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Everything posted by BlueSky247

  1. Heaven’s Landing here in North Georgia appears to be just about sold out. I think their lots start at 125amu for a half acre. I need to drop in and see what it’s like.
  2. As I understand it, If the display goes bad, those are not able to be repaired. You may want to look into doing the avidyne ifd540 slide in replacement.
  3. Tagging along to hear the answers on this one. Having just started up aopa and eaa memberships, I’m getting their default choices. Would like to hear what others find worthwhile. I used to do a lot of mags on ipad and figure there should be some good ones on that, especially given the popularity of foreflight.
  4. So, serious question. If one were to buy a new concorde from aircraft spruce, would they then need to do that deep charge, or what?
  5. Great point, Lance. Appreciate you mentioning that. I might not have even thought twice about tossing the onewheel in the back.
  6. Good idea. I would advertise locally for partners in the meantime if you are looking to defray costs. You’ll be at a better position once the new rebuild has some proven time on it. Sorry you got hosed by that first shop. That really sucks.
  7. One step closer to having my own mooney! Flew off my first and second solo xc’s this weekend. The second was the 150 miler and involved dodging scattered rain clouds at the first stop. The views were awesome!
  8. Hey now. Y’all go start your own threads. This one’s for the part of the country where cousins marry and we run away when we hear banjos.
  9. I would think if we’re talking a 14v plane, it would make more sense to have a battery tender style pigtail run to the baggage compartment. Then just use a ctek or similar aviation grade smart charger for a few hours to get up to at least the 80% mark.
  10. Wish they could reseal the regular tanks while they are at it. And install speed brakes…
  11. @Pinecone I'm sure you've heard this before, but I really like the thinking you did on your panel. I will be borrowing some of your ideas when I redo mine.
  12. This thread should be renamed Expired Equine Flagellation.
  13. Our engines are air-cooled while most cars are liquid-cooled. Our are also expected to perform in much thinner air, which greatly lessens the heat transfer coefficient.
  14. Heck yea! I'd be honored to. Y'all just have to promise not to give me a hard time if I show up in a rental. (Currently attempting to buy a J and the process is dragging on and on.) I'd also need recommendations on the best spots for us to fly into.
  15. Well, since cars have already come up in this discussion…. The current generation miata runs an impressively high compression ratio thanks to direct injection and very good engine computers. 13-1. And it will even do so on regular unleaded. Yes, premium is recommended but it will adjust for lower octane. And what’s more, there are tuners out there getting nice gains adjusting them to run on E85. Only downside there is the car already has a small fuel tank and E85 makes it even more so in practice. So back on topic, I hope the gami fuel makes it and that their assertions are true. I would love to have those much cleaner oil testing results and longer TBO’s.
  16. There seems to be a number of active folks here in GA and AL and probably some in nearby states I am missing. Why don't you guys get together occasionally like the FL folks? Too busy? Do that through a different org?
  17. Okay. I’m calling BS on this one. There’s no way that plane was flying within the weight limits given the size of the pilot’s massive balls. Mad respect!
  18. You fellas are way more patient than I am. I’d be livid had I coined for a gfc-500 install and Garmin was not actively troubleshooting the problem.
  19. Just an fyi, He specifically answered that question from an audience member in the talk at Osh that he went that route because he felt going to the ASTM would basically be stonewalled.
  20. That's hilarious. Nothing like having the reference plane be an accurate representation of what rolls down the assembly line. I'm guessing it had a "ringer" motor as well as a very fresh wax job.
  21. @Will.iam I'm actually already talking to Saint to get a ballpark quote for planning purposes. He stated he is running about three months out on new work. I imagine the job duration will vary significantly depending on the complexity/build list. But, I would expect any significant amount of work is going to be at least 2-3 weeks in duration.
  22. @dominikos How often are you having to correct altitude with that setup? I noticed you have electric trim, which I'm sure helps. I'm looking at a J with the same AP as yours and wondering how that is to live with.
  23. This timely video popped up from one of my favorite EXP guys. He gives a nice walkthrough on the issues and does a little flight test of one of the portable generators. Worth the watch and I am impressed at the results he got with a relatively cheap device and just using a cannula.
  24. Thanks @Kelpro999 that is good to know. My upcoming J will have to sit outside while the hangar gets built and I’d like to minimize the damage as much as possible.
  25. Good points but I should have been more clear. My understanding on at least some parts of the emag is hotter and/or burst sparks. Maybe I’m just doing wishful thinking that a more modern mag would make just enough difference in it’s output to help lesser fuels do less damage.
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