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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. I don't recall if any gave specific numbers. And sorry, not sure of where to find the exact posts. Yes, I understand that, but if there is a wide spread problem, find the gain setting that works, or test a range of settings and get them approved.
  2. I have read several reports where a slight adjustment to the gain solves the problem, but not allowed under the STC. I wonder why the STC is not changed to allow a slight gain tweak.
  3. If you have to ask.............
  4. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/strobe-tachometer-rpm-meter/id831460940 iPhone Strobe tach to measure RPM.
  5. Agreed. The shop owner should have discounted the GPS for the other work that was not required, as that was in his shop with his employee.
  6. Also due to false glide slopes that only appear above the real one.
  7. For the wings, that is what I thought it was. But the tail only has 2 wires on those the rear position lights are in the wing tips.
  8. I understand the difference. The post I was replying to mixed up the two sets of requirements. That is why I quoted the 5 things from the OPP. I can only go by what was stated here. And based on what I heard, I can see why the FAA had an issue. It is a minor difference, but they have to go by the what the regs state. Even when there is no difference in the end.
  9. As I understand it, the wingtips have 4 wires, two strobe and two nav. And you can repurpose one of the ground wires to be the sync wire. For the tail, if you want it to be synched, so you need to run a wire. And if you are going to run one, might as well run two and hook up the nav portion. Now or later.
  10. For seating, there are a lot of gaming chairs available. The chair I am using at my home office desk is from Office Depot. I just went in and tried them out and picked the most comfortable.
  11. There are brass wire (the whole wire is brass) available. Also Scotch Brite wheels to have no metal, but not doing hand work.
  12. Hmm, another reason to go to 100 unleaded.
  13. That works very well. Until the speed carries to the end of the runway.
  14. If the engine is being flown and the pre--buy does not come up with any red flags, you could fly a near or over TBO engine while you wait for parts or a FRM.
  15. Those are not the 5 items for OPP. They are: 1. provide the manufacturer with the design or performance data from which to make the part, or 2. provide the manufacturer with the materials to make the part or, 3. provide the manufacturer with fabrication processes or assembly methods to make the part or, 4. provide the quality control procedures to make the part or’ 5. personally supervised the manufacturer of the part." When this came up initially, I stated that based on what was first said, that I could see why the FAA had an issue. One owner sent a part to be duplicated. The shop created a drawing, made the parts and shipped the part with the drawing to the other owners. So, other than the owner that shipped the shop the part to be duplicated, the other owners did not do 1, 2, 3 or 5. IMO, if the original owner got the drawing, distributed it to the other owners, who then send a copy to the shop to be part of a group production, they would have met 1 and possibly 3, if they were included in the drawing. Yes, this ends up at the same end point, but the path is different. And it meets what the regs say. It was not clear from the original postings that the owners did the QC upon receipt (measuring to make sure that the part complied with the drawing). If they did, and I would have documented doing so, they would have met 4.
  16. Wouldn't there now be a lot of liability possibilities from all the parts????
  17. Thanks for the tips.
  18. Motorcycle side and car side are pretty separated. The rebate requires you be a member for a minimum of 1 year So you can't join, get the rebate and not renew. Hmm, just checked, rebates are lower than in the past. Used to be as much as $1500, now max is $1000. But still, for $58 a year, that can be a good deal.
  19. Yes, but 1.6 ounces per quart is 5%. So you should be at least at that point or higher. So 1.55 ounces is not enough.
  20. 172s sell for a high price as they are in demand for trainers. The local flight school is looking to add one or two to their fleet. I ran this through VREF, and without taking into the account the paint, it was under $80K. I don't see an F at $250K, when you can get a nice 252 or Encore for that price.
  21. That's why I measure 1.6 fluid ounces with a measuring syringe.
  22. No, the magazine sells a lot of advertising. Mainly to people who sell to BMW owners. The rebate may be subsidized by BMW. Membership is $58 a year. But there is also a LOT more BMWs on the road than any airplane. Also, the type club does help with support of older models.
  23. Assuming it has the same density as water. Density 0.90-0.94 g/cm³ So 50 grams is 45 - 47 cm3. Or 1.52 to 1.59 ounces. So you should measuring by weight put in 51 to 53 grams.
  24. I would say this an adjunct to a proper type club. A type club, IMO, should be a clearing house for and offer information about the type. It should organize and run events such as smaller regional fly ins and a big national one each year. It should offer a publication with information (I am fine with digital). It should negotiate and offer discounts on common things, such database subscriptions (if for appropriate use aircraft) and work with suppliers (or the factory) to develop ways to get hard to get parts (but NOT stock and sell them). On the car side, I am a member of BMWCCA. I get 10% off parts at any dealer. I get a rebate if I buy another BMW car. I get a slick magazine with a professional editor in chief and staff. They have national event each year the moves around. They have local clubs that host regional events. I even get a discount if I visit the BMW Museum in Munich.
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