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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. When it comes to Usefull Load, what are the extremes and why? Which Mooney model came from the factory with the most? Which with the least? The Encore with the Gross weight inrease has the most? The 252 the least?
  2. I guess it is no different than the Timothy McVeigh bombing in Oklahoma, but the fact that a GA airplane was used will just make it worse for us. I know you can still rent a moving truck with no one turning their head, but an airplane! They are real weapons . That is what the "General Public" is going to say!!!!
  3. Quote: 2thDoc That's what I woulda done...though you'd look a little silly with an XM antenna glued to the top of your head...
  4. Slightly drifting comment here. I called in on AAA unanounced. The sales staff was out on appointment but the office manager brought me in (Gated area) and let me tour what was in the hanger, and was most accomodating (sp?). Their facility was clean and well organized and the hardware on the floor was clean and ready for new owners. FYI and FWIW David
  5. Because you gave the direction of Southwest, in San Marcos, Tx is Southwest Aero who is also well know and respected in Mooneydome. David
  6. Quote: alun i have landed with 35kts crosswind at 90 degrees off. fly crab, then slip. touchdown on the upwind side of the runway. demonstrated as far as i know is a certification requirement but its not based on the available crosswind at the time its based on a % of the stall speed. al.
  7. Quote: FlyDave Why my post carries the FlyDave name eludes me????
  8. Quote: N207LS I can agree somewhat about Kerrville as a small town, but not as a location (especially with an airplane)... Fredricksburg, about a fifteen minute flight away is a great town with lots of fun things to do (B&Bs, access to Texas Wine Country, Luckenbach, German Restaurants, etc). Downtown San Antonio (about a 20 minute flight away) is also a fun place for an evening (great Mexican food Mia Tierra, riverwalk, etc). Finally, Austin is just a quick hop away too. Great bands and nightlife. So while Kerrville may be less than the best destination, your Mooney will serve you well while you are in the neighborhood to see and enjoy some great places. I wish that I could go, but my Mooney will be in San Marcos, TX being painted during the convention. I will try to make a stop by the cowboy steakhouse on my way back from San Marcos. Aaron Thanks for all the responses guys. Aaron hit this nail on the head. Should work for the Chamber of Commerce David
  9. Quote: Rustler McStealth-- Should have stopped here, instead. Food's a lot better. And I serve booze. I keep the airplane in San Marcos (HYI), so if you're ever flying through, let me know. I'm there a good bit.
  10. Drove through Dripping Springs the other day to go eat at the Salt Lick. Should have dropped by to confirm your testimony :). Congratulations and, maybe next time!! Damn hour plus wait, for dinner!!! Had the live music going so atleast you were entertained.
  11. And to that end..... http://www.mooney.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=521&Itemid=54
  12. Well. I guess no one is coming :(
  13. Quote: The-sky-captain New baffling seals dropped my CHTs about 10-15 degrees. The old seals were not customized for a 201 so the big hump in the cowling had not been accounted for resulting in a lot of air loss in that area. The job took about 6 hours to do the upper and lower.
  14. Six weeks away, the convention is in Kerrville, my home town. If anyone would like, we could have an informal gathering at my families restaurant, in a private room, where stories could be told and friends made. The restaurant is a full service, full blown steak house. We feature a full menu and extensive wine list. I will say right now that we are not the cheapest in town, but comparable to big city steak houses. We could maybe get a couple of guest speakers if there was interest. Cowboy Steak House, www.cowboysteakhouse.com Sincerely, David
  15. Quote: RobertoTohme George, That's exactly what I'm going to ask them for. As of this tuesday when I stopped by the factory they still had 8 unsold planes, all Acclaims, so I can't see why they couldn't do it... Although this year they won't have a booth at OSH, I wish them well and hope they can get some of those sold during the show through their dealers.
  16. Matt. 'Small,' is a relative statement. Throw out of your head all that you have heard from others concerning Mooney's, before you get your test ride. An open mind will allow your decision making to be clear. Good luck.
  17. Quote: johnb1 Staphanie S Stacey E and Paul Kehner. John
  18. Quote: Rustler Got the plane ready for a roundtrip to Taos on Sunday. During that process, I discovered that someone must be coming into my hangar at night and putting stuff--aviation related, but lots of it--in the back seat of the plane! A most peculiar thing.
  19. Who are you working with at Mooney?
  20. What would be the usable load with the FKI fully filled?
  21. Quote: JimR Maybe you can live with it until your annual is due, and then take it to Dugosh or Maxwell or one of the other Mooney gurus for diagnosis and repair? I can imagine how frustrated you must be. I'm very sorry, Amelia. We had a discussion on another thread recently about the relative costs of the 201 versus the 231. I think that the situation that Amelia is dealing with right now is more illustrative of the true cost of Mooney ownership than are comparisons based upon model designations. The bottom line is that the more systems you have, the more you will have to maintain.
  22. This one has been around for awhile, and I suspect it was because of the avionics being removed with the price as is. That was my take atleast. Being a low timer, there are more qualified folks on this board to give you opinions. Sorry you and your buddy couldn't work things out. Good luck. David
  23. Have you called Dugosh and got a referral from them?
  24. Thanks everyone for your opinions. Well thought out and presented. How was that for some brown nosing?? Anyway, the plane is not far from me at all and I will be down there some time next week to give it a quick visual. Thanks David
  25. Richard has a new listing for an 'F' model on his sight. I have talked to him about it already, but I would like you guys opinion please. No flames about Richard or his site please, just the plane. http://www.mooneyland.com/1968_m20f.htm Thanks David
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