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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Quote: KLRDMD Now, if you were flying a Cessna
  2. Good luck. Glad you are on the straight and narrow now
  3. As the 252 is regarded by many as Mooneys top plane, and it fits your mission, and you will have money left over to upgrade the panel as you wish, and the d/h does not bug you, and it is only four years different in age......... Nah. Go Bravo. Money for gas is not an issue for you as is the up keep for that big beauty of an engine, the panel is okay right now so no waiting for the avionics shop, your wifelet will like the airliner feel of the Bravo more. Bravo. David
  4. Quote: Skywarrior Hello, all - Can anyone recommend a Mooney-experienced and Atlanta-based CFII to help me bring home a Mooney 252TSE from San Antonio to Atlanta? Also, can anyone recommend a good San Antonio Mooney A&P for a pre-buy in San Antonio? Thanx, Chuck
  5. Quote: ovation0219 I am a paraplegic and i fly a Ovation. it is no problem for me to simply transfer from the chair to the wingwalk and slip up the wing. my chair disassembles and fits in the baggage compartment rather easily. sometimes if i am by myself i will disassemble the chair and lay on the wing and when i get to the top of the wing place it in the rear seat.
  6. No, just the cotter pin that should be with the castellated nut.
  7. Welcome and thanks for being there. David
  8. Quote: DaV8or So, those of you who don't know already, Parker Woodruff is an awesome dude! I was sitting in my crappy hotel room and he called me up and said, "you doing anything tonight?" Well he stopped off at San Marcos on his way down from Kerrville to Waco and picked me up. We flew down in to Waco in his super nice 201 with a seriously nice panel including a Garmin 500 in it. I was impressed. Really nice rig. Then we picked up his suit for the wedding, had a little fast food and flew back to San Marcos and it was a wonderful smooth night flight. I haven't had one of those in years. I think he might have done it just to prove that Texas isn't all thunderstorms and turbulence! Thanks again Parker!!
  9. Quote: Stefanovm Not yet. Thanks.
  10. Quote: Stefanovm I have a slightly different problem with my ram air. When I picked my 65 E model up two months ago, I noticed that the flap was not closed. Every time I tried to close it the cable housing just backed out of the last clamp. Therefore, I do not use it. It does not seem to come open if I do not touch the control and have forced it closed (left photo). However, if I open it with the control (right photo), I have to close it later by removing the side cowling and forcing the outer cable and actuator arm to move forward. This is very hard to do in the tight conditions. I took photos through oil cooler opening. I tried to see if I could find a better way to anchor the outer cable and the oil cooler is not normally out of the way when I force it closed in very tight conditions. My A&P did not seem to know what would be an "official" repair. I know it needs work. Any suggestions for central Texas? San Marcos probably. The door gasket also appears to be in pretty bad shape and should also be replaced. I am sure stuff that should not be getiing into the system may be doing so around the gasket. It does stay in a hanger, but I fly from a grass strip. Infiltration worries me. I wonder if it is not staying closed even though the control is firmly against the panel. However, when back on the ground it seems closed by looking unless I have accidentally pulled the control after the last hand closure from the engine compartment. Again it also needs a new gasket or door. I am contemplating a temporary plug using expaning foam.
  11. Quote: carusoam I suppose the opposite may be true also, once engaged, difficulty in disengagement may occur. Watch for an electrical overcharge as a stuck starter will turn into a generator. (I have not seen this happen)
  12. Okay. Buster. I am sure you are a seasoned veteran of the home buying wars, but I am the 'mortgage guy' and can offer some financial info. Good luck on your progress. Mcstealth
  13. Quote: DaV8or Just curious, why would you put Don Maxwell above Dugosh? Any personal experiences? Only reason I ask is Kerrville is much closer to where the plane lives than Longview is. I feel like I shouldn't make the owner travel a long way if there is a good option close by. At the same time, I really want an excellent pre-buy.
  14. Quote: scottfromiowa Quinn, Can you refer me to your website so I can get a comparison?
  15. Quote: Buster1 Uhhh Oh...he said Mooneyland! Get ready 'yall!
  16. Good Luck.
  17. Call Scott. 785-550-6459 He could help if he doesn't have a lot of students for your time slot.
  18. Quote: skyking We are the ones that should be thanking you ( and i see that we are). This is by far the best site on the Mooney topic i have ever seen and it is thanks to you and all the good people here that make it what it is. You hit the nail on the head about the demeanor of everybody here. I dont believe i have ever seen a harsh word typed or seen anybody get "flamed" as it is called. Visiting this site is one of the best ways to get that Mooney fix and chat with some nice folks at the same time. Thanks again Russ
  19. Quote: kallend Welcome Kallend. What ya fly?
  20. Quote: Vref Hi, I am Luc from Belgium, just bought a damaged M20J 1978. The aircraft sustained a nose gear collaps attempting take off from a bumpy grass runway! I am upgrading from a Taifun Motorglider as my mission profile Belgium Hungary is 600Nm with a Taifun it takes me 6,6 Hrs flying (105Kts) hope to cut the time in two with no refuel stop with a Mooney. My bird will undergo full restoration in Hungary. I hold FAA and JAR SEP/TMG PPL (600 Hrs) ratings hoping EASA will get there act together in 2012 for an achievable PPL IFR rating. The bird I bought is B-RNAV (GNC430-KX155-DME-ADF) equiped with a KFC150 A/P. Looking forward to fly that awsome aircraft soon. I appreciate the easy and good looking interface of this mooney forum. Very informative btw... greets from Belgium
  21. Quote: kallend > How long until the oil consumption stabilizes? When will the oil start to run cleaner? How long should I run the > mineral oil? Any tips for running the engine over the next few hours would be appreciated. Thanks. I have just over 500hrs on my cylinders and the oil consumption is still improving.
  22. Quote: FlyDave Carefull though, I believe some A&P's/IA's use R&R to also signify Remove and REPAIR without any distiction between Repair and Replace. It can be very misleading!
  23. Quote: Parker_Woodruff When you spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out the best way to make a Mooney out of a couple keystrokes. Γ\
  24. Quote: dlt I had a good conversatino with Don Kaye yesterday and I was very impressed. Thank you for the reference. The pre-buy inspection was completed yesterday but I haven't gotten the full report yet. I apprecaite all the input.
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