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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Saturday August 24th, Oceano Airport Fly-In Movie Night 6:00 p.m. All Welcome. Free Admission. Family Friendly. Bring chairs, blankets and come watch a classic movie. $5 Movie Meal Deal [fundraising for SLO 99s scholarship fund]. Camping $15. AWOS: 118.375 805-489-1305. Several flying clubs are coming Friday night to BBQ and camp, staying through Sunday. Help me spread the word. Community events make airports a good neighbor.
  2. That is tragic news. He did the pre-buy for Maggie so many years ago. Tailwinds Tom
  3. Here's my latest installment for Opinion Leaders. I hope you enjoy it. https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2019/08/20/from-how-to-wow-saying-yes-to-opportunity/
  4. Aviation Mastery 2. This wonderful two-day event kicks off on Saturday September 21st. I will present Exit the Holding Pattern: Achieve your Aviation Goals on the 21st at 4:30 p.m. Come learn how to kick your bucket list to the curb! I am thrilled to be asked to present along with Mike Jesch, Gary Reeves, Pat Brown and Jason Schappert. Tickets: https://aviationmastery.org/ http://www.JolieLucas.com
  5. If you are at OSH19 on Saturday please mark your calendars for Exit the Hold: Achieve your Avation Goals. I discuss the six keys to exit the holding pattern and reach your goals. This fast paced, multi-media presentation explores human factors in decision-making, motivation, and follow-through. The seminar is sure to inspire you to exit the holding pattern and move forward in your life goals. I have wonderful door prizes from Lift Aviation and King Schools.
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  6. We will be up on the announcer's stand welcoming you! It was sporty getting in to Appleton today, then the storm hit. Glad you weren't at OSH.
  7. For sure you have to have an eye on that temp gauge. I also adjust on the take off roll. Once I am up and established in the gentle climb [on hot days with high DA is about 400-500 fpm] I rich the mixture to avoid overheating. I am sure to get some experience as I leave for OSH next week!
  8. The clamp to the air duct is there, just out of the shot. But I have been advised to adjust it so the clamp is over the metal rings versus just the duct itself. It was an engine ground coming off the generator I believe. The mechanic said that it was one of two grounding wires. It is just so nice to have a Mooney expert that you can call, who is self-less in terms of supporting vintage owners and the brand.
  9. I tend to lean aggressively on taxi anyway, for high DA I lean for taxi. Then while doing the run up I do lean for best RPM with throttle full in. Make sure your feet are on the brakes!
  10. I have done Sante Fe, Cedar City, Yellowstone. No worries. Lighter on the weight, insanely early departure, lean for best RPM. Thank God you are flying the Best Airplane in the World.
  11. As some of you know, I had my airplane flown to Maxwell because I lost confidence in the person who installed my engine. I was SO lucky. Don and Paul found numerous items that could have brought me down. The other day, upon pre-flight I noticed a cable hanging down where it shouldn't be. I took a photo and texted Don. He told me what it was [ a grounding wire] and what needed to be done. That man [and woman, Jan] is selfless. They are committed to the brand, to our Mooney Family, and to being leaders. We need more like Don, Jan and Paul.
  12. My old stomping grounds. Wish I could make it. S21 was one of my solo cross country stops back in the day
  13. It was no problem in the E model or the Ovation!
  14. There are so many great things going on at AOPA LVK this weekend for the Mooney pilot. Here's what we are up to. Hope to see a lot of you there. Mooney Ambassador/Mooney Girls Display: Maggie will be on display and we will have children's activities and some of our merchandise. Exit the Holding Pattern: Achieve your Aviation Goals Friday, 10:00 a.m. Right Seat Ready! Companion Safety Seminar introduction. Saturday 1-4. Pre-register AOPA.org Door Prizes from Lightspeed Aviation [Zulu 3], Lift Aviation [shoes and kneeboard] and King Schools [Free course]
  15. This is Columbia's 53rd anniversary of the Father's Day Fly-In. This is an upcountry airport with a grass runway [closed for the event] and an asphalt runway. A quick walk in to town gives visitors such a treat. Columbia is also a state park and its pedestrian zone is all dolled up like the 1850's complete with panning for gold, rides in carriages and horse shoe making. Mooney Ambassadors will be on display with the world-famous Moo Pool. We usually have 5-9 tents in the campground as well. Movie nights both nights, lots of airplanes and fun. Come join us.Sun6/1516
  16. IMG_9359.HEIC
  17. I am not sure what to say about losing our Mikey. [Mike Miles, Mooney Test Pilot.] He was the truest of friends, kind, knowledgeable, generous and fearless. I will miss the way he called me Young Lady. Blue skies and tailwinds my dear. Now you are in the company of angels and Pops .
  18. See if this link works: https://donmaxwellaviationservicesinc.regfox.com/2019-mooneymax-conference-maintenance-and-education
  19. If anyone wants to help me at the Pop Up shop in exchange for some swag, let me know.
  20. Hello all Hope to see a lot of you at SNF19. We will have a Pop-Up Shop at Mooney International [see schedule below]. If you want to get merchandise, please consider pre-ordering so your items will be ready for you. We have Mooney Girls hooded jackets, t-shirts, and hats. Also Girl Power socks, Boots on the Ground DVD and some Ambassador wear. I will be presenting Exit the Holding Pattern: Achieve your Goals for SNF and for AOPA. King Schools are providing an awesome gift certificate worth over $500 as a door prize for each seminar. See you in Lakeland. #MooneyZoom
  21. June 6th-8th: MooneyMAX will be in da house! Save the dates and come join us in Longview TX for the only convention featuring Mooney Guru Don Maxwell and legendary [not afraid to talk about Lean of Peak] Savvy mechanic Mike Busch. Jan and I will be teaching Right Seat Ready! companion seminar. There will also be great vendors and #MooneyZoom Speed Trials. Registration will be open soon. GATHER, EDUCATE, ELEVATE.
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  22. Hey All, It would be so cool to have a ton of Mooneys come for Feb 21st seminar in San Luis Obispo, CA. King Schools is sending a crew to film me and we might make this into an online course. I need a great audience. Plus someone is going home with some pretty awesome door prizes. Please register today so we have enough chairs. Thank you for the support. Details below. Exiting the Hold: Reaching your Life Goals Thursday, February 21st 6:00-9:00 p.m. ACI Jet Center, KSBP, San Luis Obispo, CA, 
Free Admission with RSVP: ExitingtheHold.EventBrite.Com Much like flying an actual hold, there comes a time in every pilot’s career where an honest assessment of skill, safety, performance, desire, and goals needs to be made. Are you one of the many pilots that are stuck in the hold, unable to complete your aviation goals? Psychotherapist, educator, writer, and instrument pilot, Jolie Lucas, discusses the six keys to exiting the holding pattern and reaching your goals. This fast paced, multi-media presentation explores human factors, brain science, and personality in decision-making, motivation, and follow-through. The seminar is sure to inspire you to exit the holding pattern and move forward in your aviation goals. Refreshments. WINGS credit. Fly-In Fuel discount. Door prizes generously donated by: ACI Jet: Tarmac Teddy and ACI Fuel gift card [$100] King Schools: Gift Certificate for any King Schools Course [$600 value] Lightspeed: Lightspeed Zulu 3 Aviation Headset [$1300 value]
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  23. Christmas is Coming... Order now The Mooney Girls Holiday Shopping guide is here. For any one else thinking of an awesome Christmas gift for the Mooney Girl in your life. Our goal is to inspire and support women in aviation. Hooded Jackets Hats Ladies V-Neck Tees Mini-Mooney Girls Tees Snuggly Socks We are a non-profit educational foundation committed to inspiringand educating girls and women. Order at www.MooneyGirls.com or email us at: MooneyGirlsRock@gmail.com Thank you for your support. Jan and Jolie
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  24. We are getting set up for the Welcome Reception [6-7:30 p.m.] tonight at MooneyMAX Hilton Garden Inn. If there is anyone that would like to register for the event do so right away! $250 for full conference including banquet. http://donmaxwell.com/mooneymax-2018/ $150 gives you full access on TH [seminars and lunch] or Friday Right Seat Ready! or MooneyMAX maintenance. We have 20 vendors, awesome door prizes from Lightspeed, King Schools, Concorde Battery and more. Come and join the fun. Oh yes, the new Mooney Girl's embroidered jackets are available for special order too! #MooneyZoom
  25. Please join me this weekend for the California Capital Airshow at Mather. Friday evening is the night airshow. Saturday and Sunday are the US Air Force Thunderbirds and more. Static displays, vendors, kid zone and of course educational forums. My part in the fun will be Sunday morning for Exiting the Hold: Reaching your Aviation Goals [10:40 a.m. Education Forums]. My seminars tend to be lively, faced-paced and interactive. Thank you to King Schools for the door prize of an IFR course worth $279.00 Watch the NOTAMS for air space closure but come on! Tickets available: https://californiacapitalairshow.com Mooney driver Bob Achtel is the Fly-In Manager. He would love to see a whole bunch of Mooneys come enjoy the weekend. And who wouldn't want to learn how to perfect landings by Don Kaye! FORUMS SATURDAY 10 AM Nick Leonard, "Quick building your own airplane" 10:40 AM Harry Wander,MD, Senior AME, Col. US Army(RET) " Drugs & the PIC" 11:20 AM Don Kaye, Master CFII, "The Perfect Landing" SUNDAY 10 AM Renee Robinson, (FAA Administrator) "ADS-B Simplified" 10:40 Am Jolie Lucas, AOPA Editorial Board, "Exiting the Hold" 11:20 AM Wm. Shea, Former FAA Administrator, "California Aviation, Past,Present,Future".
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