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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. Generally, the ignition key is not the same as the identical door /baggage keys.
  2. 1. Call a locksmith, pay big bucks and let him figure it out. 2. (a) Remove the door cylinder, take to to a locksmith, get keys at reasonable cost. (b) Remove the ignition switch and repeat. Wish you hadn't, as it is a pain. 3. Take it by your MSC and let him sort it out. Should work well, and cost depends on which MSC. 4. Call a half dozen of your Mooney buddies and try all their keys. High odds one or more will work. Have copies made of the one that works best.
  3. Cutting down shades would be a lot of trouble. Probably easier to just build a new one.
  4. Heresy! Get out the torches and pitchforks. Incidentally, I plan on having a few sets available at Mooneymax in June. If anyone wants a set of "owner produced" visors to pick up there, you need to send me the specs you wish me to use in turning them out.
  5. Yes, Visors By Muncy is still in operation. Mine are not STCed. They are either "a hangar elf project", a minor modification, or can be an owner produced part if so desired.
  6. Do what we all do. Take the close expensive one. Put the hangar rent on autopay, and pretend you don't remember the cost. You will be happy every time you go to the hangar.
  7. My experience has many similarities to yours. I bought my 231 from Jimmy (and David at that time.) Now years later, I consider Jimmy a friend, as well as the most knowledgeable Mooney value person anywhere.
  8. Replacing speed-brakes is definitely not on the list of owner allowed preventive maintenance, but not beyond the capabilities of a decent hangar elf.
  9. It is worth a try. Thanks. I will be glad to pay shipping. Let me know how much, how to pay, Paypal, zelle, check? Where to send it, etc. Don
  10. It is worth a try. Thanks. I will be glad to pay shipping. Let me know how much, how to pay, Paypal, zelle, check? Where to send it, etc.


    1. larrynimmo


      Send me your address…and I will send it priority mail…should be about $20…you can pay me after you receive it

    2. DonMuncy


      Don Muncy

      6341 Rincon Way

      Dallas, TX 75214


  11. It is worth a try. Thanks. I will be glad to pay shipping. Let me know how much, how to pay, Paypal, zelle, check? Where to send it, etc.


  12. You guys are making my head hurt.
  13. I have had mine for a LONG time and still do not have it installed properly. I took it to my avionics shop (who I have used for a long time; have multiple excellent technicians I trust, etc.) They put it in, but the volume on the unit is so low it can barely be heard on roll-out, and not at all in the air. They ultimately sent the unit back to Nidal to be checked out. He said it is within specs. After reinstallation, it is unchanged. They had everyone in the shop scratching their heads, but no answer yet. One of our MS guys has offered to bring his plane (with an installed unit) for me to listen to, and ultimately swap my unit for his to troubleshoot, but we haven't gotten together yet. Any ideas?
  14. Thanks Jake. I talked to Mike day before yesterday and sent the unit to you. Bevan received it yesterday. I am waiting for a report.
  15. If it was filled to the very brim when very cold, if it warmed up some, the fuel would expand, perhaps pushing the excess out the overflow. That does not sound like what you are describing, but worthy of some thought.
  16. I pulled the 430, brought it home and spent a hour pushing each button 200 times or more. When I reinstalled it, it seems to work fine. It may be only temporary, but I will give it some time and see how it goes.
  17. Just out of curiosity, what else is there?
  18. Did you send it directly to Garmin yourself; rather than going through a dealer. What is you thoughts on that aspect; $, service, freight, turnaround time, etc.
  19. I just hate it when someone uses logic when I just want to save a buck Another question that would follow that is that the screen is not quite pristine. Does anyone know if Garmin still has those re[placement parts. Last I heard, they really intended to only support the 430s as long as their parts last.
  20. I have had my Garmin 430 for a long time. Lately it has started having trouble with accepting inputs from various buttons. Originally, the flip-flop between the active and stand-by com would not work unless I pushed it multiple times. Someone (perhaps here on MS) suggested that I should "exercise" the button by pushing it many times. I finally went out to the hangar and must have pushed it 200 times or more, and it seemed to fix it. Now it is acting up with a bunch of the buttons, Proc., Flight plan, etc. It is my understanding that Garmin will not allow avionic shops to open up the box to clean the contacts. That you are supposed to send it back to them, and let them do a flat-rate tune-up for about 1AMU. Has anyone ever worked on this problem? Will anyone ever open up a 430. Since the warranty is long gone, Garmin couldn't threaten to void the warranty if you did. Do I need to spend an afternoon pushing each button on the box a zillion times. Any other ideas?
  21. I'm no engineer, but that looks like a high class structure. Better than I would have built, if I did it myself.
  22. It sounds like you are doing fine with the GB. If you are going to keep the plane forever, you might want to stay with it. If you ever sell the plane (or before another OH), you are likely to take a hit in excess of $13K on the sale price. In my opinion, the GB got a worse reputation than it deserved because not many pilots had learned engine management at the time. I am also unsure whether up-dating to an LB costs that much. Are you sure it was not the difference between two engine shops?
  23. That was my experience. They were OK with selling me liability. I am self insuring for my hull value.
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