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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. Very good idea. Why didn't I think of that.
  2. Actually, my girl friend was describing the difficulty of having to get a step stool to get to the upper shelf of her kitchen spice rack. I thought that if I could design a upper cabinet with an inner box (open on the sides) attached to a pivoting mechanism, I could attach a cabinet door to the inner box. Then rather than swinging the door open, you could "hinge" the door/inner box down, and access it from the side. Hard to describe. Hope that helps. If I can get it done, I can post a picture or video.
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I'm still working on it. It is manual, not motorized.
  4. Will you genius engineering types indulge me with a totally non-aviation problem. I need a mechanism which can be mounted on the side or sides of a box (or perhaps better, the back of the box), to swing it in an arc, out approximately 12 inches and down approximately 18 inches. It should stay in the top position until needed, and then be capable of being moved to the down position. It will need (I think) (1) some sort of "over center" device so it doesn't fall until given a pull, (2) a mechanism to either add friction so it doesn't fall once it starts down, or a spring mechanism to relieve the forces as it goes up and down. I anticipate the total weight of the box and its contents to be about 10 to 15 pounds. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. Yes, but since I wanted 3 inch ones anyway I went ahead and made them 3 inch.
  6. Who is it that makes the new modified door and side panels for Mooneys
  7. Much like GSXRpilot, I would trade my 231 for an Encore, but not much else.
  8. I do not dispute that Mooney has had a lot of problems, and the future is far from guaranteed, but there has never been a time when all of the employees were laid off. At this time, the company is active and making parts. They are working on trying to start up production.
  9. I agree, but try telling that to Signature; or for that matter, Ambassador at my home drome.
  10. Thanks for the response Hank. Mine used to do that. Now when I click on forums, it pops up with two choices, "general" and "group specific forums". If I click on general, it then acts right. I just got a new lap top, but I shouldn't think that should make a difference.
  11. Why, all the sudden, when I select forums, it makes me take the extra step of having to then select general forums.
  12. I want to know who that guy in the poll is, that started flying Mooneys past age 100.
  13. Incidentally, if you want to tell me the size, material, some other specification, etc., I can make them as an owner produced part, and thus legal (in my opinion) part.
  14. You can message me here, email me at muncy-d@hotmail.com, or call me at 214 207-6744.
  15. In drilling plastics, they crack as the drill bit exits the other side. If you support the work piece well on a piece of wood, it is much less likely to break. I have used standard bit on plexiglass and lexan many times. Truth is, I have probably cracked two out of a hundred.
  16. I might add, the liability carrier required me to go back to a third class medical from basic med.
  17. I don't know whether you saw my previous thread. I am 82. Parker could not find any carrier who would offer me hull insurance on my Mooney. Some would give me a policy if I flew a non-retractable plane. Liability policies are available. I wound up buying a liability policy and self insuring the hull.
  18. I have made some, but the quality was not very good. If you want cheap, and high quality is not paramount, let me know.
  19. I am sure you are aware, the absolute best place is Maxwell at GGG, less than an hour flight from Dallas.
  20. On the visors I build, I use a 1 3/4 inch stud, which provides enough length to thread into the frame, sufficient clearance for the headliner, and enough extra for the visor arm, washers, and a locknut.
  21. I had both Moderna shots, and both gave me a slightly sore arm and no other problems.
  22. Mine was so bad that back when I was flying commercial a lot with my employment, I had a special place in a rock garden in the terminal at Love Field where I could hide mine until I returned later in the day.
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