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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. You may be right. I changed laptops between the time I could download stuff and when I couldn't. My guess is that unless you want to use your old computer, you are not going to get downloaded JPI data. Thank goodness, PT20J took pity on me and sold me his old $200 box at a bargain price.
  2. If done right, it might work. If I knew there was a (some) vehicle(s) available at the smaller airport where I wanted to stop, I would gladly Venmo or Zelle a reasonable amount to the owner and use it to go eat lunch etc. Establishing a price, advertising the availability, and factoring in the deadbeats who would take advantage might be a daunting task. Add in the problem of who is going to maintain it (flat tires, oil change, semi-cleanliness, etc.) and it could get tough. Perhaps if enough guys who hangar at one of those fields put a car at his place and spread the word.... What is the consensus of our group about what they think would be a reasonable price, and how they would handle the fuel.
  3. I built a mold for the K model lens. PM me if you want me to turn you out one.
  4. PT20J. I sent you a PM
  5. Thanks Lance. Have you had it and used it enough to form an opinion that it will work for a long time without too many gliches. Naturally, it is expensive. I assume it has a USB port or some such to be able to store data, put it on a screen to analyze, send it to Savvy, etc.
  6. I have a JPI EDM700, that has given me fits on downloading data from the start. First it required a "Keyspan" adaptor plug to connect to a laptop or it wouldn't work. Now it tells me it finds no available serial ports to download to. JPI has not been very helpful in solving my problems in this regard. How how others found to be the least probelmatic way of getting data from the unit into a computer?
  7. The Vertical speed indicator on my 231 has a malfunctiong light. It is internally lit. I can not find anywhere in the MM where it addresses replacement of the light. Any ideas?
  8. In my 231, the Attitude Indicator, (Horizon Reference Indicator - KG258) appears to have a light or lights in-op. It is internally lit, and appears to have a couple of lights on the top right and the same on the upper left. The two on the left work, but not the two on the right. Any ideas on how to get to these, or replace them. Or is this a thing that Bendix King only allows avionic gurus to access?
  9. A question for those of you who have Sensorcons. I have had a "residental" CO unit mounted on the plate covering the cabin light on the pilot's side. I am about to switch to a Sensorcon, and contemplating a mounting location. Is the alert from the Sensorcon loud enough to hear that close to my head, with ANR headsets. That location is easy enough to see, but not in my direct line of sight.
  10. At the Mooney Summit, Sept. 18 -19, I won a couple of gift certificates as door prizes, one for a discount off an interior refurbishment, and the other for a discount off an Annual Inspection. Both are good at their Watertown, Juneau and Madison locations. Since it is unlikely that I will be going to Wisconsin for either of these services, if anyone is up that direction and wanted to utilize them, we might be able to strike a deal. PM me if interested.
  11. Have you run the calculations to see how much each of the choices changes the costs. I suspect the best deal will depend on how freuently you fly on O2 and the cost to have your system filled. The fill cost have vast differences in different locations. To me, there is a great benefit to having the tanks in my hangar and I can fill my system at my liesure. Once a long time ago, it took several hours waiting around getting mine filled.
  12. Well, you do know that the manufacturers and the oil companies are in collusion, to make sure that consumers keep buying their products, rather than having their engines last for hundreds of thousands of hours.
  13. DonMuncy


    I'm also at the Floridan Palace.
  14. I anticipate being there.
  15. You are very likely right. You know what happens when you assume.
  16. My assumption is that they use a "stock" mechanism, and only the dial is special to Mooney.
  17. If one got hold of a Rochester catalog and could compare the pictures, you might be able to buy the mechanism (at a presumably more reasonable price) and then only be forced to buy the dial for a Mooney.
  18. Mine were made by Rochester. But it doesn't matter. They won't sell them to you anyway.
  19. whenever you remove a gear door, you should always be careful to note how many washers are in each position. It is easy to lose count of how many go where.
  20. I am eagerly awaiting the first one to tell me they made it work on a 231. I'm tempted to try it myself. Is anyone knowlegeable enough to offer odds on the likelyhood of success? Clarence?
  21. If your A&P has a little time, and you have a little money, you might have him check after a few hours of flight. I have seen a couple of Continental cylinders in the 50s. Then and after a flight, those would be back to the 70s, and different one or two would be low. I think you are right to give it some time.
  22. Just to clarify, after I had my 231 for a nunber of years, I went back through my log books and found about 5 cylinder replacements. (One during my ownership). As near as I can determine (and in my case, I know), it would go in for annual and the A&P/IA would check the compressions. They would find one low and reccommend replacement of the cylinder. Continental says, if you find a low cylinder, go fly the plane for a an hour or so and re-check the compressions. Chances are, it will be back up within normal range. If one continues to read low, do a borescope and find out why. Only when a non correctable problem is found should you replace the cyinder. I have not replaced a cylinder since.
  23. I agree with everything the others have said. I have a 231 and wish it was a 252. However, the 231 is a good plane and it soon becomes second nature to keep up with the MP adjustments.
  24. In my opinion (and experience) many Continental top overhauls and cylinder replacements are a waste of money. Many have been done on the basis of one -time low compression numbers, rather than following Continental's recommendations when low compression numbers are found.
  25. Absolute BS. It all comes from the same source. My understanding is that some applications require testing for H2O content, but it still comes from the same source.
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