the White Sands National Monument for sunset. The next day was IFR to Kerrville. Pia hand flew the whole way and was IMC for 2.5 hours of the 3.5 hour flight. Again donning the hood she flew the approach to Kerrville complete with procedure turn and time in the hold. Friday was the BBQ for Mike Miles at the factory. He is such a humble man. He was overwhelmed at the outpouring of love and admiration from everyone at Mooney. We all enjoyed wonderful BBQ and laughs. On Saturday, Tom Bowen [former COO] of Mooney arranged for his family to attend the MAPA banquet and had a lovely presentation for Mike. Saturday was the formation photo shoot for the December issue of Flying Magazine. I was in Mooney Photo 1 [Acclaim] with pilot Tony Paradis [Test pilot at Mooney for two years now], photographer Jon Whittle and myself right seat. The baggage door was removed for the photo shoot and Jon sat in the luggage compartment. Pia flew the Ovation Ultra with Richard in the right seat. I had flown formation with Pia. She is very accomplished having received training in Oregon, and getting her formation race card at Reno this year. We were up at 5, at the airport at 6 a.m. and in the air about 6:30 a.m. After we completed the sunrise photos we headed back toward the factory. Tony asked if I wanted to fly lead to which I enthusiastically said, "Yes". We did several low passes with the factory in the background. After our last pass we flew out to Mike's ranch outside of Kerrville and did a formation fly-by. Mike texted me that he was outside waving. We flew back to Chandler and then loaded up Manny and I flew him back to Camarillo. I thought maybe some of you would be interested in this story. Of course, check out Flying's December issue to see Pia's full article. Mooney flight makes our family so much closer. Life is so good.
  23. Here is my September installment of AOPA Opinion Leaders: https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2017/09/17/think-like-an-upside-down-wedding-cake-three-tiered-airport-advocacy-works/ For any CA Mooney Pilots, think about coming to the CalPilots Airfest 2017 in San Carlos, CA Octobre 13 & 14th
  24. We will need help with setting up the canopy, manning the booth and tear down. Anybody wanna help?
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