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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. Do the Dresser Monster extra thick tread fit on Mooney wheel wells?
  2. Another vote for Byron. I used him to qualify aircraft by reviewing logs. He was not able to do my pre-buy, but he arranged a shop he knew and "supervised" the pre-buy remotely. He recently did my first annual there were no surprises.
  3. Hmm, do you have a picture? Neat idea.
  4. X-Plane has better flight modeling. MSFS has better graphics. DCS for flying combat.
  5. IMO, the hours to build a Mooney could be cut. But it will take time and money up front. Much is made of how the Mooneys are hand made, and they are. But why not do like RV and standardize the parts? I mean the panels, ribs, tubing pieces. This way the workers do not have to hand fit each piece and hand drill all the holes. Matching hole, again, like the RV line. And then is becomes more an assembly process, and a LOT less time. Even the tubing for the cage and get CNC machined, put in a jig, and welded. I looked at building a homebuilt with a tube fuselage, and there is a company I could order the tubing kit with every tube cut and end shaped to fit together perfectly.
  6. $150,000 for avionics is a pretty high end panel. And install costs will be a bit lower that doing an existing airplane, as they will not have to disassemble the interior and remove old wiring and equipment. $100,000 will get a G3X with EIS, GTN-750Xi, high end audio panel , GFC-500, and more installed. And that is buying the avionics at full retail.
  7. Doing dual G5s means if you decide on a G3X later, you can sell one G5, and the remaining one works better with the G3X Touch.
  8. WTF?!. The regs state what is required. DPE doesn't make the regs. Report to FSDO.
  9. Also would be interested in where one could do this.
  10. Then I would do them both. I did the writtens for both, but never pursued the rating. Of course, max bang for the buck is to do one new rating every 2 years to count as a Flight Review.
  11. My 252 is similar avionics, but I have an Aspen 1000 and G-5. I agree with the others, if you do it piece by piece you will spend a LOT more money and more time. As an interim, I swapped the JPI 700 for an 830 for better engine monitoring. The other thing is, $15,000 is not going to do much. Figure most avionics, these days, double the cost of the equipment for an installed price. But if you do piece meal, it will be more, as they will have to pull the panel and interior, put it back, then next phase do that again.
  12. Up to you. But if the maker says 1.6 ounces per quart, I try to hit near that. You are at 1.33
  13. 1/2 bottle is right if you only put in 5 quarts of oil
  14. I am an engineer. Keyboard is repeating, mainly numbers.
  15. Do you have Multi Engine Sea? If you have Helicopter instrument, CFIIH makes sense.
  16. Looking at the list, there are several nice things that I think should be available in all installs. Gear Down Gear Unsafe Door Open Even Pitot Temp warning.
  17. Maybe someone should pull a mold off an installed one before removing it. Then they can either share the mold, or make then under OPP if the owner supplies the material (orders the fiberglas cloth to be shipped to the person with the mold).
  18. Do NOT leave a standard trickle charger on your battery for a long time. It WILL damage the battery. Battery Minder and Battery Tender (brand name) products are microprocessor controlled and control the voltage to properly charge and maintain the battery without damage. My one car has been on one for many years without issues.
  19. Different product, different specs. Battery Minder (brand name) state they disconnect when no AC power. Many products state they have "high voltage" where there is AC line power. It is higher than the battery voltage, but not really high voltage.
  20. Go back and read what you wrote. YOU stated with electric you could take off and 1500 RPM and cruise at 2000 RPM with a FIXED PITCH. NO WAY, NO HOW. You even refute your own post talking about a turbo fan and how higher RPM is higher power. We have had geared engines (not typically in GA). If what you are saying is completely correct, why did they not run their props at 500 RPM?
  21. I just used an oil measuring syringe (linked previously) to remove 1.6 ounces from the CamGuard bottle and put it into a full quart of Philips XC 20W-50, TWICE. I marked each old bottle with CG in Sharpie. So the CamGuard bottle has the right amount for an oil change (8 quarts) and I have 2 quarts for top up with CamGuard already added. If I ever get to 10 quarts with CamGuard added, I will just use 8 of them for the next oil change.
  22. Which tires and tubes did you get, and why?
  23. That was the point. Cheaper to replace the plugs.
  24. I really noticed the faster boot up and screen rewrites. And I like that it keeps all the data internally, so you don't have to leave the card in it. And that due to the processor and memory, they can add functionality over time. And it will be supported longer
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