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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Thanks, I think my favorite is flying over OSH with the show in the background. Of course I was following Lead so I didn't get to look out at all.
  2. I was lucky enough to be asked to participate in a professional photo shoot over #OSH17 just before dusk. Glenn Watson of www.MachPointOneAviation.com was the photographer. Glenn Watson is based in Texas, not too far from Kerrville in case anyone would like to duplicate the experience over the Hill Country of Texas. The C-model is a 1974 flown by Flying Magazine Senior Editor, Pia Bergqvist. My airplane is a 1965 E model. Both were painted by the artists at ArtCraft Paint in Santa Maria, CA. 12 hours from Pismo Beach, CA to OSH, and about the same home, the plane performed without a hitch. The formation flight with the Mooney Caravan was a thrill. I suppose the song's lyrics speak to how full my heart is after a week with my aviation family. My heart still beats like BOOM. Mooney-flight.mp4
  3. mooneygirl


    Fun Mooney Photos
  4. mooneygirl


    From the album: MooneyGirl

  5. This is old news. Presently Mooney is consolidating it's staff in Kerrville. No firm date set on the move. The M10 is in flux but not scrapped. I did notice that Threshold [I believe that is the FBO in CNO where Mooney is sub-letting] might be considering legal action for the lease termination. Most important for this Mooney Girl is that our factory in Kerrville is sound and folks are working making the Ultra models. Mooney had a good showing at OSH, the booth was hopping.
  6. I used 12 inch tent stakes from Walmart $.97 each. They pulled out easily with hammer claw.
  7. Well that was a blast. Sunset flight over some beautiful countryside. Here is a sampling of the photos. Haven't seen the video yet. So fun to fly with Pia. Life is good. Both planes were painted by ArtCraft Paint in Santa Maria, CA
  8. A different kind of Blue Angels will be taking off from OSH Runway 9 for a formation photo shoot tonight at 7:00 p.m. The two-Mooney flight features Pia Bergqvist and Jolie Lucas. Pia and Jolie’s airplanes were painted by ArtCraft Paint in Santa Maria, CA.
  9. It was a great experience and a great photo from Jim Koepnick [Former Chief Photographer for EAA]
  10. I did post on a general thread. The Caravan was a blast. 51 of us. Got a little rain on the way, but all landed safely. I was able to arrange for an announcer/photog. plus EAA radio covered.
  11. I thought I would start a thread and hopefully other Caravaners will join in. What a fricken blast. 51 of us descended into OSH with Ride of the Valkyries on EAA radio and we had a commentator, Mike Jesch [also my CFII] and a photographer and videographer. Mike told about the history of the Mooney Caravan as well as formation flight and the mass arrivals. At the last minute I was able to get to land in formation on 36L [big runway] which was the thrill of a lifetime. My professional photographer friend Jim Koepnick snapped some great photos. Thank you to the Caravan and all the volunteers who help make this even happen safely every year.
  12. The last time I was in there, I checked out the "Cabins" on the field that they are renting out. Did you see those? I thought $100 per night was a bit steep for being sort of smack dab in the middle of nowhere. They sleep 4 but still...
  13. Great photos! Look forward to seeing everyone at MSN! #MooneyZoom
  14. I have a GREAT idea... My IFR checkride is coming up soon. How about I wear my unicorn jammies. It would take a cruel DE to fail a unicorn! PS: Don't forget that I will have a display with merchandise at the Mooney booth all week. So some, at least a little of the stuff is from that. I did ship a 41 pound box to OSH today. For me it is more a problem of what to wear for all the four seasons we might get there. #HaveMooneyWillParty
  15. Yup, that's why I don't fly with heavy passengers! HA. Just me and my BFF Cat
  16. Hmmm. I have this super cool Amelia string doll. They are a fair-trade item from Thailand. "Amelia inspires you to follow your dreams because the sky's the limit" But... 11 months is pretty young, don't want to have any problems with small parts. Male or female child?
  17. Yes I plan on being at C77 on Friday. Bugging out early in the morning for Madison/Mooney Caravan !
  18. The Struggle Is Real. [Is there room in the airplane for my Unicorn Onesie?] #MooneyZoom #HaveMooneyWillParty
  19. Well I have worked hard, but you are right I am very lucky to have so many friends in aviation. It is a small world you know.
  20. Here is my July installment for AOPA Opinion Leaders: https://blog.aopa.org/aopa/2017/07/16/out-of-this-world-request-an-invitation-for-a-different-view/ It was fun to get this unusual request and to go get to see my home airport in a new light. Getting packed for Oshkosh and arriving in style with the Mooney Caravan! Hope to see a lot my Mooney Family. I will be part of the Mooney International booth as well as some duties at AOPA.
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