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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Quote: carusoam CRXCTE, Things to consider...... After all of the super sleuth work that you have completed, I am going with the sensor not working right at the hot end.... The temperature gauge is simply a voltage meter (calibrated in degrees F) reading the voltage difference across the variable resistance of the sensor, using the electricity provided by the ship's battery. [1] Broken wire would give a constant reading. Maximum resistance = maximum reading. [2] Shorted wire (crossed) would give the opposite, but constant reading. minimum resistance = minimum reading. [2a] No power to the gauge is certainly going to read minimum. (no voltage difference) [3] Sensor is of the variable resistor type, (thermistor). Resistance increases with temperature. [4] The sensor seems to be working, but improperly. Shows cold when cold, but shows well over heated when hot. [5] If the oil was really that hot, you would surely notice a significant drop in oil pressure. A thermocouple type thermometer from a cooking store would help you understand what the real temperature is. [6] The gauge itself could be at fault. The gauge is in the nice environment of the cockpit. The thermistor is in the harsh, hot and vibrating environment of the engine. Lastly, you may also consider that the full battery voltage may not be getting to the system (least likely, but something to consider). See item [7] battery voltage is delivered internally through the cluster gauge connector. [7] Super lastly...The indicator is reading a collective resistance of all the wire, connectors and thermistor. If the connectors have increased in resistance for some reason, the indicator will change as things warm up and then go off scale. There are two connectors to check, one at the sensor in the engine and one at the back of the instrument cluster. (this would be your lowest cost fix) Disconnect the connector, use contact cleaner, reassemble the connectors. [8] The battery voltage isn't running incredibly low is it? This would cause a whole new set of issues anyway... That's why I vote thermistor being most suspect, gauge being the next and wire/connectors being the third most suspect. Best regards, - anthony - PS. I looked up the part number for a 1965 and 66 mooney M20C and E. It is listed as bulb, oil temp AN5525-1 Aircraft spruce lists a similar one (possible identical) for $145 http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/oiltempgauges5.php If nothing else, check this website. It will give you a good idea of what you are looking for.... Jose: does this look right to you? PPS: The EGT is a thermocouple and does not look or work anything like the oil temperature sensor, other than generically it has two wires going into a metal sensor..... Best regards, -a-
  2. Quote: jimlawjr There are several Moonies that fly out of Skypark (15G) near Wadsworth, Ohio and instructors that own M20C and M20E. The names are John and Norma Gay - both instuctors and Wes Snyder. All three are very good instructors and know the airplanes well!! Jim
  3. Quote: trjymr I know the feeling! I just bought a 65 M20E and brought her home yesterday. Im low time and no retract time, so im still in the process of getting checked out. I love it though! It only took me 3 landing to forget GUMPS. I actually had the gear down but not locked. Thats what instructors are for though right. That wont happen again though.
  4. Quote: rorythedog Hello and welcome. Hope you found Santa Fe enjoyable. Was your engine blowing the oil down the belly before the addition? thank you... santa fe is a great destination..we are anxious to return! flying to florida next. my engine always blew out the first two quarts..now with 8 qts. it seems to run cooler oil temp..i also o/h the oil cooler, replaced the baffling, and replaced the thermavern...or is it verna therm??-ha!
  5. Quote: rorythedog just a note to say how much i enjoy this forum that i just discovered! i bought my '78 201 in 1995 and have flown it about 1500 hrs. over those years. on a recent summer trip from santa fe, nm to our home base in olathe, ks we trued about 155kts. at 11,500' and covered about 590 nm in 3 hrs. 50 min. on 36 gallons of avgas...not many planes other than the 201 could have done that! i just overhauled the engine at about 2250 hrs. it was running fine, but.......... one nice addition at o/h was an m20 air oil separator. it's really nice to be able to run a full 8 qts. of oil. ours is a 252 paint scheme(white/burg/gold) with round windows and an ovation pattern leather interior.
  6. I have a friend who has a friend that knows a lot about knuckles and crowbars.... :)
  7. Quote: 67M20F he had a airline pilot fly it for the test flight and he thought that was all normal i guess.......... He never checked the prop speed to make sure that it was right, just installed the overhauled govener and thought that was good
  8. good luck. how come the mech didn't see these numbers or squaks in the first place?
  9. Quote: rubixcube2k3 Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I'm a new Mooney owner and just closed the deal on my "New-to-Me" '75 M20C. Any long term/short term advice on care and thoughts are welcomed, as I'm experienced in electronics and mechanics, but entirely new to aircraft and their systems. Thanks!!! ~Abe PS - More Pics of interior and panel in my Gallery PSS - You can also find full specs and what-not at http://www.coastalaircraft.com/page14.php (I saved a little off the asking price for anyone into valuation)
  10. As usual you guys are hard on the new members. :) Good luck Spanky and welcome to the best Mooney board! Do you and Buster1 have something in common?
  11. I don't know. He is an Aggie.......Better watch what ya say about and around him :)
  12. If you have the time, money, and determination.....
  13. Quote: KLRDMD Umm, Blazing Saddles was released in 1974 ;-)
  14. Thanks for joining. Good luck... David
  15. Let the flood gates be opened
  16. Welcome to the forum and good luck on your experience. Keep us posted. QWalton, we are still working on Parker's manners :)
  17. We, my family and I, will be in Soldatana for the last week of July which I think is not far from you. we are doing the Salmon, Halibut, and clam tour. :) . I would love to take you up on your invitation. Seriously I would love to shake your hand and look over your bird if anything. I remember the airport to be full of private planes when I was there two years ago. David
  18. Quote: fantom Rather than panic over every item Joey finds, as he finds it, wait till the inspection is complete. Then you'll have more data to evaluate. Also remember, the whoever does the PPI, the tendency is to overstate the issues, at least in my experiences. Ever hear of a house painter who doesn't think you need a new paint job....now?
  19. The acro in 'Mortgage/Loan' talk is LTV: stands for 'Loan to Value' $100,000 Value----10% down payment equals a 90%LTV (loan to value) of $90,000, and of course $10,000 down payment. The LTV and DP must equal the purchase price. We all love our abreviations so there is another for you. Thread wandering over.
  20. They were holding out on you Amelia. MEN!!! They just don't/won't communicate! :)
  21. Jeeze you guys are tough....... Hello Demevans and welcome to Mooney Space. Search on this sight 'bladders' or 'reseal' and you will have many opinions and options. Congratulations on choosing Mooney, if this is your first Mooney and we know you won't be dissapointed.
  22. Welcome to the forum if it hasn't been mentioned, and good luck. Keep us posted.
  23. he he.. Funny.... The upgrade looks good. David
  24. It sounds like you sold yourself :)
  25. Quote: mtaccino Any advice and/or recommendations for purchasing sheep skin seat covers?
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