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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Hey all Here is my latest AOPA Opinion Leaders.... https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2018/03/20/we-are-born-to-be-happy-follow-your-smiles/ I hope you enjoy it. #SmileOn
  2. 500.8 since new. Removed in 1978 sitting in hangar, bought at a core. Crankshaft recondition, nitrated Aircraft Speciality services in Tulsa, cam recondition, cam follower. Cylinders repaired, guides, brand new mags, fuel servo. Taken out of Lake amphibian. 1200 series mags, needs switch mags. $20K USD. Canadian log books, all ADs etc
  3. I called to ask the price.
  4. I am glad to read this initial post. I have to say that as a new IFR pilot in an E model, icing is probably my biggest fear. The DPE I tested with said 10C/-10C is his rule and that I should plan on being 4000 feet below the freezing level. That would mean I would not really be able to take off in some instances. I am wondering what the best resource is for icing information/forecast. I use Foreflight and NOAA. It was interesting to learn about the tail icing. Thanks for all comments that are nice! XXOO
  5. Here is my latest installment for AOPA Opinion Leaders on Amy Helm, a cool, fierce, and determined airport manager in Glenwood Springs Colorado. I am hoping to stop there on my way to OSH18 if the weather-Gods allow. https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2018/02/18/if-you-build-it-they-will-come/
  6. Come see me at #SNF18. I will be presenting on Saturday April 14th @ 3:00 p.m. at the AOPA Pavilion. "Exiting the Hold: Reaching Your Aviation Goals" This will be a great chance for you to learn about what might be holding you back. Plus it is always fun to see friendly faces in the audience. Mooney Girls/Mooney Ambassadors will be on display at the Mooney International area. Sun n Fun is a blast. Can't wait to see you there. Who is coming??
  7. Sold the KX 155, but a lot of stuff left. Let me know if you need anything.
  8. Hey All... PilotSafety.org is saving my bacon, maybe literally, with their Master Course on the Garmin 430/530. If you are in need of online training courses for Avidyne, Garmin, IFR, Foreflight, please check out their website. Anyone using code: JOLIE gets a 20% discount. bit.ly/PSJolie
  9. I used Mike Jesch, CFII, Master CFI based in Fullerton. Also Jay Mason , CFI is in Fullerton and used to own a C model. Here is a list: http://www.themooneyflyer.com/cfi.html
  10. You will have to fly up for Oceano Airport Celebration May 11th and 12th. Your wife will love the beach and the aviation community, you will get to practice landing on a shorter strip... Congratulations
  11. There are 25 plus airplanes here. Big fun. More flying today!
  12. Hi there, yes I am at Yuma. Let's see my serial number is 732. The all in one unit came out of my plane and was in working order. the separate unit gauges, I purchased thinking that would be able to be swapped for my unit. That is not the case.
  13. That was a GREAT article. Thanks for writing it. Described it to a "T"
  14. Hi all, I have some avionics/instruments for sale due to my upgrade. I would rather sell to someone I know vs Ebay, so I thought I would post. All were removed from my airplane in working order, except #7 which I purchased and never installed. Photos are posted in Avionics for sale forum. Just a heads up in case anyone is looking. 1) KX 155 TSO no GS, with tray. s/n 56958 p/n 069-1024-00 [Ebay completed sales: $875-1100] 2) King KI203 VOR/LOC indicator s/n 4836 p/n 066-3034-00 [Ebay completed sales: $200-495] ------------Would be willing to bundle 1 & 2 for $1200--------- 3) Narco Transponder: AT 50A with tray s/n 34904 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 4) Narco Transponder: AT 150 TSO with tray and wiring s/n 18398 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 5) King KN 64 DME p/n 066-1088-00 s/n 14249 [Ebay completed sales: $425-1395] 6) Garwin one-piece engine cluster p/n 220-166-09 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 7) Garwin individual components engine cluster p/n 22-169-08 [I purchased for $220 plus shipping]
  15. Hi all, I have some avionics/instruments for sale due to my upgrade. I would rather sell to someone I know vs Ebay, so I thought I would post. All were removed from my airplane in working order, except #7 which I purchased and never installed. Please contact me by email: jolielucas@charter.net Shipping charges extra. 2) King KI203 VOR/LOC indicator s/n 4836 p/n 066-3034-00 [Ebay completed sales: $200-495] 3) Narco Transponder: AT 50A with tray s/n 34904 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 4) Narco Transponder: AT 150 TSO with tray and wiring s/n 18398 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 5) King KN 64 DME p/n 066-1088-00 s/n 14249 [Ebay completed sales: $425-1395] 6) Garwin one-piece engine cluster p/n 220-166-09 [Ebay completed sales: $200-250] 7) Garwin individual components engine cluster p/n 22-169-08 [I purchased for $220 plus shipping]
  16. That would be swell. AI/Vacuum was overhauled about 3.5 years ago, which would have been conservatively 300 hours ago. Funny because when I took this photo I hadn't started up yet. When I did we found the suction tube was re-mounted backwards. My AI was doing a dance!
  17. Right? I will be focused on rule #1 "Don't hit lead" I am seriously looking forward to utilizing the equipment, but I have to say for now the IR has given me such a new found freedom. Living at the beach before was a bit of a problem with marine layer/clouds. Not now!
  18. I do know Michael from CMA. I am going to be using Mike Jesch, my CFII. He also does FAAST trainings on the 530, ipad etc. Also going to do an online course with Gary Reeves.
  19. Wow, thank you so much. You answered a bunch of questions I had on my initial flight with the unit. I am fortunate in a way because I had dual KX155s, now I have one KX155 with vor/GS. So I do have that which is very normal/natural for me.
  20. I am going to take a class on the 530W.I want to make sure I know it's capabilities and how to change things, on the fly so to speak.
  21. Hey all, Here is my latest installment of AOPA Opinion Leaders. We all have far more in common than we might think. https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2018/01/23/the-bottom-line-we-all-started-in-the-same-place/
  22. Thank you Don. A dear friend made it for me!
  23. This summer I purchased a 530W from a friend and then won an auction at EAA's Gathering of Eagles [OSH] for a GTX 335. After I got my IFR I decided to install. I chose Barber Aviation in Madera, CA. They quoted me a reasonable price, and best yet a 5-7 day turnaround time. I also had a Stratus dual USB installed. I am happy to say that it was super cool to fly Miss Maggie home yesterday with the new-to-me technology. I can recommend Chris Tharp and Barber Aviation wholeheartedly. They have a maintenance facility and an avionics shop. Next week will be a trip to Yuma for the Gunfighter's Formation Clinic. Life is good. #MooneyZoom
  24. Sorry, I looked for the title and didn't see anything
  25. Thank goodness for that air frame. #TexasStrong https://www.pe.com/2018/01/17/small-plane-crashes-in-parking-lot-of-santas-villege-in-sky-forest-no-major-injuries/ A small plane carrying four people crashed Wednesday morning in the parking lot of Santa’s Village in Skyforest, the San Bernardino County Fire Department said. The plane, which the Federal Aviation Association registry identifies as a Mooney M20E, crashed about 11:30 a.m., fire department spokesman Eric Sherwin said. All four people — a pilot and three passengers — walked away with minor to moderate injuries.
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