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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Hey there, looking for a yellow tagged Garmin GI-106A VOR/LOC//GS/GPS Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) for my 530W installation. If you know of one, please send me a PM or email to Jolielucas@charter.net Going to be good to have the 530W in Maggie for my instrument work. Thanks Jolie
  2. Hey there, looking for a yellow tagged Garmin GI-106A VOR/LOC//GS/GPS Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) for my 530W installation. If you know of one, please send me a PM or email to Jolielucas@charter.net Going to be good to have the 530W in Maggie for my instrument work. Thanks Jolie
  3. You guys crack me up. We all can do something to inspire the love of flight! See y'all at OSH!
  4. Here is my latest installment based on MooneySpace's own Yooper Rockeman! I hope you enjoy, and share https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2017/05/19/sharing-ga-with-people-reminds-us-how-fortunate-we-are/
  5. Here is a little piece I wrote for AOPA Opinion Leaders about Tom: https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2017/05/19/sharing-ga-with-people-reminds-us-how-fortunate-we-are/
  6. Hey Robert, yes the event organizers sign you in. You will receive a pretty cool swag bag, and the display certificate.
  7. June 16, 17 and 18th.... Please join us for a fun, family-friendly two or three day event in the Sierra Nevadas. The Columbia CA [022] fly-in is just a hoot. There is airplane-only camping where we set up Moo Camp. We have been known to make smores, eat strawberries and burn Cheetos. Friday is a set-up volunteer day if you are so inclined. Friday night is the Burger Fry. Saturday is the Mooney Ambassador display day. We will have a canopy with children's activities and the world-famous Moo Pool. There is a pancake breakfast both days in the campground. Saturday night is tri-tip dinner. We will need help in the "booth" talking with attendees about flying, and Mooney airplanes. As well we usually get kids and grown ups in the airplane. The weather is usually super nice. Can be 80-100 degrees. The town, which is a historic national park, is dressed up like the 1840s with panning for gold, wagon trains, and horse shoe smithing. If you are planning on coming please shoot me an email to MooneyAmbassadors@charter.net Come and celebration GA and Father's Day with a bunch of your Mooney friends. http://www.fathersdayflyin.org/
  8. The best thing to do is to call MAPA or the factory. They are asking for 48 hour notice on tours. MAPA's office hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:00am - 5:00pm central time Telephone: (830) 315-8008 Fax: (830) 315-8011 Email: mapa@sbcglobal.net 1885 Airport Road, Suite 100 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Mooney Factory 165 Al Mooney Road N. Kerrville, TX 78028 Sales Phone: 800.456.3033 Email: sales@mooney.com
  9. Just to throw it out there... AOPA Regional in Norman, OK is September 8th ant 9th. Friday are the educational seminar during the day, including Pilot Plus One. Friday night is the Barnstormer's Party which is a hoot with music and food. Saturday is the regular AOPA Fly-In with pancake breakfast and nationally known speakers throughout the day. The cool thing about Norman is that if we plan on arriving together, we could also park fairly close to one another too. Camping is available on the field. Pilot Plus One YouTube Of course OSH will be a hoot. There are always things going on in the North 40 for Mooney-types especially those flying in the Mooney Caravan.
  10. Sent you a private message...

  11. Thank you! It has been an awesome day so far. Of course yesterday I got to fly the best airplane in the world and hang out at Oceano airport. Today was church in the morning, kids/nephew/nieces in the afternoon and topping off with a movie with the girls. To any other Pilot Moms or honorary Moms: Happy Mother's Day!
  12. Thank you! It has been an awesome day so far. Of course yesterday I got to fly the best airplane in the world and hang out at Oceano airport. Today was church in the morning, kids/nephew/nieces in the afternoon and topping off with a movie with the girls. To any other Pilot Moms or honorary Moms: Happy Mother's Day!
  13. It is these small gestures of kindness and integrity that bind our General Aviation community together. With few exceptions most pilots would bend over backwards to help another, selflessly as you did. Congrats to you. I know it feels good to you, but the memory for those kids will last a lifetime.
  14. My prop cable was getting harder and harder to pull out when cycling the prop on run up. One day it just failed. I got the new McFarlane cable actually through Mooney as they had it in stock. It was $30 more than McFarlane direct, but didn't have to wait the 10 days for it to be made. I did get a message from a Mooney mechanic that said that "Are you aware as to why the cables break? I have seen many pilots shove the cable in all the way to full high rpm, and then continue to try and go further by screwing the knob in. This has the effect of unwinding the braided cable over time and makes it wear out inside the cable housing." Hope this is helpful.
  15. Please join us May 12 and 13th for Oceano Airport Celebration: Salute to Veterans. Set up day: Volunteers needed Friday May 12th from 10-2 lunch provided. Beach Burger Fry and Dance, Friday May 12th featuring Leo and the Boyz [$10] 5:30-10 pm. Saturday is Airport Celebration day: 8:30-2:30 Free Admission, family friendly Free breakfast for active duty or military. We collect items for military care packages so bring some with you. Support our troops overseas. Oceano Airport, Oceano CA, L52 For more information: www.FriendsofOceanoAirport.com Lodging discount: Pacific Plaza Resort. Fuel Discount: Oceano Fuel YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOrIQb6oNeY Check out our webcams for weather: http://oceanoairport.com/webcams. 2325 is a piece of cake for a Mooney! Come early on Friday and join the fun.
  16. Please join us May 12 and 13th for Oceano Airport Celebration: Salute to Veterans. Beach Burger Fry and Dance, Friday May 12th featuring Leo and the Boyz [$10] Saturday is Airport Celebration day: 8:30-2:30 Free Admission, family friendly, children's activities. Free breakfast for active duty or military. We collect items for military care packages so bring some with you. Support our troops overseas. Preferential Mooney Parking! Camping on field, lodging discount [Pacific Plaza Resort], fuel discount
  17. I was doing really well until about Oxnard. Then BOOM: moderate turbulence the whole way in from there. Was about 11:30 a.m. Tightened up the belt and slowed down.
  18. Had a super short and fun flight from Santa Maria, CA to Camarillo. Usually takes about 35 minutes. Today it was just under 30 thanks to Mother Nature. Had 190 kts in my E model. I am demo-ing the new Lightspeed Zulu 3 headset. Super clarity and comfortable too. There are five Mooneys here and counting. I am parked near the newly certified two-door ultra. Mooney also has an Acclaim type S at Camarillo for demo/sale. Tomorrow is the big day for Pilot Plus One. It is going to be a lot of fun to connect with other pilots and educate the whole airplane. Friday night is the Barnstormer's party: dinner/dance. Saturday is exhibits and shorter seminars. Mooney Girls are in booth 52 in the exhibit hall.
  19. I departed from Prescott, shortly after show end last year. Wasn't that bad.
  20. Whenever I start packing for a trip, Mooney give me this look. "Oh Mom, don't go without me!" Will be fun to head to Camarillo, CA tomorrow for AOPA Regional. We have lots of folks registered for Pilot Plus One and of course there will be a full weekend of fun with the Barnstormer's Party, pancake breakfast, Saturday seminars and exhibit hall. We will have a booth in the exhibit hall and my airplane will be show-center. ArtCraft Paint will also have a booth in the exhibit hall.
  21. I am hopeful that the owner will pick someone with GA experience and a connection to the factory. Fingers crossed
  22. Registration Camarillo: bit.ly/2m4QfnYPilotPlusOne
  23. Getting everything ready for the trip down south to Camarillo for Pilot Plus One [4/28 & 4/29] Endorsed by Rod Machado. Should I bring strawberries, I think YES! Register here: http://bit.ly/2m4QfnYPilotPlusOne
  24. I just registered. Attended the Yuma Gunfighter's clinic, hope we have another on west coast before OSH. Fun times ahead.
  25. A big thank you to Flying Magazine for the shout out on Right Seat Ready! and Pilot Plus One. http://bit.ly/2pQg3BL
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