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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. At $110 million per airplane (F-35) they should pure platinum toggles.
  2. OK, but still not 3rd party tested.
  3. I wonder if the F-35 has rockers? My A-10s all had toggles.
  4. FYI CE rating is a self certification by the manufacturer that the product meets the standards. UL, TUV, CSA are 3rd party standards, where the manufacturer has to send in several samples to be tested by a group not associated with the manufacture. I picked up a Jupiter Discovery X5 electric bike. There is a long thread on them over on BT. So far, I have just ridden it around my neighborhood and not tried putting it in and out of my plane. Lighter is better, how light can you afford????
  5. Soviet jet fighters do the same thing. US jets are fully flush riveted because it looks cooler.
  6. Another option is a O2 concentrator. If I did not have a built in system, I would serious consider that route.
  7. I am helicopter rated and a former A-10 guy (back in the days when 500 AGL was high), but love my 252. But I will go up into the teens for a 200 mile trip for good winds. More than 200, I normally go high. The turbo will still be there and subject to maintenance. And it will cause a weight penalty. Remember the adages. Buy your last plane first. And Buy once, Cry once.
  8. Yes. He figured since I left it open.... But the house is a raised range and the garage door is in the back below the level of the yard in front. So NOT visible under you walked around the back. And behind the house is woods for about 100 yards, then a farm.
  9. Or new, labeled switch rockers are available. Contact @AH-1 Cobra Pilot He had been making Klixon ones. But with the work of a friend of mine, the Mooney community now has ETA one also available.
  10. I joke that I live far enough in the country that we went on a 3 day weekend get away, and left the garage door open. And when we got back there were MORE tools that when we left. A neighbor returned an angle grinder he had borrowed.
  11. FYI, I measured the ground to wingtip and it is 42 inches or 3.5 feet. So if you scrape the wingtip with the main wheel on the ground you are at 14.5 degrees. But the other wingtip will have risen about 6 more feet off the ground.
  12. MPH versus Knots may be part. 87 knots is 100 MPH But best range is not the same as best glide https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/81664/how-can-l-d-max-be-both-best-glide-speed-and-max-range-speed
  13. Hawk did my plane in 2014 (previous owner) and at the same time, they did @jetdriven J. Both jobs are very good.
  14. I agree that the paint job should pay tribute to the original. Not that I don't like some of the more original paint jobs, but for MY plane, more classic. Nice paint job.
  15. Yeah, I was using a flat wing to get an idea. So it would be even more than 15 degrees. But the idea is, it is really hard to drag a wing tip.
  16. One round trip ticket from FL to ATL and back is probably cheaper than a 4 hour drive done 4 times (out to pick you up, bring you back, out to drop you off, drive home). Or a one way rental 2 times. Frontier can do it for $100. ROUND TRIP. Gov reimbursement rate for driving is 65.5 cents per mile. 4 hours at 50 MPH average is 200 miles. One way is $131.
  17. That is one reason I will likely go with a local shop. Plus I can drive or rent and fly to take look every week. And make sure it is not in a back corner being ignored.
  18. Our washrack is right outside my hangar. No brush, no bucket, no hose. Bring your own. I have ever seen anyone use it. I don't, I use waterless product, Wash Wax All.
  19. Interesting. Because my experience with taking off the way you stated in a tailwheel aircraft will be a bit exciting. And let's see. The tip is 13.5 feet outside the main gear. The tip is over 3.5 feet off the ground (I will actually measure next time I am at the hangar). So that angle where the wing tip hits is over 14 degrees. which is a pretty hefty bank angle for still on the runway.
  20. When you check off on item or say Check, it starts reading the next one. You can check it off before it finishes reading, and it starts the next one. And if you skip something in manual mode, it is obvious as that item is not checked off. Each time you run it, it can be run as a new time with nothing checked off.
  21. If the field has a mechanic, you try them. Otherwise you call your mechanic and see if they come to you to at least get it flyable back to his/her shop. It if not an insurance problem if it is a mechanical failure. It is only an insurance issue if the mechanical failure causes other issues. So, the insurance company does not cover the engine quitting in flight. But if you land off airport, they will cover recovering the aircraft and fixing any damage caused by the off airport landing. You have to pay to repair/replace the engine.
  22. YOU are talking about that. The OP is talking about a breakdown at his home field, or why traveling, without a Mooney savvy mechanic on that field.
  23. If you have speed brakes, they add 15 gallons to each side. I don't remember the number without speed brakes, but seem to recall about (corrected) 18 per side.
  24. HUH. Is that how you were taught? You NEED some time in a tailwheel aircraft. I start my take off roll with full aileron into the wind. Rudder to maintain straight down the runway. Aileron is removed as needed, but in a strong cross wind, after I raise the nose, the down wind main lifts off, then finally the up wind one. So as soon as I break ground, I am in a slip, that transitions to a crab.
  25. I figure it will make them worse. With this, people will turn early to avoid overshooting, then jink around to get lined up, leading to more slow speed, low altitude turns.
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